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How to Write the Perfect Letter

Letter Writing

By Cassie WhitePublished 7 years ago 2 min read

If your like me and find your way around expressing your feelings with pen and paper then this is for you. Ever since I discovered writing letters, I just never stopped. Writing gives me a sense of peace knowing that whatever I write won't be seen or read until I give the letter to whomever I wrote it for. Doing this helps with the anxiety of talking face to face or texting and being to scared to hit send. I hope that you find a new passion and that reading this helps you become more at ease with whatever problems you have.

To start you need a greeting, this step is fairly easy to do. This area of the letter is entirely up to you and you can be as creative as you'd like to. Although everyone knows “Dear whomever,” it's a bit to cliche for me to use for every letter I write. When I write I normally use “Hello…” or just the persons name, it makes me feel less formal and more relaxed. Perhaps if you need to write a formal letter then I suggest using “To whom it may concern,” or to use the name of the person but adding Mr. Or Ms. in front of the name.

The next area of the letter is the body paragraphs, this area can be as long, as formal, or as non formal as you want it to be. Do not feel obligated to write only five paragraphs, or if you want it shorter don't feel obligated to write five paragraphs. When writing a relaxed letter I personally like to use a black pen. But on the other hand I enjoy using different colored pens to spice things up with random words like “love” or “enjoy.” This all depends on your preference and have a little fun with it.

When you're done writing your letter you will need to close it by saying goodbye. When writing a formal letter I would suggest using “Sincerely, whomever.” This sounds the best, however when your writing a relaxed letter you could use “Love, whomever” or “Your dearest, whomever.” Don't be afraid to play around and make up your own way to say goodbye. Whatever your writing means something to you so take some pride in your work and do whatever comes to mind.

In the end you're going to have to do something with your letter. Either you're keeping it for yourself, giving it to a loved one, or giving it to someone your trying to impress. When giving a formal letter to whomever it belongs to it would be easier to mail it. However giving it to a loved one you might get shy, try putting it in a present or slipping it under their door. Somehow they will find it and all will be fine. Also if your keeping it then I'd suggest a box to put all the letters you've written yourself, much easier to keep them that way.

So now you've written the perfect letter and I hope you are very proud of your work. Don't forget to say whatever you need to get off your chest, it will help you out when your down in the dumps and need a little pick me up. Letters are a wonderful keepsake and you can always go back and read them when you're missing someone. I hope this helped you with your letter and I also hope you have a wonderful day!

how to

About the Creator

Cassie White

Hello! My name is Cassie, I'm not very special but I do love to write so I'm hoping this will give me the voice I've been looking for. I hope you enjoy!

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