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7 Ways to Sleep Peacefully on Your Next Flight

The most effective ways to feel rested and energized for your next trip

By Jordan MendiolaPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Alev Takil on Unsplash

Traveling is something that’s been a huge part of life for many people. For me, it’s been something I’ve been blessed to do nearly my entire life.

After many years of my family moving, amazing vacations, and military trips, I’ve come to the conclusion of a few ways to sleep peacefully on an airplane.

If you’re tired enough, you’ll fall asleep anyway, but for those of you who can’t easily snooze unless you’re in your comfy bed at home, these strategies may help you.

21 Quick Tips from Scott’s Cheap Flights

1. Book a red-eye.

2. Download a sleep app.

3. Book a window seat.

4. …or choose a seat far from the lavatory.

5. Wear yourself out before your flight.

6. Bring noise-canceling headphones.

7. Upgrade your seat.

8. Gradually begin adjusting your internal clock days in advance.

9. Go easy on the alcohol.

10. And steer clear of caffeine.

11. Hydrate.

12. Watch what you eat.

13. Pack snacks.

14. Bring an eye mask.

15. Bring your own blanket.

16. Pack a pillow.

17. Change into comfortable clothing.

18. Stretch before (or on) your flight.

19. Put your electronics away.

20. Practice your usual pre-sleep routine.

21. Pack a sleep aid.

I will go in-depth on the methods that I personally use on my travels following this list.

1. Noise Cancelling Headphones

The number one piece of technology that I use is noise-canceling headphones. On a flight, there’s white noise in the background that can keep you awake for hours and even drive you mad.

Some headphones that I personally use are Airpod Pros as well as Bose Quiet Comfort II’s. These are essential for getting into a peaceful state of mind so that I’m able to lay my head back and sleep.

Make sure they’re charged and ready for flight. You get to hear your own music and don’t have to worry about advertisements or the flight attendants’ announcements waking you up.

2. Sleeping Masks or Beanies

If you have thin eyelids like me, then you know how essential it is for your environment to be pitch black when you’re trying to go to sleep. Sleeping masks cost less than $20 a pair and they can get you the quality sleep you need.

Airplanes are often bright from the cabin lights or because someone nearby won’t shut their window (the view is amazing, but please close that thing). It’s a cheap investment and it pays for your rest.

Beanie caps are an alternative to sleeping masks because all you have to do is fold them over your eyes and poof! Everything’s pitch black and it’s like you're in your own bedroom at night again.

3. Stay Hydrated With Your Own Water

It’s so easy to get dehydrated on airplanes it’s not even funny. I personally recommend getting yourself a large reusable water bottle you can fill up at the airport so that you never have to leave your seat or call a flight attendant for water.

Being dehydrated raises your body temperature and puts you in an uncomfortable position to where it’s extremely difficult to fall asleep.

A phrase I use often is “hydrate or die-drate” because that’s how it’ll feel if you lack hydrating and replenishing your body with water. It’s not a good time being thirsty on an airplane.

4. Try to Get a Window Seat

Getting a window seat is one of the best ways to sleep on an airplane. Bring your own neck pillow and you’re golden. You’ll be able to lean up against the window, see incredible views, and not be disturbed by someone needing to get up.

The only downside to having a window seat is that you’ll have to wake up your neighbors next to you in order to go to the bathroom or stretch your legs.

In my travel experience, I have slept for five hours straight and arrived at my destination thanks to a window seat. If you can get one, go for it, especially if you need to get some rest.

5. Bring a Blanket or Have Extra Layers of Clothes

Depending on the flight, some airplanes can get incredibly chilly. Especially if you have a seat neighbor who loves blasting the air conditioning, you’ll want to have extra clothing or a blanket.

Not every flight supplies blankets, so if you’re underprepared, you’re screwed and there’s no way to get sleep, let alone comfortable. I highly recommend bringing something lightweight and soft so that you can cozy up.

The benefit of having extra layers of close is that you can always remove layers. On my last flight, I had a T-shirt, a dry fit hoodie, an actual hoodie, and a thick outdoor jacket. I was able to fluctuate between all the different variations depending on how I felt and this gave me the maximum quality of sleep.

6. Bring Your Own Food

Food is extremely important on flights because the complimentary snacks they give you are not enough to fill an empty stomach. It takes a little bit of preparation that goes a long way on a flight.

You’ll save money on airport food and you’ll sleep better because you’re not “hangry” or starving. There’s comfort in knowing that whatever food you consume came from you because it’s clean or you absolutely love it.

The separation is in the preparation and you can set yourself apart from other travelers by preparing meals and having snacks on hand in case you get hungry. It’s easier to sleep on a full stomach than an empty one!

7. Bring Your Own Entertainment

Having entertainment and something to help lull you to sleep is a game-changer. I have YouTube premium, movies downloaded, and my Nintendo Switch to keep me busy on my flights.

If you have entertainment on hand it’ll help you get that boredom out of you and unwind. It’s very hard to sleep under stress, so by bringing forms of entertainment, it’ll be easier to knock out.

Bring anything that gives you joy and happiness so that you don’t have to worry about the flight itself. A little escapism might be just what you need to fall into a deep sleep and rest peacefully.

Final Thought

Getting sleep while traveling goes a long way and prepares you for your arrival at any destination you’re headed for. If you use even one of these strategies to get better sleep while flying, you won’t regret it.

Travel is exciting, but when you’re exhausted, stressed, and sleep-deprived, it can become draining and take out all of the fun.

Do everything you can to get sleep on an airplane and your travels will be far less stressful and adapting to your new destination will be a piece of cake.


About the Creator

Jordan Mendiola

Jordan Mendiola is a horizontal construction engineer in the U.S. Army, Mendiola loves hands-on projects and writing inspirational blog posts about health, fitness, life, and investing.

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