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32,000 Simple Steps To Build Your Own Tesla And Make $97,230 a Day in Passive Income

Rebecca Acharya's journey to financial independence - by Elon Musk Parody

By Scott ChristensonPublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 3 min read
Building my mega-successful dream life!

Last New Year's Day, Rebecca decided to embark on a journey of a lifetime to build her own electronic vehicles and independently earn passive income.

With her second child on the way and an expanding family, the extra income would make a big difference to her family's finances.

Unrealistic you say? Dare to dream! Rebecca made it a success, and so can you. I will show you how.

“Soon I was building multiple Teslas a day!”

Man after a successful hair transplant - Wikimedia Commons

Despite being as ordinary as me or you, within three months Rebecca was earning $97,230 a day in passive income.

The electric vehicle business is amazing!

Why did I decide to share the engineering plans for Tesla's Model Y, the world's most popular model of electronic vehicle? Because I was inspired by how generous so many online instructors, especially those based in New Jersey and Florida, are. By selling $19.99 courses to “The Secrets of Drop Box Shipping that Make Millions” they are sharing the wealth, and I decided Tesla could do the same!

Why do we need to horde easy profits when we could collect $19.99 teaching others, and build a community to do what we know how to do best? Manufacturing the best electric vehicles in the world!

By Kinga Howard on Unsplash

“There have to be reasons that you get up in the morning. Why do you want to live? What's the point? What inspires you?” - Elon Musk

After working at a variety of 9 to 5 jobs, Rebecca was inspired to make money on her own, using a secret that almost no one else on the internet has discovered despite millions of banner ads impressions, until she learned it from our limited time plan, which is still on sale!

“I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.” - Elon Musk

Outside of fixing her daughter's hamster cage door, which was stuck due to a jammed spring, Rebecca had no special experience in mechanical engineering. That did not stop her from building cars!

Cookie watching today's first EV being rolled out.

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” - Elon Musk

With 32,709 simple steps, it might appear anyone can make millions a year assembling Teslas in 30 minutes each morning.

But it's not as easy as it sounds. It takes a special person, possibly someone like you.


The Long and Winding Road to Success

What a bad day of home manufacturing looks like.

Those looking to succeed with an auto manufacturing side gig need to get ready to:

1. Invest In Your Future

To have break out success in Electric Vehicle Manufacturing might cost more than $19.99 a month. For example, an entry level MIG Welding Machine will cost at least $99.99. Necessary to get a step-up on the other stay at home auto manufacturers.

2. Working through Setbacks

Sore muscles, a torn rotator cuff, machine oil on the living room carpet, these all come with a day of hard work. It can make you feel like throwing in the towel and giving up.

All the best stay at home manufacturers have these feelings, but persevere through them. It's part of the game.

Even the occasional home battery fire shouldn't slow down a committed maker.

3. Bust through “soft barriers”

Many communities have residential property regulations. But that doesn't stop Pam from selling birthday cakes, or Jake down the street from repairing and flipping cars. Knowing which rules are set in stone, and which are merely convention, is essential in building a high volume automotive production business at home.

4. Lifetime Learning

By the time you get through 32,000 simple steps, with the rapid development of the exciting EV industry, many of them will already be obsolete. Home automotive production will lead you into a lifetime of learning about US Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Something that will definitely make you the most exciting person at the next neighborhood barbecue party!

5. The Long Drive

It's a long road to entrepreneurial success. You need to know when to put your foot on the gas and when to ease it off. Take time to recharge your own battery through mindfulness with our Learn To Do Nothing course for only the price of your morning coffee.

6. Conclusion: Unleashing Your Auto Manufacturing Potential !

I see people's lives changing every day with at home manufacturing. It's a huge opportunity for anyone willing to take up the challenge. And no, you don't have to quit your day job. 

You simply build, recharge, build again, and watch your life change!

By Joshua Rondeau on Unsplash

For those looking to transform their passion into massive profits, sign up now for my free newsletter - The Part-Time Auto Manufacturer.


Thanks for reading! All photos from Unsplash and Wikimedia Commons.


About the Creator

Scott Christenson

Born and raised in Milwaukee WI, living in Hong Kong. Hoping to share some of my experiences w short story & non-fiction writing. Have a few shortlisted on Reedsy:

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  • Kageno Hoshino5 months ago

    32 000 💀

  • L.C. Schäfer5 months ago


  • Ah, the only thing I'm good at doing is nothing so that saves me my coffee money, lol! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Hannah Moore5 months ago

    For only the problem cr of your morning coffee.

  • Oh so beautifully vague!

  • D. J. Reddall5 months ago

    Oh, the joy of busting through "soft barriers"! This is parodic gold.

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