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The Story of Sight Tianem meets Ridge Inoii

A Love Story

By Matthew DawsonPublished 4 years ago 14 min read
Ridge & Sight

Sight never thought she would ever meet a man named after such a beautiful view as she had been. Her parents upon gazing out across the amazing Tianem valley from the highest lookout point on Mount Tianem in Isacari had named her Sight Tianem So’juan.

The parents of Ridge had the same exact thought albeit 5 years earlier than the So’juans’. They were trekking along the northern island of Isacari when they came across the most stunning view they had ever seen in their lifetimes and as such their first born was named Ridge Inoii Jituksu.

They had met one day by pure chance on a train into work. Ridge had seen Sight from across the carriage and being the incredible sketch artist that he was drew her as she sat reading some book called: “Theoretical Physics: Will It Always Be Theoretical?”. When he finished he made the unnerving move to move across the carriage and give it to her, saying, “you are the most beautiful woman I have had the pleasure of drawing in quite some time”. Sight blushed and said, “thankyou I’m not really sure how to respond…”, her sentence faded to silence as she looked at the drawing of her and her mouth fell open and took a moment to recover. “This is incredible”, she said and introduced herself, “I’m Sight and you are?” “Ridge”, he said, and they both looked at each other shocked and then smiled at the humorous nature of fate.

Ridge recovered first saying, “I couldn’t help but notice your reading material, is that for pleasure or work or something else?” Sight said, “I lecture in theoretical physics at Ogoya University, how about you, I imagine you’re an artist?” “Wow, I also lecture at the University in Art History and also teach Drawing and Sketching, have you ever seen the collection of artwork in the main lobby on your way in?” “Of course,”, she said, “they are brilliant”. “I’m glad you like them, they are all mind except that gaudy whale monstrosity that I poked fun at in one of my sketches called The Monstrous Sea”.

As they arrived at their now mutual stop they exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet for lunch later that day. What an amazing start to my week thought Sight as she ambled off to her first class. What a beautiful intelligent woman thought Ridge as he strode to his first lecture of the day.

At lunch Sight was excited to see Ridge moving gracefully through the crowd looking for her. It didn’t take him long and as he sat down with his laksa on this cold winters day he told Sight she was looking very pretty despite having taught all morning (because we all know how stressful students can be). She thanked him for the compliment and started asking him about her favourite sketch of his from the lobby. She said, “it’s hauntingly beautiful Ridge, the one with the girl by a lake with mountains as the backdrop, what was the inspiration?” Ridge looked down into his laksa eyes welling up, Sight noticed and quickly said, “I’m so sorry Ridge I didn’t mean to upset you.” “that’s ok”, he said through moist eyes, “you weren’t to know and it has been many years now. The woman in the picture was my little sister”. Compassion flowed from Sight across into Ridge, and as he looked deep into her brilliant green eyes he knew he could finally tell someone. “She drowned in that lake, it was the single most heart-breaking moment of my entire life.” Tears welled up in both their eyes and she reached out to take his soft hands in hers. “I’m so so sorry that you lost your sister like that, I can’t possibly imagine how horrible that must have been for you.” “I’ve never told anyone that before,” he whispered as tears flowed from his chestnut eyes. “Why me?” Sight asked. “Because you are the single most beautiful person I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, and I don’t just mean physically, although you are, but inside as well. I feel like our souls connected from the first moment we met.” “Wow”, exclaimed Sight, “that is the most kind and beautiful compliment anyone has ever given me,” and she squeezed his hands a little tighter. As they sat there the silence held fast and they were so lost in each other that when the alarm went off on Sights’ phone for her next class, it sounded like a bolt of lightning and they were ripped back into the harsh reality of their jobs at the University. They stood and embraced each other and Sight kissed him on the cheek and suggested they have dinner that night. Ridge accepted gratefully and so they agreed to meet after classes and go somewhere nice, but secluded, somewhere students didn’t normally frequent.

Ridge was keenly aware of the time given how much he was anticipating having dinner that night with Sight. When his last class was finally done he knew he had time to go home and freshen up (though unbeknownst to him so did she), so he went home quickly, showered and changed into something dashing (or at least he thought so). At 6’2” with a fairly slim and muscular physique he knew despite getting on in age he was still quite the handsome bachelor and he wanted to make a good first “date” impression. Sight had also gone home to change and despite teaching theoretical physics she was quite stunning. She had long wavy auburn hair that complimented her brilliant emerald eyes and at 5’11” she was rather tall and it accentuated her beautiful slender legs and toned body (she worked out 5 days a week with a combination of Pilates and cardio training). When Ridge arrived at Takao’s dumpling house he was 10 minutes early so he grabbed them a table and asked for the wine list and had only just started perusing it when Sight walked in. He tried to control his mouth but failed miserably, Sight was stunningly striking in a long black dress that seemed to shape itself to her gorgeous body as it ever so gently clung to her curvaceous body. When she saw him, her smile lit up his life and the room around her (or so it seemed from his vantage point).

When she got to the table he stood and kissed her on the cheek saying, “Wow you look absolutely gorgeous…Professor”. Sight blushed and replied, “thank you, you’re looking very dapper yourself…Professor,” her eyes sparkling with amusement at their use of their official work titles. He said, so I was just glancing at the wine list, do you drink? If so, what do you feel like? Given it was quite cool outside Sight suggested they start with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon to which Ridge agreed.

As the food came and went, anyone observing them would have thought they had been going out for years, they were as natural with each other as the oysters were as a starting entrée. It would have looked like they felt they were the only customers in the restaurant for they only had eyes for each other. After so much hardship and loss in his life Ridge dared to dream momentarily. He thought Sight was too good to be true, that some cruel twist of fate would swoop in and take her out of his life as quickly as she had appeared. Yet there she was sitting opposite him sipping her latte (a bit late for coffee he thought, unless…) while he had his cappuccino (were they really going to go all the way on their first date?). Sight must have read his mind, because she said, after this would you like to come back to my place, I have a late start tomorrow as do you (she had checked he thought amazed). He said, “sure as long as it’s ok with you?” “Absolutely fine”, she said, “we’ve both been drinking and my place is closer plus I have a spare bedroom”. Suddenly he realized his supposition may have been incorrect.

Anyhow, they paid and having not seen any students from the University (which was definitely a good thing) they grabbed a cab back to Sights’ apartment in the Hirosima region not that far from both the restaurant or the University. Upon arrival, Sight gave him a quick tour, the lovely open floor plan, two bedrooms, ensuite in the master bedroom that had a delightfully inviting spa bath which Sight casually lent over and turned the taps on to start filling. She then led on to the kitchen where she proceeded to grab two champagne glasses and a bottle of Chandon. Well well thought Ridge this is getting interesting. Sight showed him to his bedroom and said, “feel free to make yourself at home, I’m going to change into something more comfortable and check on the spa, it truly is delightful before getting into bed all warm and relaxed.” He went into his bedroom and saw spare toiletries and a towel laid out neatly on the queen-sized bed. He finally heard the water stop running and Sight called out, “you should probably come into the bathroom, but remove your socks, shoes and shirt first…oh and don’t forget the champagne.” He could hear her softly giggle to herself at that last request. So, he did what he was told and padded over to the bathroom via the kitchen where he found Sight in a beautiful silk bathrobe and nothing else…As he walked in he realized he was overdressed still and removed his pants. Standing there in only his underwear Ridge was suddenly very self-conscious, at 37 years old he had only really dated half a dozen times and mostly with very conservative girls, nothing like Sight. As she slid out of her silk robe she was only wearing her bra and panties, and wow what a gorgeous figure she cut in the dimmed bathroom light enhanced only by four scented candles that his incredible sense of smell identified as vanilla and cinnamon. He said, “wow you look absolutely beautiful and are those candles vanilla and cinnamon?” Sight giggled again, “thank you, you go ok yourself handsome and yes they are. Shall we get in?” “Sounds perfect”, Ridge responded and as he started pouring the two glasses of champagne he almost dropped the bottle, for when Sight turned around he noticed the most detailed and illustrious dragon tattoo on her back. The wings spread out to her shoulder blades and the tail wrapped around coming to rest just above her well-formed toned buttocks. Plus, it was in full vibrant colours. “Did that hurt?”, he said softly still in awe. “Just a bit,” she replied, where in reality it had been the single most painful experience of her life but she loves it as a new mother loves her child. “It reminds me that no matter what I strive for in this life, if I work hard I can achieve anything, that I can be as powerful mentally as a dragon, that I can soar the heights of my field and my spirit is one of majesty, wonder and creativity.” Ridge was blown away by her description of why she had the tattoo. He himself also had one but it was not as elaborate as hers. She noticed his as he passed her a glass of champagne. “Oh, you have one too, but my goodness on the ribcage, that’s said to be the most painful, was it…painful?” “Yes”, he said, “it was the second most painful experience of my life after losing my sister. Before you ask, it is the main phrase of her favourite piece of music called Children by Robert Miles. It is the main phrase written out as if the sheet music is written on me forever with some beautiful little additions like flowers for some of the notes to add colour, beauty and life to the tattoo just like my sister was, full of joy, love and life. It reminds me of her every time I see it.” “Thankyou so much for telling me”, said Sight, “that can’t have been easy”. “It’s ok”, whispered Ridge, “I feel more comfortable with you than anyone I’ve previously gone out with, I mean the way this night has turned out I’m assuming it’s a date, but it has been so much more than a date, it has been a revelation, yet apart from what you teach and that incredible tattoo, I barely know anything about you.” “Well join me in the spa bath, bring the champagne and we shall luxuriate and talk until the wee hours of a morning we can spend in bed for neither of us need set an alarm for the morning.” So, he did, as Ridge slid into the deliciously warm water he felt all the pent-up anxiety at how quickly this date was moving evaporate away, like the steam hovering around the bathroom. As he handed Sight her glass she swiped a remote from the bench top near her and turned off the lights completely so they were bathed in candlelight only. She asked Ridge if he would like some music on, he replied with whatever suited her as he was quite happy to sit and converse with Sight or sit in silence if that was what the moment desired.

So, Sight put on some chill out music just loud enough to be relaxing and still soft enough to talk. Ridge kicked things off, “do you have any family nearby? Do you have brothers? Sisters? I didn’t see any pets when I came in so I’m assuming you don’t own a dog or cat.” “That’s a lot of questions to start with”, stated Sight, Ridge had the good sense to look a little abashed at that and she giggled again. “I have two sisters and a brother, my brother is a doctor at Johns Hopkins my sisters are both younger, one is studying to be a psychologist, the other an English literature teacher. Both my parents are still alive but in their late sixties now and live in Katsutoya in the Ji’jun province”. “Wow”, said Ridge, “you have a big family. But hey if they’re as amazing as you I think I’ll like them”. Sight giggled again and whispered, “isn’t that a little presumptuous dearest Ridge?”

Ridge replied, “probably a bit presumptuous, yes”, then he reached for the champagne and politely refilled Sights’ glass and finished off the bottle refilling his own. The music and wine were soothing them both into a delicious languor. Sight giggled again for no apparent reason. Ridge said, “what’s so funny?” She answered him with a knowing smile. “Well I’m in my spa bath drinking champagne with an arts professor who can sketch me so well I was thinking maybe we could do that scene from the Titanic where Jack sketches Rose,” she giggled again. Ridge blushed and replied, “if you want to I think I’d be up to it.” Soon the champagne was all finished and Sight rose out of the spa bath water cascading down her supple body, her dragon tattoo glittering in the light. She got out and toweled off and handed a towel to Ridge, who was looking everywhere but at Sight. Suddenly, she blushed hard as Ridge stood up and she took in his manly body, he was gorgeous she thought. This was definitely going well she thought as she invited him into her adjoining bedroom where he put back on his underwear and got into her soft queen size bed with all its hues of blues and green scenes of the sea.

Sight dropped her towel and this time Ridge took in all her beauty as she slipped in beside him in the spacious bed. Impulsively, he leaned over to kiss her and she met his passionate kiss with her own full lips. She put her arms around his neck and rolled him on top of her, his hands slid down her naked body feeling her softness beneath them and so it began in earnest with unbridled passion and love for each other. After they were done, they lay there intertwined for a long time just taking in each other’s scent and feeling the comfort of each other’s presence next to one another. In a moment of reflection Sight whispered, “I think this has been the best date I’ve ever had, with anyone, ever.” Ridge still awash with post-coital glow whispered back, “I couldn’t agree more, beautiful”. And so, it was like that, they eventually drifted off to sleep a peaceful contented sleep, full of beauty and love and life.

Sight woke up first (she was normally an early riser), and as she rolled over and saw Ridge lying there asleep, his gorgeous face so angelic in sleep. She quietly slipped out of bed and put on her dressing gown for it was a little fresh, albeit a wintery sunny day outside. Sight padded to the kitchen and turned on the stove top and pulled out some eggs from the fridge to make omelettes. As she brewed a pot of coffee, she heard muffled footsteps coming into the kitchen. It was Ridge who had woken up to the aromas wafting in to the bedroom. He wandered in half asleep, came up to her and kissed her on the cheek. He said, “Morning beautiful.” “Good morning, would you like a coffee and an omelette?” “Sounds delightful, thank you so much. Do you mind if I shower first?” “Up to you, we have plenty of time, you can relax.” Ridge decided she was right and there was no hurry, “Sounds good just chilling out and not having to rush.”

So, Ridge sat down to enjoy his coffee and omelette, with Sight across the kitchen table from him, a radiant smile on her face that spread to her gorgeous green eyes. They talked about everything and nothing, how she had got into her field, when had he started drawing, did she feel intimidated by it being a very male profession, why he had ended up teaching instead of showing his art? So, engrossed were they in their discussion that when Sight looked at the clock for the first time it was just coming up on midday. There they both were sitting around in their dressing gowns (or Sights’ dressing gowns) in the middle of the day. Plus, they both had afternoon classes to teach and therefore it was time for Ridge to head home (in case a wily student noticed he was wearing such an outfit to teach in). He quickly got dressed and kissed Sight goodbye and said, “I’ll see you later this afternoon, would you like to do dinner at mine tonight, or relax without me?” Sight sighed and replied that she wouldn’t be able to relax without him as she would spend the whole evening wondering what he was up to. He smiled and suggested they meet up after they both finished for the day.


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