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The Ride To The Airport

It was one of those days when you really struggle to get out of bed, even though she had a flight to catch.

By Jim EspositoPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
The Ride To The Airport
Photo by why kei on Unsplash

It was one of those days when you really struggle to get out of bed, even though she had a flight to catch.

It was cloudy outside, the type of clouds that so evidently carry rain. Summer was just over, but the weather still maintained that warmth that the sunny season was slowly taking away.

They were still lying next to each other, just as they had been for the past six months, though unlike the start of that semester, there was a heartbroken mood embracing them, and they both felt so distant from one another.

But the clock was ticking, so it was time to go.

The ride to the airport was quiet. They’d mutter reassuring phrases, consoling words, as to try to confidently give each other the kind of support that relationship had always wished for. They would touch hands, caress each other while holding in tears and lost hopes. For once, they had to look mutually strong.

It did sound like the end of something. They hadn’t managed to find common ground, to come together for the love they had always loudly declared, to overcome personality issues, individual dissatisfaction, the conflicting expectations. It was nobody’s fault — neither of them was to blame, although they were secretly blaming one another. The separation was needed: it could’ve helped them to refocus, just for a while.

When they got to the airport, they stopped outside for a cigarette and one last chat. This time, they both tried to sound more comforting through jokes and silly stuff — the type of fun they used to love about each other — as if their life together was moving on regularly. In less than a second, the second when you zone out for what seems like an hour but it’s only a second, he went through his memories: when they first met, when she flew over only to spend a weekend together, when they realised they were falling in love under the lights of that amazing silent disco night.

She was beautiful, and not as in any regular kind of beautiful, but uniquely marvellous. The number one. The one whose smile would make any miserable guy, even the most miserable just like he was, shine bright.

But it was time…

They hugged tight, as tight as some higher force was about to pull them away. She let go of a tear, a sad but hopeful one. It wasn’t meant to be a goodbye but a see-you-soon type of salute.


“I can’t, love…I have to go for now.”

And she made her way through the sliding doors.

This is the part where I tell you that he got back to the car and started driving but didn’t make it further than a mile before rushing back to the airport to find her outside looking for him. That he got off the car blocking the whole traffic and they ran faster than ever towards each other. Meanwhile, it started raining. He embraced her and they kissed under the rain. Nothing else mattered anymore because love had triumphed for once. And they lived happily ever after, right?

I’d be thrilled if I only could. I’d be thrilled to tell you that it happened just like in movies, with a heart-warming ending, and that we should never let go of love but keep believing and having faith.

But while going through those doors, she gave him a “We’ll be in contact every day. I’ll be waiting for you. You join me soon, ok?”

She disappeared among the crowd and he immediately realised she had just left forever.


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