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A Sisterhood of Dragons

How a group of women inspired me this International Women's Day (all names changed for privacy)

By Morgan Rhianna BlandPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
A Sisterhood of Dragons
Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

The dragon symbolizes strength, power, and wisdom. Those qualities apply to many women in our lives from beloved mothers and grandmothers to courageous historical figures. This International Women’s Day, I was on a cruise with a group studying communications and marketing. I was blessed to meet a whole sisterhood of women who embody the qualities of a dragon, each inspiring in her own right. These are not their stories. Those stories aren't mine to tell, and these women certainly don’t need help telling them This is my story of meeting them, of the impressions they made, and of the ways they inspired me.


My roommate was an elderly lady named Esther, who reminded me of my late grandmother. I saw the similarities in Esther’s upbeat personality, wisdom, and patience in guiding me. Esther had the misfortune of seeing me emotional. Long story short, I suffer from vision loss and ran into a wall while trying to navigate an open deck. This was the final straw in a day that kept reminding me of my limitations. I burst into tears, half-expecting Esther to judge me. Instead, she sat with me and patiently talked me through the pain until it passed. Esther inspired me to have patience with my weaknesses and those of others.


Priya, the travel agent who planned the cruise, was also a member of our study group. The thing that immediately struck me about Priya was her dedication. She planned for everything when organizing our cruise, and on the rare occasion someone’s needs weren’t met, she was quick to address the situation. Hearing Priya’s story of what she overcame to get where she is, I was even more impressed with her dedication. Although we’re in two very different fields, Priya’s dedication inspired me to work harder in my own career in hopes of someday rising to her level of success.


Another lady with whom I instantly clicked was Alexandra. The first night of the cruise, I was so nervous! Alexandra was the first person to draw me out of my shell. She told me what a cool person I was and how much she wanted to get to know me. I was completely floored! Why did she think so highly of me when she hardly knew me?

I later learned that Alexandra suffered a terrible injustice. She had the strength to not only fight for a cause she believes in but to work alongside people who wronged her to do it. Her strength inspired me to keep fighting for others, no matter the personal cost.


One of the ladies from our group (we’ll call her Rosa) was from a Latin American country. She brought her child and it was immediately clear what a wonderful mother Rosa was. The little one’s intelligence and confidence could only have come from an environment of love and kindness. Rosa brought the same kindness to our group. She was quick to offer a smile, a hug, or a listening ear to anyone who needed it. She reminded me of the impact of a kind word and inspired me to go forward in life with kindness.


Joyce was the first person I met after boarding. We happened upon each other in a hallway, and she complimented my outfit. Her fun, friendly personality stuck with me, and I hoped to see her again. Lo and behold, she was part of my study group! We talked and made plans for one of the port days together. The more I got to know Joyce, the more her resilience impressed me. Like me, she had a disability, but she approached each day with a sense of humor. Her resilience inspired me to face my own challenges with dignity and positivity.


Emily was one of only two people I’d met prior to the cruise. Although we hadn’t had much interaction, I could see the stark contrast in our personalities. Emily is outspoken and optimistic, while I’m more guarded and cynical. Our personalities clashed when Emily said something well-intentioned, albeit patronizing. Despite that, she continued to offer encouragement. That interaction inspired me to be mindful of how my words affect others and act with grace toward others.


While Clara wasn't on the cruise, she belongs here because she’s related to someone who was. When we met, I made a terrible impression. I was so embarrassed, I couldn’t bear to speak to her again for over two years! When we did interact again, Clara said she was glad to see me. I couldn’t believe my ears! I plucked up the courage to apologize for my first impression, and Clara forgave me. Her forgiveness taught me to show compassion not just to others, but to myself as well.


About the Creator

Morgan Rhianna Bland

I'm an aroace brain AVM survivor from Tennessee. My illness left me unable to live a normal life with a normal job, so I write stories to earn money.

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