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Men see the opposite sex do not only call the beauty, long out of date

Now popular these 3 kinds of call

By leoni lottiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Men see the opposite sex do not only call the beauty, long out of date
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

The previous name may be more homogeneous, for example, we meet women who will call them beautiful, meet men who will call them handsome, regardless of whether the other party is beautiful or handsome, just so-called.

Simply put this will not have any problems, but will make others' hearts especially pleasant, and can close the distance between each other.

For example, you have to ask for directions or help each other if you call each other beautiful, then whether the other party is beautiful will be happy to help you, because you call the name to make her happy mood.

If you do not know the meaning of the name, and always have realistic eyes shouting, it is likely to make each other angry, once the other party is angry, then your purpose will be difficult to achieve.

So never underestimate the name of others, because it is related to what kind of way others will return to you. If you address the other party as love to hear, then the result is good, you address the other party as does not love to hear, then the result is bad.

Any time there is any time popular name, before you may feel good to call beautiful women, but now is not popular this name, compared to the name of beautiful women, the following three are called more popular.

One, the old girl

Many people feel that such a name is not very appropriate, but I feel that it is still good, this kind of name is mixed in a playful way, once you use this kind of name will make the other party feel particularly intimate and natural and your distance is drawn closer.

Calling others old sister can show your sincerity and emotional intelligence, first the affectionate call itself is particularly easy to accept, and again even if the other party is older than you, you call each other old sister, and she will be particularly happy.

In the eyes of the other party, you are not a measured person, who knows what to do and what not to do.

I asked a friend what he thought of this name. My friend Sing Sing said he liked the name, not delicate nor contrived, the name reveals sincerity.

I asked Sing Sing does not hate this name. Sing Sing said not to hate, although the three words are old words, this is not the other party's intention, this kind of name makes people feel more intimate.

That is, as a man if you do not call each other beautiful but call each other old sister, then she is particularly easy to accept, you do not have to think too much, bold to call on the line.

Do not feel that your name will make each other offensive they will not be offensive, just you think too much, if you do not want so much, naturally, there will be no psychological burden, and there will not be any big problem.

As a man knows, calling each other old girl is the performance of high emotional intelligence, do not believe you can try, the other party will not be angry.

Second, Miss sister

Women are eager to be young compared to men if you meet their age women, you can call each other Miss, and they are very happy with this name.

In women's eyes, Miss Sister's name is particularly good, because he has a small word, and shouting Miss Sister invisible is directly clear that the other party's age is not very big, as a woman naturally likes others to compliment her young.

That is to say, you call each other Miss is to praise each other young, imagine when you praise a girl young how she may be unhappy?

Not because you praise her young and angry, right, if she is angry because of this, then it is an alien, which can not be put into all the women to talk.

Little sister is a particularly good name, although it does not directly out the woman young, but women just form this feeling.

But if you do not call each other Miss Sister, but call each other big sister, then it may make each other resentful, and even directly unwilling to take care of you.

If you and the other party are not very familiar, then you should pay more attention to the name, especially if you just met the woman, there is no problem with the popular name.

Simply put, whether familiar or unfamiliar, you call each other sister is not wrong, will not make each other offensive.

Three, pretty girl

There is a very small paragraph on the Internet, that looks quite touching.

The young man life frustrated, can not find confidence, and does not want to continue to stay at home, he wanted to go out to work, want to find their confidence, and he asked friends to go where to go.

Friends told him to go directly to Guangdong on the line. Did he ask his friend why? Friends said that because in Guangdong everyone will shout you pretty boy and girl, so naturally find the confidence.

This is a paragraph, but there is some truth to it, that is, as a man is hoping not to shout pretty boy, women like to be shouted pretty girl, so when you shout girl pretty girl they not only will not resent and also special enjoy.

Another relative to the word "beauty useful" is, beauty is a cut-off, as someone said a woman only beautiful to a certain extent can be called beautiful, ask which woman does not want to be beautiful.

There are many kinds of names in this world, as a man does not people, to learn to break through, but no matter how to find women like the name, when you can do it will naturally make women refreshing and have a better impression of you.

In the future, may you understand the meaning of these names, try to find women especially like the name, if you do so the other side will be impressed by you, there may be a good marriage, is not it?

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About the Creator

leoni lotti

A person's value should be judged by what he contributes, not by what he achieves

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