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The Missing Loop

A mysterious story of a young Journalist

By Keyur PorechaPublished 24 days ago 6 min read

Chapter 1: The Arrival

The train rumbled to a halt at the small, forgotten station of Willowbrook. It was a place where time seemed to have paused, leaving behind remnants of an era long gone. As the passengers disembarked, among them was Sarah, a young journalist in search of a story that would captivate her readers.

Sarah's eyes scanned the desolate platform, taking in the eerie silence that hung heavy in the air. There was something unsettling about Willowbrook, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. But she pushed aside her unease, her curiosity driving her forward.

Her destination was a quaint bed-and-breakfast nestled amidst the thick woods on the outskirts of town. The proprietor, Mrs. Everly, greeted her with a warm smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Welcome to Willowbrook Inn, dear," Mrs. Everly said, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "I hope your stay will be pleasant."

As Sarah settled into her room, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, as if unseen eyes were peering through the darkness outside her window. But she brushed off her apprehension, attributing it to the unfamiliarity of her surroundings.

Chapter 2: The Local Legend

The next morning, Sarah set out to explore the town, her notepad and camera in hand. She wandered down winding paths lined with ancient trees, their gnarled branches casting ominous shadows on the forest floor.

As she walked, Sarah struck up conversations with the locals, eager to uncover the secrets hidden beneath Willowbrook's tranquil facade. It wasn't long before she stumbled upon a group of elderly villagers gathered in the town square, their whispers hushed and secretive.

Intrigued, Sarah approached them, her curiosity piqued.

"What's going on here?" she asked, flashing her most charming smile.

The villagers exchanged uneasy glances before one of them, an elderly man with a weathered face, spoke up.

"We were just discussing the legend of the Missing Loop," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sarah's ears perked up at the mention of the mysterious tale.

"The Missing Loop?" she repeated, her interest piqued.

The elderly man nodded, his eyes darting nervously around the square.

"It's an old legend that's been passed down through generations," he explained. "They say that deep in the heart of the forest lies a hidden pathway known as the Missing Loop. Those who wander onto it never return."

Sarah's heart raced with excitement. This was the story she had been searching for, the one that would make her career as a journalist.

"Tell me more," she urged, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

And so, the villagers regaled her with tales of vanished travelers and inexplicable disappearances, their words painting a picture of a place steeped in darkness and mystery.

Chapter 3: Into the Woods

Determined to uncover the truth behind the legend of the Missing Loop, Sarah set out into the forest, her camera slung over her shoulder and her notebook clutched tightly in her hand. The dense canopy overhead blocked out the sunlight, casting the forest floor into shadow.

As she walked, Sarah felt a sense of unease creeping over her, a feeling that she was being watched by unseen eyes. But she pressed on, her curiosity driving her forward.

After what felt like hours of trudging through the underbrush, Sarah stumbled upon a narrow path winding its way through the trees. It was overgrown with weeds and vines, as if nature itself was trying to reclaim it.

This must be the Missing Loop, she thought, her heart pounding with excitement.

With trembling hands, Sarah stepped onto the path, her footsteps echoing in the stillness of the forest. The air grew thick with tension, as if the very trees themselves were holding their breath.

But as she walked deeper into the woods, Sarah's excitement turned to fear. The shadows seemed to lengthen around her, twisting and shifting with each step she took. Strange whispers filled the air, echoing in her ears like the distant cries of the lost and forgotten.

Just when Sarah thought she couldn't go on, she stumbled upon a clearing bathed in moonlight. At its center stood a dilapidated cabin, its windows shattered and its roof caved in.

This must be it, she thought, her pulse racing with anticipation.

Chapter 4: The Cabin in the Woods

Sarah approached the cabin cautiously, her senses on high alert. The door creaked open with a loud groan, revealing a dimly lit interior shrouded in darkness.

As she stepped inside, Sarah's skin prickled with unease. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and the floorboards creaked beneath her feet as if whispering secrets long forgotten.

But it was what lay in the center of the room that sent a shiver down Sarah's spine. There, lying on the floor, was a tattered journal bound in leather, its pages yellowed with age.

With trembling hands, Sarah picked up the journal, her heart pounding in her chest. As she flipped through its pages, she realized that it belonged to a traveler who had stumbled upon the cabin many years ago.

The entries spoke of strange occurrences in the forest, of voices calling out in the darkness and shadows that moved of their own accord. But what chilled Sarah to the bone were the final words scrawled on the last page:

"They found me. They're coming for you next."

Chapter 5: The Unseen Force

A cold dread settled over Sarah as she realized the gravity of her situation. She was not alone in the cabin, and whatever had taken the traveler all those years ago was still lurking in the shadows, waiting to claim its next victim.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Sarah turned to leave, but before she could reach the door, a sudden gust of wind slammed it shut with a deafening bang.

Panic seized her as she frantically tried to force the door open, but it was no use. She was trapped, at the mercy of whatever malevolent force dwelled within the cabin.

As the minutes stretched into hours, Sarah's fear grew with each passing moment. She could feel the unseen presence drawing closer, its icy fingers creeping along her skin.

Just when she thought she couldn't bear it any longer, a voice whispered in her ear, soft and seductive.

"Join us, Sarah," it murmured, its words sending a chill down her spine. "Join us in the darkness."

But Sarah refused to surrender to the darkness. With a newfound determination, she reached into her bag and pulled out her camera, its flash illuminating the room with a blinding light.

And there, standing before her, was a figure shrouded in darkness, its eyes gleaming with malice. With a bloodcurdling scream, Sarah snapped a photo, capturing the entity's twisted visage for all eternity.

Chapter 6: The Vanishing Act

The flash of the camera seemed to banish the darkness, sending the entity recoiling into the shadows. With a final burst of adrenaline, Sarah flung open the door and raced out into the forest, her heart pounding in her chest.

She ran faster than she ever had before, the trees blurring past her in a frenzy of motion. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was following her, something dark and hungry.

Just when she thought she couldn't run any further, Sarah burst through the treeline and stumbled onto the familiar path leading back to Willowbrook. She collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath as she watched the first light of dawn break over the horizon.

As the sun rose, Sarah knew that she had escaped the clutches of the darkness that had threatened to consume her. But the memory of the Missing Loop would haunt her for the rest of her days, a reminder of the thin line between curiosity and madness, between life and death.

And as she boarded the train back to the safety of the city, Sarah couldn't help but wonder what other mysteries lay waiting to be uncovered in the forgotten corners of the world.


The legend of the Missing Loop lived on in the hearts and minds of the villagers of Willowbrook, a cautionary tale of the dangers that lurked in the darkness. And though Sarah's story was met with skepticism by some, there were those who believed her, who saw the truth in her words.

For in the end, the greatest mysteries are those that defy explanation, those that lurk in the shadows, waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to seek them out. And though the Missing Loop remained hidden from sight, its presence was felt in every whisper of the wind and every rustle of the leaves, a reminder that some secrets are best left undisturbed.


About the Creator

Keyur Porecha

A deep thinker, analyser, researcher who loves to explore the unknown facts and insides of a topic. Love creating short stories which may be a good tool to love reading for the active readers who like stories and get inspired as well.

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