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40+ Psychology Facts About Human Behavior + Image

Psychology Facts About Human Behavior

By Zitan LodgePublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Psychology Facts About Human Behavior

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Psychology Facts About Human Behavior

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Psychology Facts About Human Behavior

  1. We can udnretsnad any msseed up stnecene as lnog as the lsat and frsit lteerts of wdros are in crrcoet palecs. Suhc as tihs stnecene.
  2. We often tend to break down knowledge into classes of 3-4 objects in them. The Indian phone number is 984-973-2543. Three blocks with 3-4 bits in each chunk.
  3. Studies have shown that consuming food without preservatives will increase I.Q by up to 14%.
  4. You seem to think more about a specific individual than about catastrophic events.
  5. Women have half as many pain receptors on their bodies as males, but they have a much greater threshold for pain.
  6. Physically, repetition affects the brain as new associations are made between brain cells.
  7. The maximum number of close relationships/friendships you can maintain is between 50 and 150.
  8. An individual still has 7 minutes of neural activity before he passes away.
  9. Your reliance on social media is the product of your psychological system.
  10. There’s a neurological explanation for why you thought your phone was vibrating because there’s no warning called Phantom Vibration Syndrome.
  11. Some people live their lives as if they were in a reality television show.
  12. Our minds are working on making boring speeches more exciting.
  13. Feeling as though you are in a TV reality show is considered the Truman Syndrome.
  14. Seeing others favourably shows our positive characteristics, seeing others negatively reveals our negative attributes.
  15. Depression is often referred to as the product of thought. Imagination causes issues that don’t exist.
  16. Being happy around people makes you happier.
  17. The human attention span is shorter than a goldfish.
  18. The average weight of the adult human brain is three pounds
  19. Memories are stored for both short-term and long-term use at the same time
  20. Vitamin B1 can help improve short- and long-term memory
  21. Easy access to information can make it harder to remember
  22. Memories start forming in the womb
  23. It uses 20% of the body’s total oxygen and energy
  24. It’s composed of 73% water
  25. Sweating can temporarily shrink the brain.
  26. Researchers have observed that thinking that something bad is going to happen is less stressful to understand than not understanding how it will eventually wind up.

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More Psychology Facts About Human Behavior

  1. The “Primacy Effect" suggests that we are more likely to remember information presented at the beginning of a list or a speech. (memory)
  2. Love can be addictive. Studies have shown that the brain activity of individuals in the early stages of romantic love resembles the brain activity of individuals addicted to drugs.
  3. The “Pygmalion Effect" suggests that higher expectations placed upon individuals can lead to improved performance as people strive to meet those expectations.
  4. Your Personality Is Relatively Stable Throughout Your Life
  5. When someone stares at your mouth during a conversation, they're probably thinking about what it would be like to kiss you.
  6. If you meet someone in a dangerous situation, your chances of falling in love increase.
  7. Opposites attract is a myth, we are generally attracted to people with the same understanding of the world as us.
  8. Women are influenced and persuaded by a man's sense of humor and sarcasm.
  9. If after ending a relationship you still stay in touch, chances are one of you is still in love or never was.
  10. Thoughts and ideas don't go away easily because we keep nurturing them every day.
  11. Romance in the workplace is more likely to turn into marriage than meeting in bars or at friends' houses.
  12. Thanking you more often makes you a warmer person.
  13. When you don't have a friendship or your friendship isn't that intimate with someone, +5 seconds of pure silence can make the conversation very awkward.
  14. Your energy introduces you even before you say anything.


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