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Celebrating My Greatest Source of Inspiration

Never to be Forgotten

By Anthony ChanPublished 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 3 min read
Special Thanks to Hipster Mum on

In the quiet moments of reflection, I often find myself drifting back to sweet memories of my mom, Patricia born in 1916, the year of the Dragon! She was a woman of remarkable strength and resilience despite having only completed the 3rd grade in school. Her unwavering belief in the power of self, instilled in me from a young age, continues to shape my journey through life.

I remember her words vividly, spoken with a quiet determination that belied her lack of formal education. "Believe in yourself," she would say, her voice tinged with hope and conviction. "Believe deeply enough so that others will one day begin to believe in you too."

These words became my guiding light, especially after my dad passed away when I was just ten years old. Left to navigate the tumultuous waters of adolescence without a father figure, my mom became my pillar of strength. She reminded me that although I was fatherless, I was not without purpose. She often reminded me I needed to continue my journey, strive for greatness, and make life worth living.

"Dad's legacy will always be with you in spirit," she assured me, her eyes filled with a quiet determination. "But it's your responsibility to honor it by using every ounce of strength you have to overcome the obstacles in your path and achieve success."

Her words were like a beacon in the darkness, guiding me through the storms of doubt and uncertainty. Whenever I encountered naysayers who doubted my abilities, I could hear my mother’s voice saying, "Naysayers are like gnats," with a hint of amusement in her tone. "Just swat them away and ignore them. Don't empower them with your attention."

It was a lesson in resilience and perseverance that I carry with me to this day. Instead of wasting time and energy being angry at those who doubted me, my mom taught me to channel that energy into achieving success. "Success," she would say, her voice filled with quiet satisfaction, "is the best form of revenge against those who have ever doubted you."

Patricia was more than just a parent; she was a mentor, a confidante, and a source of unwavering support. Her passion for life was contagious, infusing me with renewed purpose and determination. Like magical pixie dust, her words of encouragement revitalized my spirit, urging me to push forward despite the challenges I faced growing up in low-income housing projects.

Reflecting on her legacy, I realize that my mom's greatest gift to me was her words of wisdom and the example she set through her actions. Despite facing numerous hardships and obstacles, she never wavered in her belief in the power of resilience and determination.

My mom taught me to believe in myself through her unwavering faith in me, even when the world seemed determined to knock me down. She showed me that success is about achieving greatness and finding the strength to persevere despite adversity.

In the years since my mom's passing, her words continue to echo in my mind, guiding me through life's ups and downs. Whenever I face doubt or uncertainty, I draw strength from her memory, knowing that her belief in me lives on, a testament to the power of love and perseverance.

Ultimately, my mom's legacy is not just one of belief but of resilience, determination, and the enduring power of love. She may have had little formal education, but her wisdom transcended books and classrooms, leaving an indelible mark on my heart and soul.

As I have continued my journey through life, I carry her memory with me always, a guiding light in the darkness, reminding me to believe in myself and the power of my dreams. She believed in me from the day I was born and created the stage that allowed me to find the strength I needed to survive. I never doubted that I would learn to overcome any obstacle I have ever encountered.

Thank you, Mom, for building the roads and highways I have traveled through! You will always be my favorite passionate Dragon!


About the Creator

Anthony Chan

Chan Economics LLC, Public Speaker

Chief Global Economist & Public Speaker JPM Chase ('94-'19).

Senior Economist Barclays ('91-'94)

Economist, NY Federal Reserve ('89-'91)

Econ. Prof. (Univ. of Dayton, '86-'89)

Ph.D. Economics

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