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Is the Art of War, by Sun Tzu, still relevant today?

The Art of War is a classic on leadership, but does it still make sense today?

By thepavsalfordPublished 3 years ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read

Whether you are an experienced or new manager of people and resources, the Art of War, by Sun Tzu, is a powerful book that can take you to the next level, by turning you into a dynamic, fearless leader.

It would not be an understatement to say that it is essential reading for anyone who is interested or actively involved in the practice of management and strategy.

Speaking from my own experience, when I first read the Art of War, by Sun Tzu, it had a strong impact on my worldview, and to be honest with, I didn’t expect it; I was not prepared for it.

The messages conveyed by the book in the form of short teachings had an immediate effect on me. Instead of staying in the shade of negativity, when it comes to achieving my professional and life goals, the book filled me with some unexplained certainty, making me feel and act like a fearless and fearsome leader who is ready to conquer the world.

However, since it was written more than two thousand years ago, it begs the question whether it is still relevant today.

First of all, to put things in the right perspective, a book as old as the Art of War does not become automatically irrelevant, no matter how many hundreds or thousands of years have passed since it was written.

On the other hand, it could be argued that it has successfully stood the test of time, and this is undisputed proof of the book’s value and relevance, even in today’s world; otherwise, it wouldn’t have been read by millions of readers.

Nevertheless, there is always the other side of the coin, according to which, although the Art of War offers some extremely valuable lessons and insightful hard-earned knowledge on implementing effective leadership by exercising discipline on others and yourself, it is questionable whether this type of discipline can be applied in the modern world, where trends in society are created and become widely spread, as a result of a moment’s inspiration that goes viral on social media, without nobody knowing why and how.

So, where do these ancient teachings on leadership fit into that?

Does Sun Tzu’s long-honed discipline and preparation, which was considered to be highly effective in a war (or war-like) situation, have a place in a fast-paced modern society, where massive fortunes are made within a matter of only a couple of years, as a result of the popularity enjoyed among peers and complete strangers alike?

Perhaps, if Sun Tzu lived today, he would try to apply his principles on strategy to earn a place under the sun in the modern business world, which largely relies on establishing and constantly cultivating a dynamic online presence.

Can you imagine Sun Tzu as a modern-day warrior who fights to establish himself as a leading, influential online guru? That wouldn’t be far from true, taking into the account the level of online activity that takes place in any field nowadays; including that of war.

In addition to that, he would also attempt to slightly change, perhaps, his strategy and tactics, in order to meet the requirements of an increasingly globalized business environment.

If Sun Tzu had any chance of reading the book “Marketing judo: Building your business using brains not budget” or the book “Blue Ocean Strategy: How to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant”, he would definitely adopt a very different approach, in order for him to be in line with the conditions that dominate the modern business arena, compared to the principles that were applicable to the competitive environment that characterized the society that he lived thousands of years ago. He was a top strategist and leader, after all, and as such, he would not lose his ability to adapt to the conditions that prevail in today’s society.

Further reading:

The Art of War

‘The Art of War’: As relevant now as when it was written

Is the Art of War still relevant today?

Is the “Art of War” by Sun Tzu still studied today?

Are Clausewitz and Sun Tzu Still Relevant in Contemporary Conflicts?


About the Creator



I have written articles for various websites, such as Helium, Hubpages, Medium, and many more.

Currently, I work as a translator. I have studied Tourism Management at college.

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