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Different Signs of Emotional Intelligence


By Ha Le SaPublished 2 months ago 5 min read
Different Signs of Emotional Intelligence
Photo by Charles Forerunner on Unsplash

We all know about the intelligence quotient and most of us fall within the average range. When we talk about the intelligence level of an individual, we use terms like smart, intelligent, idiot, stupid, and dumb. However, the majority of people are unaware that we also possess an emotional intelligence level, commonly known as EQ or EI. Emotional intelligence is the ability of an individual to understand, use, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, express effectively, empathize with others, and defuse confrontations.

Emotional intelligence directs how we respond in a given situation. Our sentiments have an effective impact on our lives, so if you want to be a better parent, friend, lover, or coworker, you must learn about the signs of emotional intelligence. It is relatively simple to impact the lives of others if you are aware of what they are feeling or what is causing their particular feelings; people will feel more at ease addressing you.

J Friedman describes emotional intelligence as,

A way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think and act. It defines what and how we comprehend different things.

It helps us to set priorities. It builds our perception of ourselves and our relationship with other people. It determines the majority of our daily actions. Research suggests that emotional intelligence highly affects the success of a person.

Different signs of emotional intelligence are:

Reading people faces

People with high emotional intelligence can read people's faces too easily. Peter Drucker, an Austrian-born American author said,

The most important thing in communication is hearing.

Therefore, in addition to paying close attention to what other people say, a highly emotionally intelligent person can read people by their body language and facial expressions.

Controlled thinking

When confronted with an uncommon circumstance, most of the time we are unsure of how to respond. In such conditions, whether to feel sad, ecstatic, or furious. However, in the case of emotionally intelligent people, they can control how they react to those feelings by focusing on their thoughts. The way they think makes them not become slaves to their emotions.

Identifying different emotions

Identifying different emotions is another sign of emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent people can identify emotions so they can play an important part in the lives of others by influencing their thoughts and actions. They spend much time observing the people around them. As a result, they can see things that lie below the surface, especially when it comes to the reactions of people in different situations.


Honesty is a sign of emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent people say what they mean. They do not speak half-truths or try to camouflage things. They are honest in their approach to life and their dealings with people.

Keeping commitment

Emotionally intelligent people understand that keeping their words in casual and difficult situations establishes a strong reputation for reliability and trustworthiness. So even when it comes to something as trivial as bailing out on a friend on movie night, emotionally intelligent people ensure that they keep their promises.


Alfred Adler, an Austrian physician defines empathy as,

Seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another.

Empathy does not necessarily mean agreeing and accepting the point of view of another person; it means striving to understand, allowing us to build deeper, more connected relationships. Emotional intelligent people are empathetic, putting themselves in other’s positions without being judgmental. They work hard to see things through the eyes of others.

Helping others

People who are sympathetic and emotionally intelligent understand what it's like to be in a vulnerable situation or to require assistance. As a result, they are continually eager to help others in need.

Being Aware of strengths and weaknesses

Emotionally intelligent people are self-aware. They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, so they concentrate on using their strengths more frequently while keeping their flaws in mind. They gain control of it whenever the tiniest possibility for it to be displayed appears.

Forgive and forget

Remember that emotionally intelligent people are not a slave to their emotions. They are good at forgiving people who offend them and forget about it. As well as they understand the best time to forgive people and move on. They prevent others from holding their emotions hostage.

Knowing the perfect time

If someone is emotionally intelligent, it does not follow that they should understand very little as they go through life or critique every occurrence as it occurs. As a result, they know when to seek deeper insight and when to enjoy the moment. If you notice yourself doing any of these behaviors, it could indicate that you are emotionally intelligent.

Avoiding emotional manipulation

You are probably wondering if there is a downside to being emotionally intelligent. The answer is yes. People can try to manipulate or deceive others to achieve their selfish goals or ambitions. To be able to avoid emotional manipulation is also a sin of emotional intelligence. An emotionally intelligent person is always aware of emotional manipulation by others, so they ensure that they continually sharpen their emotional cushion to protect themselves from manipulators.

Striving for improvement

People with low EI make the world believe that they know everything and can do anything. When something goes wrong, they point the finger at others. A person with a high EI is aware of the areas in their life that need improvement. They are always gaining knowledge and evolving.

IQ and emotional intelligence can be improved. Part of our EI is innate, part is formed by our surroundings, and another component is determined by our attitude. By improving your emotional intelligence, you can avoid miscommunications and misunderstandings. It strengthens your connections and assists you in striking a meaningful balance between work, family, and leisure. Always remember that the primary factor of success is assessed by EQ, and not by IQ.

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Ha Le Sa

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