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It's always there

By Betty OnesjayPublished 14 days ago 4 min read

In the quaint town of Ravendale, nestled in a valley surrounded by misty mountains, life moved at a leisurely pace. The cobblestone streets were lined with charming cottages, and the townsfolk greeted each other with warm smiles and friendly waves. But as idyllic as Ravendale seemed, it harbored a secret—a secret that lurked in the shadows.

Emma, a curious and adventurous teenager, had always felt an inexplicable pull towards the unknown. Her grandfather, a retired historian, had filled her childhood with tales of ancient legends and forgotten lore. Among his many stories, one intrigued her the most—the tale of the Shadows.

According to her grandfather, the Shadows were mysterious entities that roamed the town after dusk, visible only to those who truly believed in them. They were neither wholly good nor entirely evil but were drawn to the secrets and desires hidden deep within the hearts of the townsfolk. Emma often wondered if the Shadows were real or just a product of her grandfather’s vivid imagination.

One crisp autumn evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the sky turned a deep shade of indigo, Emma decided to find out for herself. She had overheard whispers of strange occurrences near the old, abandoned manor on the outskirts of town. Clutching a flashlight and a notebook, she set out on her quest.

The manor, shrouded in ivy and cloaked in darkness, loomed ahead like a sentinel guarding the secrets of the night. As Emma approached, a chill ran down her spine, but she pressed on, her determination outweighing her fear. She pushed open the creaking gate and stepped onto the overgrown path leading to the entrance.

Inside, the manor was a labyrinth of decaying grandeur. Dust motes floated in the air, and the floorboards creaked under her weight. Emma’s flashlight flickered, casting eerie shadows on the walls. She wandered through the rooms, her senses heightened, until she reached the grand ballroom.

There, in the center of the room, stood a tall mirror, its surface tarnished with age. As Emma approached, she saw her reflection, but something was off. Her reflection’s eyes seemed darker, more intense. She reached out to touch the mirror, and as her fingers brushed the glass, the room plunged into darkness.

Emma’s heart raced as she fumbled for her flashlight. When she finally managed to turn it on, the beam of light revealed figures emerging from the shadows—vague, humanoid shapes with glowing eyes that seemed to pierce through her very soul.

“You have found us,” a voice whispered, echoing through the room. “We are the Shadows.”

Emma’s mouth went dry. “What do you want?”

“We seek the truth,” the Shadows replied in unison. “We feed on the hidden fears and desires of those who dwell in the light. But you, Emma, are different. You seek us willingly. Why?”

Emma swallowed hard. “I wanted to know if you were real. My grandfather always said you could reveal secrets. I need to know…about my parents.”

The Shadows shifted, their forms swirling like smoke. “Your parents’ fate is entwined with ours,” they said. “They sought the truth, just as you do. But they ventured too far into the darkness.”

Tears welled up in Emma’s eyes. “What happened to them?”

The Shadows moved closer, their voices softer now. “They uncovered a secret, one that bound them to us. They became part of the Shadows, protectors of the town’s hidden truths. To save them, you must face your deepest fear.”

Emma’s mind raced. What was her deepest fear? She had always been brave, always curious. But then it hit her—she feared losing herself to the unknown, just as her parents had. She feared becoming a part of the Shadows, losing her humanity.

Summoning all her courage, Emma stood tall. “I will face my fear,” she declared.

The Shadows encircled her, their presence overwhelming. “Then look into the mirror, and confront what you see.”

Emma turned to the mirror. Her reflection stared back at her, but now it was different. The eyes were hers, but darker, filled with the weight of hidden truths. She saw her parents in the background, their forms part of the shadows, watching her with a mix of sorrow and pride.

Tears streamed down her face as she reached out, touching the mirror once more. A surge of energy coursed through her, and she felt herself being pulled into the darkness. But instead of fear, she felt a sense of understanding. She was not alone; her parents were with her, guiding her.

When the darkness receded, Emma found herself back in the grand ballroom, the mirror gone. The Shadows had dissipated, leaving behind an air of tranquillity. She felt a warmth in her heart, a connection to her parents and a newfound purpose.

Emma returned to Ravendale, her perspective forever changed. She knew the Shadows would always be there, lurking in the darkness, revealing hidden truths to those brave enough to seek them. And she, the girl who faced the shadows, would carry their legacy, protecting the town from the secrets that threatened to consume it.

From that day on, Emma became the guardian of Ravendale, the keeper of secrets and the bridge between light and darkness. The townsfolk sensed a change in her, though they could never quite place it. And as the years passed, the legend of the Shadows grew, whispered among the curious and the brave.

For in Ravendale, the Shadows were real, and they were always watching...


About the Creator

Betty Onesjay

Betty Onesjay: architect of imagination. Dive into realms where dreams meet reality. With boundless creativity, I craft tales evoking emotions and stretching imagination. Welcome to a world of fantasy, realism, and boundless imagination.

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