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Tips for Long Distance Relationships

Advice for couples apart during quarantine (or for any couples in long distance relationships)

By Veronica MacraePublished 4 years ago 2 min read
Tips for Long Distance Relationships
Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

If you’re like me and in a long distance relationship during quarantine, it doesn’t take an expert in relationships to tell you it’s tough. I mean, how do you go from seeing your other half everyday to not seeing them for however long you’re in quarantine? I can’t help but envy the couples who are quarantining together. However, my boyfriend and I have done long distance before (I’m not saying that it makes long distance any easier) but over the year and a half that we’ve been together, I’ve acquired a few tips on how to survive long distance.


I can’t stress this one enough. I know it’s probably like hearing a broken record, but communication is crucial for any relationship. Talk to your significant other. Tell them how you feel. Tell them when you’re happy/sad/angry and why. Tell them the small little details of your day or something you saw that reminded you of them. Send them cute texts over the course of the day. Anything that ignites communication between the two of you.

Make Time For Yourself

Yes, communication is hugely important, but that doesn’t mean hovering over your phone 24/7 waiting for a response. With the spare time you have, do something you enjoy. Whether it be treating yourself to an at-home spa, reading, baking, or trying something new.

Go Old School

Something my boyfriend and I love to do is send letters back and forth to each other. I can’t tell you how happy I get when I look in the mailbox and see a letter from him. It’s much more personal than a text and it shows that we take time out of our days for each other. On the days when I miss him extra, it’s always nice to read through all his letters.

Send Care Packages

I love spoiling my boyfriend. However, I’m also a college student so money is not a bountiful resource I have right now. Something cheap but meaningful that I’ve been doing is sending little “just because” care packages. All boyfriends are different, but the most recent care package I sent to my boyfriend included cookies (baked by me!), beef sticks, hand lotion, essential oils, candy, one of my scrunchies, and a handwritten letter.

Set Designated Times to Call Each Other

My boyfriend and I text throughout the day but we always set aside a time to FaceTime. In our case, we call at night. That way, I can tell him about my day and I can hear about his. It’s the perfect way for us to wind down at night. It’s great to text during the day, but setting aside a time to call each everyday gives me something to look forward to.

I hope these tips are helpful for those in long distance relationships. It is difficult, but if you’re with the right person, it is so worth it. My boyfriend and I haven’t seen each other for about two months now because of Coronavirus. It’s scary and heartbreaking not knowing when we’ll see each other next, but knowing that we will see each other again gives us strength. In any long distance relationship, I think it’s more important to count the “I love you’s” rather than the miles.


About the Creator

Veronica Macrae

Just an average college student who likes to write in my spare time. Why not make a little bit of money out of it?

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