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What Can You Do If You Are Beaten?

Strategies Using The Law Of The Jungle

By Chua Yuan HengPublished about a year ago 5 min read
What Can You Do If You Are Beaten?
Photo by Maxime Gilbert on Unsplash

Anyone would have faced it before. Stalked on, disturbed, and sabotaged. In this world, the law of the jungle applies. It may seemed that the human civilization has advanced to a point where any human would forgave another human for his or her shortcomings, wrong doings, or belligerence, but there is something at stake, which is the person's state of survival.

If you would fire up your Android or Apple phones right now, take a look at all of the downloadable games offered in those app stores, all free for you to install and play. And what is the gameplay in all of these games? You would probably have observed this for long, it is beating another player.

It is very interesting, that is, to say that life itself, be it as a human or animal, were meant to be played to defeat other player in the game world. The law of the jungle is an expression to describe a scenario, where "anything goes". "Anything goes", in order to win.

If you are terribly beaten, stop everything you're doing and calm down. You cannot let emotions be your master. Your mind must be the master of the situation and the people in the situation.

Do not get upset with people or situations, both are powerless, without your reaction. Do not let anger or fear take over your mind. Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction at all.

If you've observed carefully, many people who sabotages you hope to see a result from their sabotage. If you're wealthy, they may want to see you get berserk over too much to lose. If you're poor, they may want to see you suffer in a prolonged manner. They hope to get anger or fear out of you. Since that "anything goes", they really will do anything in order to get those emotions from you. Do not let that happen. Show no reaction at all, like "Whatever!" since that "anything goes" too for you.

First off, is to show no reaction at all. After that, distance yourself from the source of disturbance. Gather yourself up. Talk to people you can trust with advices. Work on a super solution. Then finally, cut the oppressor off your world forever. In doing this, make sure to keep everything as secret as the dark side of the moon.

Citing Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936)'s The Law for the Wolves :

NOW this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky,

And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die."

This section tells us that the diligent ones in playing the game of the jungle will survive while the ones who doesn't play as hard could falter. When you doesn't play as hard, you may be reckless, and give in to your emotions of anger or fear. Play as hard as the opponent, with real-time strategies, tactics, and management, like a full-time job or at least a part-time side hustle, in defeating the opponent or opponents, if they are in a team.

As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back;

For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.

The next section reminds you that you must always join hand and co-operate with others that are like minded and in the same situation in order to be powerful and secure. Always be team minded because the team is made up of everyone in it. If you succeed, the team will too, if you lost, then the morale of the team may be lost also.

Wash daily from nose tip to tail tip; drink deeply, but never too deep;

And remember the night is for hunting and forget not the day is for sleep.

This section tells us to take good care of ourselves in this battle, but never too much that you lost track of what is going on, because there may be still danger around you. And when the day comes, fight hard and fast to keep what is yours and remove what is danger to you, as quickly as possible, and as powerfully as possible. Make sure the opponent won't get a chance to do the same to you. Do it as sensibly as possible, so as to not affect yourself or other people important to you in this game.

The jackal may follow the tiger, but, cub, when thy whiskers are grown,

Remember the wolf is a hunter - go forth and get food of thy own

On this section, Kipling is trying to tell us that being grown up means self-reliance. As a person, since the dawn of time, we are always needed to hunt or gather food for ourselves and our tribes people. We must be able to work our bodies, no matter how much mental toil or physical labor is required. As much as possible, as long as it's not about digging up a mountain with a single person's barehand. Hunt diligently, for your food, or no one else would do that for you. While doing so, in defeating the opponent, make sure he or she is defeated, in no way he or she will have the will to hunt his or her food.

Keep peace with the lords of the jungle, the tiger, the panther, the bear;

And trouble not Hathi the Silent, and mock not the boar in his lair.

While in our battle against all odds and the nasty villains that have been oppressing us, keep in mind, to be at peace with the big things or people who are not our enemies. For example, the big companies, we wouldn't want to be at hostilities with, the manager who could be our friends, or just about anyone who is just minding their own business. This is important as to maintain in order, of everything that could mean our survival.

When pack meets with pack in the jungle, and neither will go from the trail,

Lie down till the leaders have spoken; it may be fair words shall prevail.

Supposed you came head to head with the opponent, and neither will back down, stay down until the leaders will say something. Ceasefires and peace-treaty, anything like these could be conjured up by these leaders in order to restore stability. Take the fair words, but do not let your guard down for a long time to come, for there may be scoundrels who doesn't take his or her words seriously.

When ye fight with a wolf of the pack ye must fight him alone and afar,

Lest others take part in the quarrel and the pack is diminished by war.

Sometimes, the ones in your team, could appear to challenge you, in the name of superiority or dominance. Fight him or her, without compromising the team spirit. Whoever wins, shall reign.

In the name of self-sustenance, sometimes we have to come together as a team. For self-defense, we have to suit up ourselves with the best armour. To overcome being beaten and bullied, we must rise over ourselves and fight hard and hustle hard in order to defeat the opponent.

That's all of my ideas on what to do if we are beaten. What are your ideas? Give some comments if you find this piece entertaining or rewarding.


About the Creator

Chua Yuan Heng

IT Support | Melaka | Malaysia

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