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Keeping Your Relationship Fresh with Exciting New Things

Every long-term relationship is better with some new things and experiences!

By Theodora EvansPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

A new relationship brings loads of excitement. All those butterflies in your belly that won’t let you sleep, daydreaming and that feeling you have the whole world at your feet. However, these sentiments are destined to dwindle after some time has passed and it is absolutely expected. Although it might seem that the relationship is becoming boring, it doesn’t have to be that way. There are so many things you can do to rekindle old flames and make a mature relationship exhilarating again. Let’s take a look at some great ideas to freshen things up and bring back the butterflies.

The Element of Surprise

Every beginning of a relationship is full of surprises. Besides the fact that you still don’t know your partner very well, you’re unfamiliar with their reactions or preferences, both sides are more than eager to find out and do their best to please and impress. Later on, you might feel at some point that nothing can surprise you anymore, but you’ll be glad to hear that’s not true. Arriving home with a small gift, preparing an elaborate romantic meal or planning a surprise getaway can do wonders and keep things fresh and interesting.

Keep Things Steamy in the Bedroom

Let’s not forget that physical intimacy plays a pivotal role in a relationship. By now you know your partner well enough to anticipate what they would like in the bedroom, but that doesn’t mean you should stick to the same routine forever. Have a look at what the industry of corporal pleasures has to offer, from toys and essential oils to advice on what scenarios can really get you going. Have an open chat with your partner and you might be pleasantly surprised at what novelties you’ll be trying out. Figuring out new fantasies can lead to a variety of new sexual experiments, from subtle romantic roleplay in satin sheets to more risque endeavors involving pegging, you’re bound to have loads of fun on your journey of sexual discovery.

Have a New Common Goal

Working on things together undoubtedly brings people closer and strengthens relationship bonds. Find something that brings you both great pleasure, is stress-free and allows you both to contribute equally. It might be saving up for a very special trip, exercising together to reach the toned body you desire, volunteering and helping others or even redecorating your home. All of these choices can be budget-friendly and allow you to brainstorm ideas you will put into action. Not only will you be able to improve communication and always have something to talk about, but you’ll also get to enjoy the fruits of your labor together, sharing that irreplaceable sense of accomplishment.

Have Date Nights

This is something that really shouldn’t be forgotten and attributed only to the relationship’s initial stages. Date nights are there to prove the romance hasn’t died and that you can still have an exciting night out when all that matters is the two of you. Planning a date is almost as enjoyable as going on one, or you can even surprise your partner and take them out to their favorite place. This is a time when you leave all other things aside for a few hours – your kids, your mortgage, your job, your parents and you focus solely on making each other happy.

Take up a Hobby Together

Starting a new hobby together can prove to be loads of fun. Explore the things you both find interesting and exciting and go for it. It might be a language course so you can study together, an exciting sport, dancing, pottery, the list just goes on. This will allow you to help each other outside the home and share the excitement of a completely new challenge. Also, it is a great opportunity to widen your circle of friends and meet some new, interesting people.

Entertain More Often

When was the last time you had some friends over for a meal or just a casual chat over some drinks? Socializing is extremely important in all stages of a relationship and if you haven’t done this in a while, it’s high time you gave it another go. Prepare brunches or dinners together, organize parties or even themed events involving costumes and games. Spending time with other people, especially other couples, has proved to have a healthy impact on a relationship.

Play Games

If you promise not to be a sore loser, playing games as a couple is an excellent way to pass the time. Take your pick from card games, board games, even video games and let yourself forget about your daily worries and just have fun. You can even do some research and go shopping for a new game that you’ll both really like, or just borrow one from your kids and check out what they were so excited about while playing.

The change and stability that comes with many years spent together shouldn’t be something that scares you. It is an opportunity to try new things, get some much-needed rest together and remember how great it was to be so dedicated to each other. Needless to say, you’ll have fun all the way towards a better and healthier relationship.


About the Creator

Theodora Evans

Theodora is a passionate blogger from Sydney and she is someone you would call an IT and coffee nerd. Also, she takes great interest in psychology and helping people deal with their mental and anxiety issues.

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