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An Article About My Devastating Heartbreak is Blowing Up

And I Am Cackling

By Veronica WrenPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Photo by author: Veronica Wren

A few months ago, I published an article I expected to get zero reads.

It was a 3300-ish word analysis (slash venting session) of being horribly dumped by partner who had an avoidant attachment style.

This cold, cruel man, after 12+ years of friendship and 2 years of spent convincing me we were a perfect match, callously dumped me out of the blue and then never spoke to me again…

Because I asked him to sext me.


Anyway, I wrote that article (linked at the bottom of the page) when I was emerging from one of the lowest points in my life and trying to scrape together some closure for myself. It combined the many things I was never able to tell my ex (due to his stonewalling) with information about attachment styles to help others recognize warning signs and communicate more effectively.

Because it was mostly for my own peace of mind, I didn’t even submit it to a publication or do any kind of SEO. It was emotional, but healing, to put it all out there and finally begin to look toward a brighter future.

Worth the Wait

The article sat, basically unclicked, for months.

Until this week, when it suddenly got hundreds of views (and rising) overnight!

Each time I check my stats or get a new reaction, I’m delighted all over again by the spike in popularity for this particular article. I have no idea how or why this is happening, but I am absolutely giddy and cracking up over it.

My endless thanks goes out to the blogging community for supporting writers and providing a place to connect over our stories. Writing about that experience was incredibly raw and painful, but my heart is so warmed by the idea that someone going through a tough time is reading and benefitting from our shared experience.

I’d be absolutely honored if you’d give my trending article, Are They Dismissive Avoidant or Just a Dismissive Asshole? Learning to Cope When It’s Both, a read and let me know what you think. If you have a similar experience you feel comfortable sharing, I’m here for you.

Every click helps to support my writing (as well as the therapy I need after dating these scrubs).

I’m Glad You’re Here

After years spent advocating for domestic violence victims while hiding my own suffering, I absolutely refuse to let anyone feel abandoned in their abuse or its aftermath.

That’s why I’m doing the work to make communicating about my own experiences as normal as possible, while actively calling out abuse and inequity when I see it. My aim is to give others a safe environment in which to develop these tools so we can start making some much-needed change together.

Please support my continued writing (and help me inch my way toward my first book) by following and engaging with me on trauma and advocacy. I’d love to hear from you!

Trauma sucks. Recovery shouldn’t. Subscribe in one click to receive your FREE digital copy of my new guided journal, “Empower and Heal: 90 Days of Transformational Prompts for Trauma Recovery, Self-Discovery, and Growth”, delivered straight to your inbox!

Veronica Wren Trauma Recovery Book Club

Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How it Can Help You Find and Keep Love — Amir Levine and Rachel Heller

This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you click a link and decide to make a purchase, I’ll earn a few extra pennies to support my book-buying habit (and do an elaborate, celebratory dance around my apartment just for you). My promise to you is that I’ll only ever recommend resources I truly believe in and have found beneficial in my healing journey. Happy reading!


About the Creator

Veronica Wren

Trauma sucks. Recovery shouldn't. Subscribe here for your FREE exclusive guided journal

❤️‍🩹 ❤️‍🩹

Domestic Abuse & CPTSD Recovery Coach

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