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The Fight Against Caste Discrimination in the Tech Industry

Bridging the Caste Divide in and Beyond

By Charlene Ann Mildred BarrogaPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Poor Children in India - Photo by billycm from CANVA PRO

In the city, they celebrate innovation and diversity.

But, a shadow of ancient prejudice persists.

It challenges the ethos of meritocracy and inclusivity.


This is the story of the Dalits. I use "Dalits" to mean individuals from marginalized communities in India.

They are fighting against caste discrimination in the global tech industry. It is a quest for equality and justice. It is also to the brave spirit of those who challenge the status quo.

The term "Dalit" means "broken or scattered" in Sanskrit. It has come to denote those outside the traditional Hindu caste system. They have faced systemic discrimination for centuries. The tech industry has expanded globally. Caste has snuck across borders with it. It has shown up in workplaces abroad, including the United States. This explores the hidden but widespread nature of caste discrimination in tech. It weaves through personal stories, data, and insights. They reveal a reality that is often glossed over.

You enter your dream job in tech...

But, you find that the barriers to success go beyond your skills and work ethic. For many Dalits, this is a reality. Their stories shine a light on the workplace. Caste divides social networks there. It affects mentorship, opportunities, and career growth. The industry emphasizes diversity. But, it overlooks caste. Caste leads to isolation and inequity. The circle of caste discrimination is breaking. This is thanks to people's courage. They have come forward to share their experiences. These narratives show how caste biases appear in hiring. They also appear in team interactions and social gatherings in tech. Groups like Equality Labs are at the forefront. They conduct surveys and provide data. The data reveal the extent of caste-based discrimination in the diaspora. The groups push for policy changes and awareness in companies.

Use data from reports by organizations like Equality Labs. They found that many South Asians in the US have seen caste discrimination at work. Discuss how the tech industry relies on referral networks for hiring. These networks can worsen these issues because they often match caste-based social networks.

They have come forward despite the risks of sharing their experiences. Activists are pushing for policy changes within tech companies and beyond. They advocate for the law to recognize caste as a category of discrimination.

Their peers don't believe them and cut the issue. They also face outright hostility and threats. Yet, it also shows the small victories. Tech companies have started to include caste in their diversity and inclusion policies. Universities have begun recognizing caste discrimination as a concern on campuses.

Some companies and organizations are taking them to combat caste discrimination. Examples of tech companies that have implemented caste-sensitive policies include:

  1. Comprehensive diversity exercise sessions that address caste.
  2. Creating employee resource groups for Dalit employees.
  3. Revising hiring practices to cut bias.

Beyond policy changes, there are innovative approaches to fostering inclusivity. Discuss the role of technology in fighting discrimination. For example, AI tools aim to identify and cut bias in hiring. Some platforms let people report discrimination incidents.

The case studies are of companies that have implemented anti-caste discrimination policies. They have also created fairer structures. These include clear promotion paths and diverse leadership. Discuss the impact of these changes on the company culture and employee satisfaction.

Say more about the results of ending caste discrimination. This is for the people who speak out and for the whole industry. Discuss how these revelations have sparked dialogues within tech companies. They have led to introspection and, in some cases, denial. It includes views from HR professionals and diversity and inclusion experts. They discuss how to address caste discrimination. They want to do this without alienating parts of their workers or customers.

It is critical to ending caste discrimination in tech. Encourage people to educate themselves about caste and its impacts. Support policies that foster inclusion. Stand in solidarity with those fighting caste discrimination.


About the Creator

Charlene Ann Mildred Barroga

I'm a writer and content creator who loves to share tips on how to maximize your productivity and get the most out of your day. I

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

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  • Movie Foo13 months ago

    I like your every story. You write very well

  • I know that this caste craziness is prevalent in India. But I never knew it had spread throughout the world! This is ridiculous!

  • ema3 months ago

    Very interesting, I didn't know about it, thanks for explanation.

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