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The Things I Love to Do

Active People Live

By Ronna CurtisPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
My High School Picture (Class of 1983-1984)

The Things I Love to Do

Active People Live

There is no I in the way you spell team, but sometimes I find I must work alone. Then come together with my team and discuss my progress and ways to improve my work or myself.

I work in the city's public school district, and it is not easy. Not only are we sometimes working against behaviors but sometimes the parents' behaviors as well. It makes it harder to help the children out when this happens. I am glad it does not often happen because sometimes knowing how to help students is difficult due to not understanding their specific needs. However, once my team and I have become more acquainted with the individual student, the learning begins! It is a beautiful feeling when working with a student, and you can see it in their eyes that they are finally getting what your teaching! I can't tell you the number of people I have hooked on reading, and it is a beautiful feeling!

I don't know if anyone enjoys my writing, but I enjoy writing stories. It helps me to focus and wind down from a long day. I have written and published one book called Life in Ann's World. It took me about three years to write it and one to get it published; when I submitted my rough draft to the publisher, it was the first rough draft I wrote, so I asked if I could submit the newer one, and they told me that their team of specialists could correct the one I sent in. Well, I did something I will never do again! I trusted them to make corrections, and I ended up with what I have today. If you wish to read it, it is available on Amazon, and it has a kindle version, so if you can read kindle for free, you should be able to read my book for free!

Other things I enjoy are swimming, riding horseback, and hiking. It has been some time since I rode a horse or swam about six years ago since I hiked. Well, it was more like a walk around a place with an abandoned building. I build things. I am known to build a computer from the tower up. I stopped when the computers became more compact. The tighter they get, the more chances of cutting your fingers when working on them. It was a big enough risk working on the towers; now everything is micro.

When I was in my teenage years, I did many things my parents did not know I was doing. Such as climbing to the top of Pinnacle Mountain. I was a teenage actress in The Passion Play for Jesus in a field next to a church. The man playing Jesus kicked off the market tables off the temple as it is to be a Holy place, and the director warned us that if any of us were close to the area where the actor who was portraying Jesus, he warned us to run when he started kicking them. There were at least ten to fifteen steps going up to the structure we were using as the church in the movie, so it was high. When he kicked the tables off the top just outside the church, the tables would roll.

Guess who was standing close to that area? Yeah, you guessed it, it was me along with two other adults. Before that scene, moments earlier, we were in that exact location where we were all buying things, a scarf for our head or a new dress exedra. When the director said, "Action," everyone started portraying their parts in, The Passion Play. Jesus went up to the church and spoke his line, then did what he was supposed to do. All of us ran! Yes, me too, but when the director said, "Cut," and the scene was over, the actor portraying Jesus looked down towards me and said, "Did the tables hurt you?" Of course, they did not hurt me as I ran with everyone else, but I looked around, and I was standing alone! So, I let him know they never touched me. I was fourteen years old when I was blessed to be a part of The Passion Play in Little Rock, Arkansas.

People tend to like me because I try to be fair to everyone I meet; I don't judge people because of the way they have chosen to live. Instead, I accept people for who they are, and I enjoy being around happy, respectful people, and I tend to turn away from people who hate the world and everyone and everything in it.


About the Creator

Ronna Curtis

Ronna Curtis, Ladybug is the author's name she goes by when publishing a book. Life In Ann's World at in Ann's World. College graduate she enjoys authoring books to entertain a diverse population..

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