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Man Shortage: The City Where Women Struggle to Find Husbands.

Find Out The City Where Women Struggle to Find Husbands.

By The Curious ChroniclesPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Dongguan is a prominent city located in the southern region of China's Guangdong Province. It is renowned for its thriving electronics industry, with a special emphasis on the production of popular devices like iPhones and iPads. The city has experienced rapid industrialization and economic growth, making it a key player in China's manufacturing sector.

In recent years, Dongguan has gained notoriety as the "capital of sex" due to an unusual social phenomenon. This phenomenon arises from a significant shortage of available husbands in the city, resulting in a dynamic dating scene where men often find themselves in multiple relationships simultaneously.

The city has become an economic magnet for women, attracting a large population seeking employment opportunities in its bustling manufacturing sector. This influx of female migrant workers has led to an unprecedented gender imbalance, with women outnumbering men.

Additionally, the effects of China's one-child policy have had a notable impact on Dongguan. The policy, initially implemented to control population growth, resulted in a substantial gender disparity, leaving millions more men than women in the country. This disparity is particularly felt in Dongguan, where factories tend to favor female employees, further contributing to the surplus of women and limited eligible men.

Despite the unconventional dating scene and husband shortage, most women in Dongguan ultimately plan to return home for marriage, viewing their time in the city as a temporary phase in their life journey. The unique social dynamics in Dongguan highlight the complex interplay of economic, cultural, and policy-driven factors that shape relationships in this rapidly transforming society.

1. The Economic Magnet for Women:

Dongguan's vibrant economic landscape has magnetized a large population of women, drawn by the plentiful opportunities in the thriving manufacturing sector. As factories churn out cutting-edge technology, they've inadvertently created an unusual dating dynamic. The city now boasts an excess of women, leading to a scenario where men often find themselves in simultaneous relationships, trying to navigate this sea of options.

2. Unpacking the Husband Shortage:

The city's rapid industrialization and economic growth have led to a significant influx of female migrant workers. This demographic shift further skews the male-to-female ratio, contributing to the husband shortage. While the city's prosperity is commendable, it's not without its consequences. Traditional cultural expectations also play a role, as families often prioritize males for marriage, sometimes resorting to seeking brides from overseas or exploring alternative solutions.

3. Effects of China's One-Child Policy:

The legacy of China's one-child policy reverberates through Dongguan. Initially implemented to control population growth, this policy unintentionally led to a massive gender disparity, resulting in millions more men than women in the country. The consequences of this policy are particularly pronounced in Dongguan, where factories favor female employees. This has created a surplus of women and a limited number of men, many of whom hold irregular employment.

4. The Intriguing Dating Scene and Multiple Relationships:

With an excess of free time and a surplus of women, Dongguan has witnessed the emergence of a peculiar dating scene. It's not uncommon for men to admit to having multiple girlfriends concurrently. This dynamic is further facilitated by the long hours spent by women in factories. These extended shifts have paved the way for office romances and relationships within the company, adding another layer to the city's already complex social fabric.

5. The Social Implications and Women's Choices:

This disproportionate gender ratio has earned Dongguan the moniker "capital of sex." Many women willingly engage in relationships with men who already have partners. For some, it's a conscious choice, preferring this arrangement over loneliness. However, the Guangdong Women’s Rights and Information Service notes that most women in Dongguan ultimately plan to return home for marriage. They view their time in the bustling city as a temporary phase, a necessary step in their life journey.


The husband shortage in Dongguan is a complex social phenomenon, shaped by a confluence of economic, cultural, and policy-driven factors. While it poses unique challenges, it also sheds light on the evolving nature of relationships in a rapidly transforming society. Australian men, through cross-cultural marriages, offer a glimmer of hope and opportunity for both Dongguan women and themselves in navigating this unconventional dating landscape. As Dongguan continues to grapple with its unique gender imbalance, these international connections forge a path towards a more balanced and fulfilling future for all parties involved.


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The Curious Chronicles

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