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Slasher: Canadian Horror Story

Expansion of the sub-genre

By Samantha ParrishPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

I'm not gonna lie, the first time I saw this show pop up on the recommendations in horror. I wasn't interested, then I gave it a shot and ended up re-watching the show at least a couple more times.

Anthology series have been a staple of television shows for a different take on a certain part of a subject in the genre. The most popular to date is of course American Horror Story, 9 seasons and going strong with a different topic in horror every season, never sticking with the same idea twice.

However, when I watched Slasher, I was proved wrong that a certain idea can be repeated in different seasons with a new plot line. I've never been one to like this specific idea in the genre of horror. But I was impressed with the expansion of various plot points that not many slasher shows or movies do. To have the questions answered, and characters with depth instead of characters that have the interest equivalent to watching paint dry. The killer isn't predicted as easily in most movies by taking twists and turns for the fates of some of the characters.

So far the expanded ideas that has gone into these seasons does deliver on the different premises. The first season: The Executioner, impressed me with the idea of a copycat killer taking over the role from the former killer in 1989. In an eerie circumstance, the killings begin again after the daughter of the Executioners first victims comes to the town that holds secrets that could bring the end to some of the residents. Some of my favorite moments is from the original killer, and his Hannibal Lector-like conversations with Sarah. Not many horror stories can tackle the premise of an entire town being a target then campers, which brings me to the next point.

In the second season of the show titled "Guilty Party", I was a bit worried how it would go since it looked like a recreation of I Know What You Did Last Summer. That was the season that I have found to be the most enjoyable and possibly the most intelligent way to expand on the idea of selfish characters and the motives. Hell, there is one moment in this second installment that makes a comedic and ironic jab at the idea of slashers. It is a season that is the pinnacle of what a slasher story should be. I loved this idea of five people that had no idea that what they did would come back to haunt them in a way they didn't expect. From my opinion this specific part of the show should be shown to anyone who wants to do a horror movie or series.

The third season, this is the one that I found to be the most intriguing. I've waited for a horror story-line that had to do with the obsession of the media. It has almost the same idea from the first season about various townsfolk being the target, now it's the tenants in an apartment. After the murder of one of the residents of the apartment dies in the building. Someone decided to don on an outfit inspired by the solstice party and it doesn't help that this killer has an internet following. Best part, this whole season takes place in one day. This show had the commentary about how absorbed we are in anything to bring fame or catch up on the gossip. People die of their own vices, anything can come back to bite in the ass from damning decisions.

Two more comparisons that Slasher has to American Horror Story. The representation of LGBTQ. There has been very unique gay characters throughout the past three season. The representation is in good nature, and written well. Strong individuals that just happen to be in this macabre mess of a scary situation. Second, just like American Horror Story with some of the original cast returning to play a different character, Slasher does that as well. Upon watching this show I noticed some of the familiar actors that have kept a steady return or just pop up here and there. I haven't minded so much since it's still a different cast in every season, it's just refreshing to see some of the same people and wonder what they'll play this time.

Even though I happen to be a fan that sees this show from a neutral point of view, some others have not thought so with the ratings I see. It's had a bit of a teeter-dodder effect on the audience, some liked it and some just think it's a waste to the horror concept. I would like to see the other story-lines that comes with the take on a unique killer with motives that remain unclear yet intriguing to see who dies and who will be revealed.

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Samantha Parrish

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