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The Model With the 100-pound Leg

Lymphedema is a Rare Condition

By True Crime WriterPublished 3 months ago Updated 2 months ago 3 min read

As a child, Mahogany Geter felt hideous, according to an interview with Today. She avoided people and places since hiding her now-100-pound leg wasn't simple. She wore long pants, although people laughed and pointed at her when she appeared in public, leaving her feeling like a “freak of nature.”

Mahogany was born with Lymphedema, a condition causing a build-up of lymph fluid in the body’s tissues. It usually occurs in the arms or legs and can be mild or severe. Mahogany has an extremely severe case of lymphedema.


A Life-Changing Meeting

In 2017, a professional photographer approached Mahogany as she worked her part-time job at Walmart. The photographer offered Mahogany help building a modeling portfolio. He said the things Mahogany wanted to hear but didn't quite believe. She was skeptical and thought maybe the man was out of his mind.

She wondered why someone would want to photograph her, a person she perceived as hideous.

With her family’s encouragement, Mahogany took a leap of faith and called the photographer several days later. The decision changed her life forever.

She told Today,

"I discovered there was this confident, bad bitch inside of me!”

Her extra-large leg, she said, is part of what makes her beautiful.

The photographer took several great shots of Mahogany, images she posted on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms to bring awareness to Lymphedema and help "redefine beauty.”


Mahogany found the beautiful person that had always been inside her and hadn’t looked back. She admits the side effects of Lympederma create some struggles in her life, although she lives her best life, one filled with hope, positivity, and happiness.

Carrying around extra weight drains her energy, and she struggles with mobility issues. She uses several treatment measures, including compression socks, massage therapy, and drainage tools.

The Tennessee native continues bringing awareness to Lymphedema through her platforms. Most people respond to her condition and beauty positively, and she says she ignores the trolls and haters, some of whom tell her to amputate her leg.


She is still modeling, even winning a Maxim cover girl contest in 2022, earning a spot on the magazine's cover.

“If I ever make it big, I want to buy my mother a house and take care of my family, then I’ll do everything I can to raise awareness of lymphedema to pay it back to everyone who has ever shown me kindness,” she told The New York Post.

Lymphedema Facts

  • Lymphedema occurs when lymph nodes do not properly drain fluids from the body
  • The condition is progressive, meaning it worsens over time
  • Genetic lymphedema is extremely rare, affecting 1 in 100,000 people. Lymphedema is caused by chronic blood vessel issues or by kidney disease.
  • Secondary lymphedema may occur after lymph node dissection or cancer treatments. It is more prevalent in people with Rheumatoid arthritis, those who are obese, and older individuals.
  • Individuals with Lymphedema are at a higher risk of developing fibrosis
  • Symptoms of Lymphedema include restricted range of motion, swelling in specific areas of the body, recurrent infections, difficulty fighting infections, heaviness in the affected area, and fibrosis
  • There is no cure for Lymphedema
  • Treatment options include drainage, massage therapy, exercise, skincare, and surgery
  • An estimated 200 million people worldwide suffer from Lymphedema
  • Certain foods, including caffeine, salt, sweets, and alcohol, can aggravate the symptoms of Lymphedema

Follow Mahogany Geter to support her efforts to promote Lymphedema awareness and body positivity.




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True Crime Writer

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