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Maintain Your Mental Edge and Physical Fitness by Refusing to Retire!

Retirement May Accelerate Your Mental and Physical Decline

By Juma KillaghaiPublished about a month ago 4 min read
Maintain Your Mental Edge and Physical Fitness by Refusing to Retire!
Photo by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash

In the context of work, the concept of retirement has three interpretations. One interpretation is that you have reached a certain legal age limit and, accordingly, you need to vacate your office to make room for the next generation. It has nothing to do with your ability to continue working and delivering. Politicians in most countries never retire in this sense, and yet they are the most influential decision-makers in any country.

The second interpretation is that you have reached a certain legal age limit, and accordingly, the state needs to take care of you, ostensibly because you are no longer productive enough and need rest.

The third interpretation is reserved for those who had made it early in life and are financially secure, regardless of whether they work or not.

In my opinion, even if the law forces you into retirement, never stop being active mentally and physically. Since the law does not prohibit you from creating and doing your own job, do it for the sake of your mental as well as physical well-being. And don’t do it as a hobby. Take it very seriously because one of the best ways to preserve your cognitive ability is problem-solving. Likewise, one of the best ways to maintain your physical health is to stay mobile. The problem with treating something as a hobby is that you are not duty-bound to solve any mental problems, and you don’t have to get off your couch as you can just ignore the hobby.

While you are at it, try to create a job with earning potential. Until the age when you are supposed to retire, you have seen and experienced a lot in life. Leveraging the knowledge and skills you have accumulated throughout your working life, as well as the various emotions you have gone through, could lead to the creation of several jobs with earning potential.

Would You Like to Break a Sweat?

People must eat. Apart from simply eating, more and more people hear from various sources almost daily that they need to eat healthy. Eating healthy has many aspects, one of which is consuming organic produce. Mass-produced food most of the time lacks this quality. A vegetable garden in your backyard could become the business you need to fulfil this need while also providing you with some earnings and improving your mental and physical condition.

Is this idea feasible? Yes, I think so. I read somewhere that during the Second World War, one-third of the food that Americans ate was produced in these backyard gardens as a necessity to cover the gap in food shortage but also as a way to support the war effort. If it could be done then, it means it can be done now!

The backyard garden is just an example. If you live in the countryside, you could also consider raising poultry, farming fish, beekeeping, and so on. With your wealth of knowledge and skills, you could also create a consulting business. Remember, the objective is to keep yourself busy mentally and physically while, if possible, earning income at the same time.

The Bounty of the Information Age

We are living in the information age. In this age, communication and the flow of information are highly simplified. Knowledge and information have become key drivers of economic growth and productivity. The ability to generate, access, and effectively utilize information has become a critical asset for individuals, businesses, and nations.

Here’s Where You Fit In

The advent of the internet has revolutionized communication and connectivity. People across the globe can now connect, communicate, and share information instantaneously, transcending geographical boundaries. Within this context, e-commerce has emerged and is helping people conduct all sorts of business transactions without the necessity of meeting physically.

All the businesses that were initially conducted physically can now be done online, at a fraction of the cost and with much greater output. Let’s consider teaching, for example. While traditionally setting up a school meant investing heavily in physical infrastructure and resources like books and staff, teaching online has eliminated most of those requirements, and the quality of delivered content is much superior too. Let’s take a look at this.

1. No need for physical buildings means important financial resources can be directed elsewhere.

2. One teacher per session can now reach millions of students instead of just 25 to 40 students. This translates into a minuscule per capita cost.

3. Lessons can be highly gamified and utilize easy-to-understand teaching aids, making the mastery of the subject matter considerably easier. This means it can take less time to complete a learning stage compared to a traditional physical learning environment.

Available online resources mean that as an individual, you can engage in a lot of commercial activities and reach millions of potential customers at a fraction of the cost needed to set up the same business physically.

In conclusion, I reiterate the punchline of this article: refuse to retire because it will help you keep your mental and physical health in good shape. Try as much as possible to monetize activities that will help you achieve this goal. Taking on activities that will physically challenge you, like gardening, is one way of doing it. Alternatively, learn about how to utilize online resources to turn the wealth of knowledge and skills you have accumulated throughout your working life into a business.

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About the Creator

Juma Killaghai

Juma Killaghai is a research chemist with over 30 years of experience in the field of research and development. He has a Master’s degree - Organic chemistry, from the University of Dar es Salaam. He resides in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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