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Predicting the future - Truth or myth?

Are there really people who can see the future?

By Culture DiscoveryPublished about a month ago 4 min read
Are there really people who can see the future?

The human subconscious can predict the future

The human subconscious can "see" events about 10 seconds before they happen, research by independent laboratories shows.

There are things that science cannot fully explain, and the subconscious is one of those topics. A meta-analysis of more than 20 experiments conducted by 7 independent laboratories shows that the human subconscious has the ability to predict the future. This document is titled "Predicting physiological factors in response to unpredictable stimuli", published by Julia A. Mossbridge, a psychologist at Northwestern University, USA, in the journal Frontiers in Psychology in October. 2012.

Accordingly, the human subconscious can somehow "see" events about 1 to 10 seconds before they happen. Before we are conscious of an event, the body will react to that event, manifesting through changes in the cardiopulmonary system, skin, and nervous system.

In the above independent experiments, study participants were shown random images that were either emotional or neutral (no affect). The results showed that, before the image was displayed, their bodies showed expressions consistent with the emotions afterward. The strongest reaction occurred after viewing the photo, but a mild reaction appeared a few seconds before. This shows the subconscious ability to predict future stimuli.

Researchers use the following analogy to describe this phenomenon. That is the image of a stick stuck in the middle of a river, water flowing around it. The influence caused by the stick represents a future event that will cause the water flow to be disturbed. This process is like an emotional, exciting, or otherwise important event. The flow of a river can be seen as the flow of time as your consciousness perceives it.

A short distance upstream from the rod there were also small water disturbances.

The water flowing around the stick is more disturbed downstream. A short section of the river upstream also had small water disturbances. Likewise, our subconscious can detect disturbances a moment before the event occurs.

For example, Jeane Dixon can be an example.

Dixon had many predictions for famous people, including predicting the death of President J.F. Kennedy made her one of America's most famous prophets.

Jeane Dixon

In the early 50s, Dixon first revealed what she saw related to the death of a President. Accordingly, one morning, while standing in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary at St. Matthew (Washington), she suddenly saw a vague image of the White House with the numbers 1,9,6,0 on top and a strange man. In her ears, a whisper rang out that he was a young, blue-eyed man from the Democratic Party who was President in 1960 and died in the middle of his term. However, these are quickly forgotten.

Nearly 10 years later, in 1960, John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the youngest politician elected President of the United States. Dixon realized that this was the person she "saw" the other day. She tried every way to convince him and those close to him to take care. “The images I saw were absolutely horrifying. Everyone needs to be wise and realize that danger is approaching. You should notify the President and protect him as much as possible."

Dixon describes in great detail: “The president was assassinated on the street with a gun. The body will be transferred to the White House. A horrifying scene appeared before my eyes. Many people will die and be injured. The President's sister could not avoid this accident." Dixon said the assassin's name consists of 5-6 words. The first letter looks like O or Q, the next letter is S, the last letter has a curve.

Around 11:30 a.m., the car carrying the President approached the Texas School Book Depository, a book warehouse opposite Dealey Plaza Center. Just as he turned the corner between Houston and Elm streets, suddenly several gunshots rang out. Kennedy was hit in the back where the neck meets the neck and on the right side of the back of the head. The governor of Texas was also seriously injured. Immediately, all were taken to Parkland Hospital.

Radio stations quickly reported that the President had been assassinated. In the emergency room, doctors are trying their best to save the young President's life. Outside, Dixon lamented: “The President cannot live. This was predicted 10 years ago. All must be responsible. It's all because people didn't believe me."

After many unsuccessful efforts, at 1:00 p.m. on November 22, 1963, doctors announced the President's death. Not long after, the suspect of the assassination was arrested. Just as Dixon said, it was a man whose name began with an O, followed by an S and ended with a curvy D: Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald works for the Texas School Book Depository. More than half an hour before President Kennedy's motorcade passed, he was present on the 6th floor of the building.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Police found a gun in the book warehouse near the building's stairs, and a witness also saw Oswald shoot and kill patrolman J.D. Tippit. Oswald was captured at the Texas Theater. After interrogation and investigation, he was convicted of murder and assassination of the President.

But in reality, it cannot be said to be a coincidence because she talked in great detail about what would happen. The assassination of President Kennedy is an example, with incredible details both about the perpetrator and the method of assassination. Or the same goes for Marilyn Monroe's suicide, she predicted the cause of death a long time ago.

Seeing into the future is still a mystery that many people want to explore. In fact, you can't predict everything accurately just by studying through documents and books. Prophet Jeane Dixon became a mysterious woman with the ability to see into the future and there are still many people in the world looking for the answer to the question of why prophets can see into the future. hybrid like that?

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About the Creator

Culture Discovery

Mysterious things are always an attractive topic and stimulate people's curiosity. From unexplained supernatural phenomena, mysterious ancient relics, to mysterious and dark stories the world is full of mysteries waiting to be discovered.

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