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The Gnawing Hunger Fifteen

He had to tell someone about who Hawthorne really was. What he was capable of. And that he wasn't the sweet person that he pretended to be. Unfortunately, things don't always go the way Bo plans.

By Raphael FontenellePublished 5 months ago 33 min read
The Gnawing Hunger Fifteen
Photo by Justin Kauffman on Unsplash

Surprisingly it really didn't take much for Bo to convince Hawthorne to come with. The bastard seemed keen on hanging out with them after he ate. But, Bo wasn't entirely certain of the reasons why. Though he had the feeling that he didn't trust him to be alone with Xander. Which nearly made him laugh as he stared at the side of Hawthorne's head. Just what in the Hell was he afraid of? That Bo would spill the beans to Xander or something?

Maybe that their relationship was more romantic than Thorn thought.

The romantic part was the only part that wasn't true. Of course, once they were in town he'd do that. Tell Xander everything that had happened during the days they'd been there. Something that he was still totally going to do once they were in town. They hust had to get to a God damn gas station or something. Since that probably would be the only time they'd have a plausible reason to leave Hawthorne completely alone. At least as far as Bo could come up with, it was a good reason for them to be alone.

When the movie was over Bo, Xander, and Hawthorne walked to the entryway. Only Bo and Xander slipped on a pair of shoes before heading out. While Hawthorne toyed with what remained of Arthur's hoodie. It made him somewhat uncomfortable to know that it was his late best friend's hoodie this monster was wearing. And a small part of him hoped that they could get it back afterwards.

So he could clean off the blood and give it to Arthur's parents.

Once they got their jackets on, they headed out of the house. Bo hurrying over to the passenger-side door and getting in. While Xander got into the driver-side. Hawthorne getting to the back seat from the same side as his only living best friend. Something that caused his stomach to twist as he glanced back at him. Watching the bastard buckle himself in. While buckling himself in as well, he tried to think of what he was going to do say to Xander. What kind of plan they were going to have to get rid of Hawthorne.

He couldn't keep Xander out of the loop.

It was probably one of the reasons that-oh fuck, he couldn't allow himself to linger on that toxic thought train. Who even knew if waking Xander and Arthur would even keep Arthur safe? Hell, it might have made things a whole lot worse. Right now, he had to tell Xander his plan so they could handle the creature sitting behind him. So as carefully as possible he leaned over to whisper into his remaining friend's ear. His tone was too low for Hawthorne to possibly be able to hear as he whispered,"When we get into town, we need to talk about Hawthorne."

Before Xander could even open his mouth, Bo lifted a finger to his own lips. Along with the most subtle shake of his head. Doing his best to convey to his friend that he couldn't speak right then. Afraid that Thorn would start fighting if Xander spoke up. When his friend nodded his head in silent agreement, he smiled slightly. Feeling slightly hopeful that his plans were finally working.

With that, he slipped back into his seat as carefully as possible. Ignoring the pointed looks that Hawthorne was giving him from the backseat. Or the strange sensation that was crawling up his spine from it. Nearly like fear and excitement. Both of which Bo wasn't entirely certain of what he felt more of. What he was certain of was the amount of fury that Thorn was possibly feeling towards him.

Bo didn't need to turn around to look him in the eyes to know that.

Soon as Xander pulled out of the driveway, he made a note to not be alone with him. Otherwise he was going to be more then likely tortured into submission. A horrendous feeling in his gut was telling him that. As if he really something like this to say not be alone with the little creep. Another part of him was worried that once they got into town, Hawthorne would try to corner him. Force him to tell him everything that he had been planning to this point. With that freaky connection the damn creature forced upon him.

But, Bo wasn't going to allow him to do that.

Soon as they got into town, he was going to bolt out of the car. Right into the nearest gas station they were at. And tell him everything that Hawthorne had done to him along with Arthur's murder. That way they could get rid of the little monster long before his party. Saving his remaining family and everyone else that was coming to the party. At least saving them from Hawthorne. He would have to find a way to cure his infection himself. Hopefully, killing Thorn would be doing just that.

If not, then he didn't know what he was going to do. But, he'd find a way.

This was something that he'd be sure that no one knew about. His family and remaining friend would never know about this. As he didn't want to further traumatize any of them with this. No more then most of them had already been by Arthur's death. Another thing that he would have to deal with. But, not now. Not when he couldn't even get his own emotions under control anymore. As they were too unstable at the moment. It was another thing he really couldn't understand in the slightest. Bo gave his head a little shake to stop the thoughts. Pinching the inner part of his hand to root himself in the moment.

He had to be present for what was to come.

If he was too deep in thought, Hawthorne could easily kill them both. Well, kill Xander at least. Then force Bo to help him go after everyone else in the cabin. And as he turned his gaze to the look out the window, he realized that town was much closer now. In fact, they were practically in town.

Soon as he noticed how close they were to town, he sat up straighter. A feeling of anger washing over himself as he stared at the street signs. How in the Hell did he miss them coming into town? Just how deep in thought had he just been? Bo glanced at the rear-view mirror at the creature in the backseat. Giving a nervous little smile when theit sneered at him. An action that Xander had quickly caught on to. And he gave Bo a strange look as he mouthed,'What in the Hell?'

Bo could only give him a subtle shrug at this. As he didn't know what else he could say or do in the moment. What could one say in a moment like this?

'He's grumpy that we're keeping his ancient ass out of the loop?'

Sure, it was something that was actually happening. But it wasn't going to be something easily explained. As this talk wasn't going to make sense to Xander in the slightest bit. And he knew that. He knew that but, he could explain all of this better when they're alone. All he had to do was get them away from Hawthorne. 

Just as soon as they could pull into a nearby gas station.

Soon as they had neared one, it hit him. The bet from a couple of days ago. Xander technically paid him but, Thorn didn't know that. At least, he hoped that he had no idea about that. As it seemed like the creature knew a whole lot more then it was supposed to. Bo asked,"Hey, Xan? Do you think we can stop at the ATM?"

"You still owe me that twenty bucks from our bet.",Bo lied. Doing his best to keep his tone even. Worried that if the creature behind them had the vaguest idea that he was lying, Xander would be done for. A look of confusion crossing his face as he turned to look at Bo. For the longest second of Bo's life, Xander didn't seem to catch on to what Bo meant. Then a flicker of understanding crossed his face and he gave a tiny nod. Giving a small smile as he answered,"Oh yeah, sure. Sorry about that, Bo."

"Let's fix that little mess up right now, okay?",Xander asked. Which Bo nodded his head in agreement to. Smiling slightly as Xander pulled into the nearest gas station parking lot. Soon as they were completely parked, both of them hurried out of the car. A few seconds later when Xander felt they were far enough away, he asked,"The Hell is going on, Bo?"

"Who the Hell even is that weirdo?",he added. Staring at Thorn for a brief second before turning his gaze back to his best friend. Bo glanced over at Hawthorne and nearly regretted it. It was of pure fury. And suggested that Bo would be completely screwed if he got into the car. Something he wouldn't do without Xander next to him. Calmly, Bo answered,"His name is Hawthorne and, he's the one that really killed Arthur."

"What?",was all that Xander uttered. Tone softer and duller then anything he'd heard from him in ever. Eyes going as wide as dinner plates as he stared at Bo. Before narrowing them in anger. Sneering, he opened his mouth to say something. Bo put a hand up as he spluttered,"I know, I know what it sounds like. But I promise that it's completely true."

"Hawthorne killed Arthur nad I saw him do it.",he explained. Then went on to hurriedly tell him every detail about it. How it actually happened. How before he murdered their late best friend, he had shown up at the cabin. Pretending to be a poor lost soul in need of help. And how he had stupidly let him in to the cabin. Along with telling him about the disturbing creature he had spotted on their first day out there. That the thing was Hawthorne's true form the whole time.

When he was done, Xander was just staring at him with wide eyes. Mouth set in a tight line as he stood there. Processing what his best friend just told him. Almost as if he were completely out of his mind or something. And in all honesty, Bo could understand his confusion. If he were in his shoes, he would feel that way too. Would have doubted everything that Bo had said if he hadn't lived it himself. But, it was the absolute truth of everything. And he just had to convince Xander of this. There was really no one else that he could trust with this. While he watched Xander's face, Bo chewed his bottom lip. Afraid that his only friend didn't believe a word of what he had just said.

"Why in the Hell didn't you tell me about this sooner?",Xander demanded. Which was completely fair in his mind. This was something that Bo should have done this a lot sooner. But, it wasn't his fault that Thorn was forcing him to keep quiet. Or at least he thought he was. Since he shouldn't have been able to do this now. Hell, that may have been a lie. One that kept Bo quiet for longer than he should have been. Either way, it wasn't like he had been doing it on purpose. Toying with the hem of his shirt, Bo answered,"Hawthorne was sort of influencing me to keep me from telling anyone anything."

"I'm starting to think that may have been a complete lie.",Bo added. It was starting to feel more likely to be the case. That Hawthorne lied to try and keep him from telling anyone. Though, Bo wasn't entirely sure if he would have been believed. Even after telling everyone about the whole damned situation. Glancing over to Xander's car briefly, he continued,"He's planning on killing everyone when my birthday party starts."

"He wants to force me to kill you, Xan.",Bo informed. Which was the hardest thing for him to do. Both emotionally and physically as well. Nearly tripping over his words as he stared into Xander's eyes. Afraid of how he would react to such news. That he might be angry at him for not saying anything sooner then he had. If it were him, he probably would be furious. Some small part of him thought that Xander would try to go after Hawthorne himself. And he didn't need to think too long as to how badly that would go if he tried.

Unfortunately, his imagination wasn't going to allow that.

As images of Xander being torn up like Arthur had been filled his head. Along with images of Arthur being strewn about the snow covered ground. Blood splattered in the most disgusting way possible. And no matter how hard Bo tried to ignore them, the images wouldn't stop. So was the way that he remembered hearing Arthur screaming in pain. Though, he tried his hardest to not allow those terrible memories and thoughts to win. Instead, Bo asked,"So what the Hell are we going to do?"

"I don't think either of us can convince my Mom and Grandpa about this...",Bo trailed off. At least in his mind he wasn't sure that he could. Neither of them were exactly the type to believe in the supernatural. And this sort of sounded like the plot to a terrible horror movie. Or Hell, something out of a Stephen King novel. A second later, he noticed that Xander hadn't said a word in the past few minutes and he glanced up at him.

His only best friend was staring into space with wide eyes. Well, at first it seemed like he was just staring off into space. Right until he followed Xander's gaze to the cause of his fear. Noticing that the other man had been staring straight at his own car. Raising an eyebrow until he spotted exactly what was keeping Xander's attention. And feeling his stomach drop when he had done so.

He wished he hadn't looked.

The scrawny creature that had once looked human, no longer did. Its face was contorted in anger as it glared in their direction. Mouth open in the most horrifying sneer he'd ever seen. Teeth grown longer than any human being's should be. A gutteral growl issuing forth from it as it glared at either of them. Having unbuckled itself sometime during their chat about it. Shoving open the door on the opposite side of the car open.

In a flash, the creature was pulling itself out of the car and running into the woods.

Both men stood frozen for the briefest of seconds as they watched it move. Unable to comprehend what they had just seen from the strange creature. Only moving when the damned thing was finally out of their field of vision. When it had done so, they both sprinted for the car. Flinging open the doors before hurriedly getting inside. Xander peeling out of the parking lot of the gas station before Bo could even get himself properly buckled. Their eyes wide as dinner plates as Xander drove as fast as he could down the road.

Praying that they could get to the cabin before that wretched beast could.

A small part of Bo was afraid that they wouldn't be able to. Considering just how fast that the damned thing was when it killed Arthur. When it killed that poor woman, too. And how fast it just ran off from them a few seconds ago. There was a high possibility the thing would get there first. But, he couldn't give up hope that they might get there in time. Warn his Mother and Grandpa so they could get out of there before it could come.

While they headed back to the cabin, Bo noticed how Hawthorne had heard them. The window that had faced them was down an inch or two. The damned thing probably rolled it down a few seconds after they got out of Xander's car. Bo wondered what had angered the creature in the first place. Clearly, it decided to eavesdrop to keep an eye on Bo and Xander.

Obviously, it didn't like being left out of the loop.

So, it had the brilliant idea of listening into their conversation. Why not? He would have done the same damn thing if he were in its position. And Bo hated himself for not thinking of that sooner. Insisting that they speak IN the gas station about it instead of the parking lot. Or at least anywhere that was a lot further from the damned car. This was one of the reasons he was so angry with himself. Things would've gone better if he had actually done something smart for once. But, he couldn't dwell upon that right now.

Getting angry at himself wasn't going to solve anything. Or help anyone.

Right now, he had to keep himself in the moment. As at least one of them needed to be clear headed for what was to come. And he could tell that Xander wasn't in the best of head spaces right then. Who would be if they knew about a creature that wanted to devour them whole? Looking over at Xander, Bo stated,"It'll be okay, Xan."

"We'll get there and everything is going to be perfectly fine.",Bo lied. To Xan and himself at this point. There was no way of knowing if everything was going to be okay or not. Or if they were walking into a trap laid out by that monster. But, Bo couldn't just let Xander get freaked out by that. It wouldn't help either of them in the moment. Nor in the long run. All he was concerned with was whether his Mom was going to be alright.

Or if his Grandpa would be either.

The very idea of finding their bodies like that woman from before...well, it should have filled him with dread. It should have made his heart feel like there was ice over it. But, it was like his feelings weren't actually coming to him. The only thing that Bo felt was...nothing. Maybe this was normal when facing something so terrifying? That he just couldn't face his feeling so he was possibly hiding from them? Well, that's what his mind clung to as they pulled up to the cabin. His heart dropping when he saw the door was nearly off of its hinges. Deep claw marks splintering the wooden door. When Xander stopped the car, he pratically tore the seatbelt off. Threw open the door as he bolted towards the building.

The second that he took a step through the doorway, pain erupted at the base of his skull. His vision going briefly white from the pain of it. He thought he heard Xander calling his name but, he wasn't entirely certain of it.

This wasn't like the other time that he had been knocked out. Getting back to his senses took a lot less time. And Bo didn't feel as disoriented as he had the previous time. Though he was on his side instead of on his back. There was also something wrapped tightly around his wrists. Quite possibly rope if he were feeling the material right. Oddly enough, his ankles weren't bound at all. Bo guessed that Hawthorne felt that it could keep him from trying to flee. Though he wasn't entirely certain of how it felt that way. What he was certain was, was the splitting headache that he had in that moment. Briefly wishing that the damned creature had just killed him instead of this.

"That damned car your friend drives was hard to destroy. But at least it'll make it harder for the little vermin to get away from me.",a voice hissed. He didn't even try to move his head to know who had said that. It was Thorn. Who else would be angry that Xander had gotten away from them? A small part of him was proud that Xander was too resourceful for him to catch. Though, he hoped that meant that Xander was calling the police. That he was going to get them the Help that they needed.

And if he weren't in so much pain, he would be smiling at this.

"Good for him.",Bo mumbled. Not caring if Hawthorne could hear him or not. As he was fed up with the horrible creature. And didn't care if he hurt its feelings or not. All that he cared about was getting out of the damned ropes. Which he briefly tested by giving them a slight yank. Something that he hoped Hawthorne hadn't noticed as it got closer. Hating the noises that it made as it did so. The soft thumps of its footsteps as it came closer to his body. Leaning over, it grasped his hair tightly in its fist. Forcing him to look up at it as it yanked his head back. Making him hiss in pain as it snapped,"I don't suppose you know where that little rat had run off to?"

"I'm sure you know all of the hiding spots around here.",Thorn snarled. Its tone was accusatory. Almost as if it wanted to say that he knew where Xander had gone. But, Bo didn't have the vaguest idea what the other man was going to do. Since they didn't discuss what they would do if something like this had happened. After all, Hawthorne ran off before they could even come up with one. Bo answered,"I don't. We hadn't discussed anything before you ran out of the car."

"I only told him what you did to me and Arthur.",Bo continued. Which was the whole truth of the situation. He had only told him the story about how they came together. And this seemed to appease the damned creature as it let go of his hair. Which he was somewhat thankful for as he laid on his side. It gave a sigh as it sat down next to him on the ground. Softly, it asked,"And you don't have the foggiest idea of where he could have scurried off to?"

"No, Hawthorne. I unfortunately have no idea of where they could have gone.",Bo answered. It was another truth. There was no way of him even being able to guess. This made the creature give a huff of annoyance as it sat next to him. As if it had hoped it getting closer to him would draw out a confession or something.

Maybe, Bo didn't want to know what it was thinking.

A small part of him thought that it was trying to punish him. Or something to that effect. Though he wasn't entirely certain that could be it.

"Hmm. My goodness you must be starving, Bo.",it cooed. Voice so syrupy sweet that it was nauseating to listen to. One that would normally make the bile rise in the back of his throat. Bo dared to crane his neck to look at the terrible creature. It grinned widely as it tilted his head to the side. There was something disturbing about how it was watching his face. And he realized that he was indeed hungry. A sharp pain was stabbing him in the gut as he laid there. But, he wasn't going to willingly admit this to it. Shaking his head, Bo did his best to deny this. Unfortunately, the creature seemed to understand that this wasn't the truth. Gently stroking the side of his face, it crooned,"Oh. You definitely are starving, my love. Your Thorn can tell you are."

"Wait right here, I'm going to bring you a lovely little snack to fill that empty belly of yours.",it hummed. Voice dripping with fake sweetness that nearly made him sick to listen to. Yet, it did nothing to kill his appetite as he laid there. Watching the creature rise off the floor before leaving the room. Towards somewhere for the 'food' that it had gotten. Dimly hoping that it wasn't what he thought it was going to be. Struggling hard against the ropes that were around his wrists as he did so.

Once he got free, Bo would see they were perfectly fine. That Hawthorne wasn't going to feed him who he thought he would.

A few seconds later, he heard the familiar footsteps of Thorn. Followed by someone roughly turning him onto his back. Right onto his bound hands. The damned creature held him down by one of his shoulders with its foot. Giving a faux sweet smile, it sang,"Here we go, a tasty treat for my sweet boy!"

When he spotted what the thing brought, his heart dropped. As the thing dragged the body of his elderly Grandpa over to him with one hand. Holding Wayne's head up with the other one. Setting it somewhere near the both of them as it reached for the corpse. Something that really should have made him more terrified then he was. Made him mourn more than he was in that moment at least.

Hell, he should be crying.

Instead, he seemed to be getting even hungrier then before. His stomach hurting a little as saliva filled his mouth. Nearly dripping over the edges of his lips as he stared at the blood dribbling off of Wayne's body. It wasn't long before Thorn started ripping off pieces from the elderly man's body. Holding them over Bo's mouth as he cooed at him. And, despite himself, Bo opened his mouth to allow the first piece to be dropped inside. Chewing his Grandpa's flesh like it were the sweetest treat he had ever eaten. Not even hesitating to swallow as he did so.

An act that should disgust him but, didn't.

Hawthorne took advantage of this as it kept feeding him pieces. Giggling as Bo greedily lapped at its fingers to get what little blood was on them. Sucking on them to clean them. Feeling utterly disgusted with himself as he whimpered for more. Hating how his voice sounded as he begged,"More, please. I need more, Thorn."

"Please give me more.",Bo found himself whining. What in the utter Hell had this thing really done to him? What had it turned him into? Did this new hunger really make him that damned needy? Just why couldn't he stop himself for begging him for more?

Hawthorne wasn't complaining in the slightest as he fed him. Smirking as he slipped more into Bo's eager mouth. Swallowing more blood that dripped from its fingertips. And just like before, he lapped it up like he were nothing more than a starving dog. A smile came to his face as he did so. Cleaning the thing's fingers completely clean. 

After a while, Thorn seemed to have gotten bored of feeding him. As it pushed away the corpse of his Grandpa far from him. Petting the sides of his face, It informed,"Okay, sweet boy. That's more then enough for now. You'll get more once I finally get that friend of yours."

It surprised Bo how nearly overwhelming the urge to beg was.

But, he swallowed this down the best that he could. Not wanting to come off as even more pathetic than before. And not wanting to make Hawthorne feel anymore powerful then he had before, either. Which was a bit more difficult then he thought it would be. Bo watched as thorn dragged what was left of Wayne's corpse. There was a whole lot less of him then Bo had expected there to be. Something about this made Bo feel he should be disgusted with himself. Should be horrified to realize there wouldn't be enough of his Grandpa to bury. Yet, he couldn't seem to make himself mourn. Another thing that he was slowly hating about his new self.

"Bo? Where the Hell is that thing?",a voice called to him. It wasn't very loud, in fact it was so quiet that he thought he had been hearing things. Yet when he looked in the direction it had come from, he couldn't help but smile. There in the window was his only friend. Xander had managed to open the window in the living room. Whether it was before, during, or after the 'feeding'. He wasn't entirely certain of. All he was certain of was the fact that he was grateful to see him.

"I dunno. Its somewhere but, I didn't see where it went.",Bo answered. Trying to keep his tone low as they spoke. Afraid that the creature could be coming back at any moment. That maybe it would go through the front door and spot Xander. Just the idea of that sent a cold shiver down his spine as he stared at him.

While Bo tried to not think of that, Xan quietly came into the room. Slowly creeping up to Bo's side as he did so. Helping him get back on his side to undo the ropes that were on him. Once they were done, Xander helped him to his feet. Bo rubbed his wrists as he noticed his nails weren't normal anymore. They were more, claw-like then before. Xander didn't seem to notice this as he questioned,"I don't suppose you know where your Mom is?"

"No. I didn't really think of asking him about her...",he trailed off. Feeling like an absolute idiot for not doing so. He should have asked about this and he knew that. But, he didn't want to talk about it as they looked around the room. Neither of them paying attention to Wayne's head sitting in the middle of it. But, Bo was unable to see the look on his face.

The nearly calm expression that Wayne wore thoroughly disgusted him.

At least the elderly man wasn't in pain when he died. A thought that did very little to soothe him as they moved. Grabbing weapons to protect themselves from the fireplace. Him grabbing a decent-sized log while Xander took the fireplace poker. Neither of these things felt like they would do much. But, it was better than having no weapons.

Way better than having no weapons.

Before going through the halls, the sound of dripping caught Bo's attention. Along with the scent overwhelming smell of blood. When he turned his head to look at what was causing that smell, he froze in place. Nearly dropping the log that he would be defending himself with. Xander noticed that he hadn't moved and he questioned,"What? What's goin'..."

Trailing off the minute that he turned to see what Bo had seen. Immediately turning away to vomit what little he had ate that morning. The kitchen had been turned into something straight out of a horror movie. There were pieces of Eleanore thrown all over the place. Her guts were strewn about to nearly resemble birthday party streamers. While her limbs were tossed all over the place. Torso wasn't anywhere to be seen. Nora's head was placed on top of the kitchen table. Eyes wide with more fear than he'd ever seen from her. Mouth dropped open in a scream that never would come.

Her torso was nowhere to be seen.

It should have disgusted him like it was clearly disgusting Xander. But, Bo couldn't stop himself from staring at the mess. He tried to tear his gaze from it as he stood there. Something in him told him that this wasn't from stress. From fear of seeing his only parent torn up like this. 

But, he knew better than that. Knew that it wasn't anything like that. And the reason was he was hungrier then he should have ever been. Saliva pooling in his mouth once more. Threatening to spill from the corners of his lips as he stared at the body. Which he did his best to swallow back as he stood there. Tearing his gaze from his Mother's body, he turned fully way. Watching as Xander regained his composure. Also refusing to stare at the sight that was before them. Softly, Bo instructed,"We have to call the cops, Xander. I don't think we can really handle this."

"What the Hell do I tell them, Bo?",Xander questioned. Doing his best to keep his voice down. But unable to stop himself from sounding disturbed. Wiping bile off of his chin as they stared at each other. This made Bo raise an eyebrow as he stared at his friend. Xander continued,"There's some creature running around that's killing and eating people?"

"How about someone's broken into the cabin and killed my family?",Bo suggested in an annoyed tone. Giving Xander an exasperated glare as he did so. How in the Hell hadn't Xander thought that himself? It seemed like the most logical solution in his mind. Just how could he not think this on his own? At this, Xander held the hand up without the fireplace poker in it. Almost as if he were trying to defend himself from Bo. A thing that nearly pissed him off until Xander apologized,"You're right, I should have thought of that. I'm so sorry that I didn't. I will get on that as soon as I can, Bo."

"No, I'm sorry....",Bo began. Feeling that he was going overboard with his anger. That Xander hadn't really meant anything with what he said. That they were both stressed from everything that was going on. And that he should be easy on him. This was until he heard a soft thump noise from in front of them. And the smell of fresh blood wafted to his nose once more. It didn't take long for him to realize the creature was coming back. And he was definitely the only one to properly handle the monster.

Something both him and Xander knew.

Without any warning, Bo managed to shove Xander towards the bathroom. Opening the door and swiftly shoving him inside of it. Shutting the door as carefully as he could without slamming it. Turning to look down the Hall, Bo whispered,"I think I'm going to need you to stay in there, Xander."

"It's going to be a whole lot safer for you in there.",he added. At least he hoped it would be. There was this nagging thought in the back of his mind that Hawthorne could have been in there. Or that once it killed Bo for betraying it, it definitely could break the door down. Then kill Xander before going back to whatever it was doing sometime ago.

He also feared that he was going to lose control of himself. As the hunger pains were growing more and more sharp. Bo did his best to ignore them as he held up the log. 

Quickly and quietly walking down the hall towards the noise. It wasn't long before he found something in the hallway. Something that was small, furry, and light grey was sprawled out on the floor. Its back was facing him as whatever it was laid there. Looking like it was completely covered in blood. From what he could tell the poor thing wasn't breathing. His eyes widening as he got close enough to see what the thing was.

A grey cat was laying before him.

Kneeling down, he set the log onto the floor nearby. Reaching out to touch the cat as he bit his bottom lip. Afraid that the poor thing was dead. Also worried that it was an elaborate diguise that Hawthorne cooked up. When his fingertips brushed against the cat's side, it turned around to face him. Causing him to breathe a sigh of relief when it did. He quickly checked the small animal to see if it had any injuries that needed treatment. But, luckily she didn't. And he was surprised that there was a girl cat in the house. One with a bright blue ribbon tied around it's adorable little neck. There was a tiny tag attached to said ribbon that Bo quickly read. Tears rolling down his cheeks after he had done so.

The tag that was attached to the ribbon had read,'To my wonderful son, Bo. I hope she's the company that you need. Love, Mom.'

For once during this whole awful trip, he started crying. Well and truly crying for everything that had happened. As he picked up the tiny cat, he held her close to his chest. Wishing that he had a chance to tell his Mom 'thank you' for her. Since this was something he had wanted for a long time now. A pet that his landlord wouldn't make a fuss over. As well as a pet that he could feed and care for easier. Bo mumbled,"Hello, Sweetums. I'm so sorry that your first day here is during the worst time ever."

"But, I promise that I'll keep you safe. Even if I couldn't keep Mama safe.",he muttered. Feeling utterly disgusted with himself as he cried into the cat's fur. Deciding that Sweetums would probably be the best name for her. That's if he and her were going to live through this. And he was going to make absolutely sure this poor animal did. Bo quickly went back to the bathroom. Shifting the cat to one arm as he tried to open the door. Surprised to find that it had been properly locked. Which was a smart move on Xander's part. But, a huge inconvenience on Bo's part. Since he didn't want to let the cat die at all. So he softly knocked on the bathroom door. Keeping an eye out for Hawthorne in case it somehow heard him.

"Xan, It's me. I'm going to need you to open the door.",Bo instructed him. Doing his best to keep his tone low as he did so. That way he wouldn't scare Sweetums or Xander. As he feared the cat would hurt him and make more noise. Way too loud of noise that would attract the damned beast. Luckily, Xander didn't need much convincing for him to open the door. Within a few seconds, his friend unlocked and started to open the door. Getting it opened enough that Bo shoved the tiny grey cat through. Sweetums only gave a soft growl as she was pushed through. Xander moving a little so the cat could go around him. Once the cat was inside, he shut the door. Bo informed,"Sweetums here is the only other living thing in the cabin aside from us."

"I didn't want that thing to find her and kill her like everyone else. Now please re-lock the door and only unlock it once help finally shows up.",he commanded. Doing his best to stay quiet. Grateful that he didn't have to say anything else for Xander to understand. And a second later, the bathroom door was re-locked. Once it was, the sound of thundering footsteps filled the air.

Before he could even turn to see where they were coming from, something tackled him. Something big and heavy dropped him to the floor from his right side. Teeth digging deep into his shoulder as they hit the floor.

If Bo had been able to get enough air in his lungs, he would have screamed. Instead, he found his nails growing even longer then before. And without even a second thought, he drove them into the creature's side. Swiftly dragging them down its ribs as he did so. Causing a rather large gash as it screamed in anger and pain. The creature tossed him to the side and into a nearby wall. Leaving a huge dent in the size of his body there. Almost knocking him out as he laid on the wooden floor. Leaving him dazed as the beast stood up to nearly its full height. Murderous rage filling its eyes as it snarled,"You really thought I couldn't see this coming? That you betraying me didn't ever cross my mind?"

"I was hopeful that you wouldn't. Hopeful that you were more like myself...",it trailed off. Either unwilling or unable to finish its train of thought. And he was guessing it was more unwilling to finish what it had in mind. Not that Bo really gave a damn. He wasn't going to be whatever this creature thought he had to be. And he wouldn't allow this thing to stay here. That way Xander could get the help that he and Sweetums needed. But, how was he going to get the beast out of there?

That's when it hit him, he had to make it follow him out.

Which meant, he might have to do something that he hadn't wanted to. Gritting his teeth, he found himself forcing his body to elongate. Hands are becoming much more like Hawthorne's. Along with his legs and torso, too. Teeth were becoming a lot more sharp and difficult to manage in his mouth. Almost touching his tongue in ways that were worrying. But, Bo didn't really pay this any mind as he lunged at the terrible creature. Grasping Thorn tightly around its thin waist. Surprising it into compliance for a moment as he dragged it towards the doorway. Ignoring the second that it righted itself and started biting at his shoulders and back. The way that it slashed at any skin it could reach. Or how it screamed obscenities as he managed to shove it through the front door.

Ignoring the sight of Xander's trashed car. Along with the other trashed car. 

Only letting go when the thing slammed his nose with its fist. Breaking it so badly that his blood is spraying at least a foot ahead of them. Staining the snow a disgusting shade of red as he did so. While Bo tried to fix his nose, the creature took a step back as if to run off. Instead it charged at him and grasped him around the waist. Much like he had just done with it. Sending them both off balance and down a nearby hill. Keeping a tight grip on Bo as they rolled. It slashed and bit at him as he slashed and bit back. Both trying to get the upper-hand on the other as they fought. Only stopping when Hawthorne tossed him deeper into the woods. Nearly making Bo hit a tree when it had happened.

Without thinking, Bo slammed his hand onto the ground. Digging his claws in to slow himself until he could get his feet under him once again. When he did, he found himself crouched similarly to how the creature preferred to hold itself when it moved. Just like how it was right now as it charged through the woods towards him. Teeth bared in the ugliest snarl that he had ever seen from this thing. There was no way that he could win in a fair fight against the thing. Nor did he have any ability to get a weapon. How in the Hell was he supposed to kill this damned creature?

A thought hit him almost immediately. And he remembered the lake. That damned lake that never completely froze in the middle no matter how cold it got. Most folks stayed close to the edge when ice skating. All he had to do was get the thing to the middle of the lake. And its weight should be more than enough to make it break through. 

There wasn't even much he had to do for bait. Just let it chase him onto the ice and then it'd sink like a rock.

Hopefully, he wouldn't.

With this in mind, Bo turned towards the direction of the lake. Running faster then he had ever done in his entire life. Not once looking back as he moved. Afraid of somehow tripping over something he hadn't seen because of that. And losing the distance that he had with that damned creature behind him. Something that was rather difficult but, Bo managed it. To the best of his ability, he was keeping the distance from the creature.

Once he was finally at the lake's edge, he turned to Hawthorne. Sneering at the thing as it neared him. Not changing its pace or stride as it barreled straight for him. Which was both good for Bo's plan and bad for the plan.

Good, that the creature wouldn't be able to stop in time. 

Bad, as the creature was able to slam itself right into Bo. And the momentum of its charge had not only knocked them both off their feet. But sent them both sliding across the damned lake and straight into the middle of it. Once it had Bo under it, Thorn started biting and clawing at Bo's body. Leaving deep wounds in his chest and stomach as it did so. While Bo did his best to wrap his hands around the creature's long throat. Tightening it enough to keep it from giving him anymore bites. His nails digging deep into the thing's flesh as he did so. But, unable to completely stop Hawthorne from trying to slash his chest to absolute ribbons.

That's when he felt something he didn't want to.

The ice beneath his back was starting to break. It was a jolt that somehow the creature trying to kill him hadn't noticed. Too busy screaming, clawing, and trying to bite him to even care. To angry to give a damn that their combined weight was weakening the ice. A moment later, the loudest cracking noise filled both of their ears. Causing the creature to still for the briefest of moments as Bo struggled to keep a tight grip on the damned thing. Trying to prevent it from pulling away to get to itself to safety. Wrapping his legs around its waist to keep it in place as he did so. And Bo took the deepest breath that he could. Right before the ice finally gave way beneath them. Plunging them both into the freezing, dark, and rough waters of that terrible lake.

Bo couldn't see too well in that darkness. But, he could still somewhat make out the shape of Hawthorne as he hung onto it.

The creature amped up its efforts to free himself of Bo. Not caring that it would kill him to get free. Clawing deeper into his chest as it thrashed against him. Desperately trying to bite at him once more as it did so. Almost succeeding in getting Bo off of him. But, he did his best to hold on tightly. Despite how he was slipping in and out of consciousness. He knew he had to keep the creature from getting out of the water. Otherwise, Xander and Sweetums wouldn't live to see another day. Not caring that he might not live if either as he dug his claws deep into Hawthorne's long neck. Yanking hard as he could and creating a giant bleeding hole with both of his hands. Shredding more and more off of Thorn's throat until the massive creature finally stopped moving.

Once it did, Bo finally released the creature's limp form. Watching it slowly morph back into the scrawny human disguise before. Neck nearly decapitated as its body sank bellow him. With that, Bo allowed his eyelids to shut. Grateful that the threat to everyone was finally gone. And allowed himself to pass out as he also slowly started to sink into the rough waters of the lake.


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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