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By josh napperPublished 23 days ago 6 min read
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Ok hold up, let me break my good boy type of character for a minute folks. You see no one has been able to keep me down, and neither will a certain loser that owes me a check for $700, wait no that too low, $1450 nah the proof shows more. A wanna be that owes me a thank you for saving his ass day in and day out, actually if i think about it he owes me a whole lot more. If it wasn't for me, would he have anything, I doubt it. Because if it wasn't for me paying that house payment month after month then that boy wouldn't have a roof, hell even when i didn't have a roof over myself i still kept my word. The irony of the story a liar tells is it's just one big lie. How can you say you never counted on me but then keep needing me to save your high school dropout ass. But let's run down some things you said about me. How bout we stop holding back, 10 years we've been doing this so let's not try to convince this crowd we have any respect for each other. Well let's see here you accused me of sexually assulting that little cousin of yours. First of all that girl is like my little sister, hell are we forgetting i offered to pay for her to turn her life around but you stopped that. O and let's remember me and her never really had alone time. And yes we both spelt in the living room for those few months but let's recall where we slept. Her bed was feet away from your grandparents bedroom door, and my bed was feet away from your bed. And even if I managed to keep her quiet for that night, do you really think she wouldn't have told me the second it was over with a scream that would have sent me to the graveyard because of where everyone was. And lets not forget you also accused me of wanting to do that same thing with your girlfriend. O on a side note fuck you little bitch, and fuck you to the guy that watched to many step daughter step dad videos on pornhub and wanted to try it out in real life. O and since we are on the topic of family, well then if i can speak to the little version of you that's down south but not quite at the border, little bro my favorite song from kendrick lamar is dna. However I'm sure this guy you see a few times a year will surely pass a certain test but please don't look into my words, I don't wanna get sued by a guy that will probably ask me to pay for the lawyer he hires. You love blaming me don't you. You blame me for getting fired two times, man maybe if you actually did your job and not trust your girl so much that you need to talk to her every second at work maybe you could. You say I'm money hungry, bitch please. Do I need to post how much money I sent you and your girl? You asked for those receipts and where's your reply once I sent them. You say i'm money hungry then why is a guy just called josh giving your girl 3 to 5 big ones per month as a form of a promise, shouldn't it be you. You know the boyfriend, the one that is meant to pay for the nails and hair and the fancy dates. Hell, just the other day I took you two out for a fancy dinner and did I got a thank you. Hell no. I know we aint the smartest people since you're a highschool dropout and I graduated with a 1.5 gpa but maybe, just maybe, hear me out. Maybe you're money hungry. I mean you always think guys are sliding into your girl dm’s but you keep sliding into my dm’s asking me for money more then guys are sliding into your girl dm’s asking to pay for those nails and that hair. However keep going calling her a bitch and calling goddaughter mommy a dumbass for hooking up with a deadbeat. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised by how you treat me, I mean I'm gonna plead the fifth on how you speak to that guy that is more like your dad than your actual dad. Btw nice pic of you when you were younger. Funny how I had that same hair. Maybe you really are copying me. So go ahead and make your jokes that everyone else has said. Maybe I could have fixed my top teeth if I wasn't paying for your lifestyle. By the way do you know that the number of nights I went to bed hungry and plain starving is a number too high for me to count just so you could afford that smoke in your lungs, the food in your stomach and those condoms you put around your little t-mac as you say come here cousin. And don't get mad at me for implying that it was your only family members that were accused of that first. Maybe your DNA is the true cure for cancer. Maybe I wouldn't be paying this man $900 a month for this hotel room. Maybe I would have gotten the big house. I told your girl that day we sat in the backseat passing those houses. I said one day she’ll have one of them when she said she wouldn't ever have one. Maybe i wouldnt have taken that check from my mom and had to save our ass’s if you were a real man, and on a side note fuck you gram, but its a little to late a little less green and a little to short cuz like a angel once told me “sorry means nothing” but sure you go home cuz your tired as me and dad follows that amnlanace with your daughter in the bed with 12 broken ribs. And yes since I know you're dying to mention that little princess that screwed me over as she cried tears down in Missouri trying to give me that ring back. So here we go, maybe if you had just told me why then i would have been able to move on however you send your man-well the man that turned out to be ex boyfriend 2562436- and his bestie that he surely don't play with each other swords not that there's anything wrong with that come on folks it's 2024 we all deserve to be happy, even the sluts that made us all family but then betrayed our family. Maybe that was the real series finale moment but don't worry i wont pick up the bottle and send a few messages to another girl i learned my lesson already. Back to the topic my son, you have knocked me down but have you kept me down? Nah. good thing your great old man got up when he went down on his head and his house was a little smokey and red. O and next time your daddy is driving down the country road with you tell that man to watch out for deer because even though cats always land on their feet, we as humans aint supposed to land on our broken necks. Isn't it funny that all those years you controlled my cash flow, we got nowhere but now look at me, nearly a new chapter in my redemption story. So go ahead and be done, as you say for I don't even know how many times but i aint done. I'm just getting started little bro… just promise me you wont take a dna test.


About the Creator

josh napper

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