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The Hospital of Shadows

Beyond the Boundaries of Reality

By aly suhailPublished about a year ago 6 min read

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own, and I knew something was wrong.

I had just woken up in a hospital room, my head throbbing with pain. I couldn't remember what had happened and when I ended up in a hospital, but I knew that my face was different. When I looked in the mirror, I was shocked as I saw the face of a stranger staring back at me - a face that was flawless, bright, and beautiful, but also unsettlingly perfect.

At first, I assumed that the doctors had performed some kind of reconstructive surgery on me after the accident. But as I started to settle and explore the hospital, I realized that something much more sinister and grim was going on. It wasn't just the physical changes to my face that were cause for concern - it was the entire atmosphere of the hospital, with its sterile corridors and clinical lighting.

I noticed that the doctors and nurses were all behaving strangely around me like they were trying to keep something from me. They wouldn't answer my questions about the surgery and avoided eye contact with me, and when I tried to leave my room, they always seemed to be there, blocking my path, making excuses that I should always remain in my room resting since I was recovering from the surgery.

It wasn't until I snuck into the hospital's research lab that I discovered the truth.

The lab was filled with strange machines and equipment, some of them emitting eerie whirring sounds and I could hear the hum of electricity in the air. But what caught my eye was a series of monitors displaying images of my brain - images that looked like they were being fed into some kind of computer program.

As I watched the monitors, transfixed by the surreal and unsettling images that flickered across their screens, I felt a creeping sense of unease wash over me. The colors were too vibrant, the movements too fluid - it was as though the footage I was watching was from some alternate dimension, one that existed just beyond the boundaries of my own reality.

And then, as if to confirm my worst fears, one of the screens flickered and then went black. In its place, I saw a message - one that chilled me to the bone. It was a simple message, just a few words long, but its implications were terrifying.

"Subject 837-26 is unstable. Shut down the experiment immediately."

That was when I knew that I wasn't just the victim of a surgical procedure - I was the subject of a twisted experiment, one that had turned me into something other than human.

I fled the lab and tried to escape the hospital, but the doctors and nurses were on to me. They chased me through the halls, their faces twisted with fear and anger.

It wasn't until I stumbled into an abandoned ward that I found some respite. The ward was empty, its walls covered in peeling paint and rusted medical equipment. But there was something else in the room - something that made my skin crawl.

In the corner of the room stood a full-length mirror, its surface cracked and discolored. And when I looked into it, I saw something that made me scream.

The reflection in the mirror wasn't me - it was a twisted, monstrous version of myself. My skin was grey and mottled, my eyes glowing with an inhuman light. And behind me, I saw the shadows moving as if something else was lurking just out of sight.

That was when I realized the terrible truth. The surgery had transformed me into something other than human - something that the doctors couldn't control. And now, I was being hunted, not just by the hospital staff, but by the very thing that had taken over my body.

I had to find a way to stop the experiment, to undo what had been done to me. But as I fled through the halls of the hospital, I knew that the odds were against me. I was up against not just the doctors, but an entirely new kind of monster - one that was part human, part machine, and entirely deadly.

As I raced towards the exit, my heart pounding in my chest, I knew that I was running out of time. But I also knew that I couldn't give up - not when so much was at stake.

The mirror had shown me the truth, and now it was up to me to face it.

As I burst through the doors of the hospital, I felt a sudden surge of hope. I could see the outside world, with its bright sunlight and bustling streets, just beyond the threshold. But my hope was short-lived.

Before I could take a single step outside, a group of doctors and nurses surrounded me, blocking my path. They had syringes in their hands, and their eyes were cold and emotionless.

"You can't leave," one of them said, their voice flat and robotic. "You belong to us."

The words echoed in my mind, resonating with a sense of profound dread. I knew that these figures were not like any human beings I had ever encountered before. Their movements were too precise, their voices too devoid of emotion. It was as though they were puppets, animated by some dark and malevolent force.

It was then that I knew that I was truly alone. No one would believe me, and no one would help me. I was a prisoner in my own body, and there was no way out.

But as the doctors approached me, their needles poised to inject me with some unknown substance, I felt a sudden surge of strength. Something deep within me stirred, like a dormant power that had been waiting to be awakened.

And then, with a sudden burst of energy, I broke free.

I don't know how I did it - whether it was some kind of psychic ability or just sheer force of will - but I sent a wave of energy through the air that knocked the doctors and nurses off their feet. They fell to the ground, their eyes wide with shock and fear.

For a moment, I hesitated. I had never felt so powerful, so in control of my own body. But I also knew that I couldn't stay. The doctors would be after me soon enough, and I had to keep moving.

With a final glance at the hospital behind me, I turned and ran. I didn't know where I was going, or what I would do next, but I knew that I had to keep fighting.

As I fled into the city, I could feel the weight of the experiment pressing down on me - the sense that I was something other than human, that I was a monster that didn't belong in the world.

But I also knew that there was hope. Maybe there were others like me - others who had been transformed by the experiment, but who had managed to break free. Maybe we could find each other, and together we could fight back against the doctors and their twisted project.

As I ran through the streets, my heart pounding in my chest, I felt a flicker of hope. The mirror had shown me a reflection that wasn't my own, but it had also shown me something else - something that was much more important.

It had shown me that I was stronger than I ever could have imagined - and that I was ready to fight back.


About the Creator

aly suhail

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  4. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (4)

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  • Susana's Worldabout a year ago

    what a great read! loved your twist :)

  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    You did a great job setting the scene from the beginning for a really eery story! This was creative and such an engaging story! I did not see that twist coming, the one where the character had been turned into something other than human and had no idea… wild! The line “You belong to us” was just creepy and will stick with me for a while. Well done! Do you have plans to continue this story?

  • Dana Stewartabout a year ago

    Wow! Great story! My eyes were glued to the screen. Good job!

  • ❤️

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