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My Night Mare On Flight HB163

A Journey Into The Dark Hole of the Skies

By Nathal NortanPublished 2 months ago 6 min read
A Journey into the Dark Hole of the Skies

The plane sliced through the clouds, its engines humming a monotonous tune that did little to soothe the prickling unease that sneaked down John's spine. Despite the gentle rocking, a sense of disquiet settled over the passengers, like the calm before a storm.

With a final snap, John closed his minicomputer. The sigh that followed seemed to carry the weight of a recent news story - a plane vanishing mid-flight, leaving only a chilling trail of unanswered questions.

Fatigue gnawed at his eyes, but a tremor of unease kept him from deciding to dose off. There is surely over 4,000 kilometers more to go, an eternity suspended in the vast emptiness above the clouds.

The turbulence started subtly, a mere tremor in the metal belly of the plane. John, a seasoned traveler, barely registered it. Then, the whispers began.

Faint at first, like the rustling of unseen parchment, they grew into a cacophony of languages John didn't recognize, a chorus of voices from beyond.

He tried to slide on his new wireless earphones to drown the horrific noises but the chilly feeling of these noises was not something he could drown with music in his ears.

A shiver crawled down his spine as he glanced around. The other passengers seemed oblivious, faces plastered to glowing screens, oblivious to the growing unease.

John remembered the whispers on Flight MH370, the Malaysian plane that vanished mid-flight, only to be rumored to haunt the skies. A cold sweat prickled his skin.

Then, the lights flickered, plunging the cabin into a strobe nightmare. A woman across the aisle screamed, pointing frantically at the window. John followed her gaze.

The tremors intensified, rattling the overhead compartments and sending shivers down John's spine. The air in the cabin thickened, not with the chill of altitude but with a palpable pressure, a suffocating weight that seemed to press down on them all.

It was like an invisible fog, a sense of unseen eyes scrutinizing them from the very air they breathed. An unsettling quiet fell over the passengers, broken only by the rhythmic tremors and the frantic thudding of John's heart.

The flight attendants behaved calmly as if nothing was really going on and we were only experiencing turbulence. They noticed the unease and started to calm the passengers down.

An undeniable unease crept through the cabin, a primal fear that whispered of something monstrous lurking just beyond the thin metal walls.

The plane lurched violently, throwing John against the window. As he righted himself.

The tremors became a relentless symphony of shudders, transforming the gentle rocking into a violent dance. Unease morphed into raw terror, a primal scream trapped in the passengers' throats.

Whispers, like the rustling of dead leaves, slithered through the darkened cabin, their words foreign yet dripping with malice.

Outside, through the scratched Plexiglas, fleeting glimpses of impossible shapes danced in the storm's fury.

John, realizing how things were forging, straightened up and slid his feet into the lightweight sneakers he normally uses on journeys like this. He felt a sense of fear and chills running down his spine.

Some swore they saw monstrous, inky appendages brushing the fuselage, while others glimpsed fleeting shadows that defied description.

With each passing moment, the line between reality and nightmare blurred, leaving the passengers adrift in a sea of mounting dread.

Panic clawed at John's throat. He recalled the legend of Flight 163, where passengers swore they saw figures clawing at the windows, their faces contorted in an eternal scream.

A stewardess materialized beside him, a blank smile stretched across her face. "Turbulence is expected, sir. Would you like some chamomile tea?"

Her voice held a chilling monotone. John recoiled, noticing the tea in her hand was a swirling, oily black.

Through the window, the storm raged, the sky morphing into a tapestry of impossible colors. The whispers, now laced with a bone-deep terror, filled the cabin.

As the plane plunged, the whispers became a deafening roar, a symphony of forgotten languages and primal fear.

John strained his eyes out the window. Distant flashes of white light flickered between the churning storm clouds, revealing nothing unusual… yet. Each flash felt like a taunt, a cruel tease before the real horror emerged.

Then, with a deafening crack, a bolt of lightning split the sky, momentarily illuminating the darkness beyond the wing.

There, etched against the inky void, was a monstrous silhouette. Its form was impossible to decipher, a writhing mass of darkness that defied comprehension.

Its size was colossal, dwarfing the plane in a way that made John's stomach lurch. In that fleeting glimpse, terror solidified. The whispers, the unease, it all clicked into a horrifying reality. They weren't alone.

John remained glued to the window, the monstrous silhouette burned into his vision. The intercom crackled to life, the captain's voice a jarring contrast to the symphony of terror outside.

"Ladies and gentlemen," his tone overly chippers, "we're experiencing some light turbulence, but everything is under control. Please fasten your seatbelts and remain calm."

John scoffed. Calm? How could he possibly be calm with that… thing… out there? A ripple of fear snaked through the cabin. While the captain's words were meant to soothe, they landed with a hollow thud.

The passengers weren't fools. They could feel the tremor in the floor, the unnatural pressure in the air. A cold dread, a primal fear of the unknown, settled in their stomachs, a heavy weight that no amount of reassurance could dispel.

They knew, with a chilling certainty, that something far worse than turbulence was upon them.

A deafening crack erupted from the left side of the plane, a loud sound that ripped through the cacophony of terror. The plane lurched violently, throwing passengers against the windows and all over.

Had it not been for the captain's earlier warning and the hastily fastened seatbelts, bodies would have become horrifying projectiles.

Screams erupted, raw and primal, echoing the passengers' dawning realization: they were no longer in control.

Fear became a tangible entity, clinging to them like a shroud as they huddled together, hearts hammering a frantic rhythm against their ribs.

It was a desperate attempt at comfort in the face of the unseen, a monstrous force determined to tear their metal sanctuary from the sky.

In that shared moment of terror, they understood - this wasn't turbulence. This was a fight for survival.

All of a sudden it stopped and there was a total calmness as each passenger starred into each other faces letting out a sigh indicating a big relief.

The flight attendants tried to soothe their fears, but they too looked shaken and unsure. "We apologize for the turbulence, ladies and gentlemen," one of them said. "But everything is under control now. Please remain seated and fasten your seatbelts."

The flight attendants were pretentious trying to soothe their fears, but it was clear and imminent that they were also shaken and unsure of what we were going through. "We apologize for the turbulence, ladies and gentlemen," one of them said, with a voice that was a little shaky and almost trembling.

Despite the lingering terror, the plane continued its relentless journey. John, and the other passengers, remained on edge, their bodies tense, waiting for the next horrific lurch or ominous noise.

But the silence stretched on, broken only by the monotonous drone of the engines. The tension became almost unbearable, a suffocating weight pressing down on them.

As the minutes ticked by, a sliver of hope, fragile and precarious, began to flicker. Perhaps, against all odds, they were going to be alright.

Then, with a jarring jolt, the plane touched down. The sudden impact sent a wave of relief washing over John, tinged with a surreal disbelief.

They were alive. They had landed. But as he stumbled off the plane, with his leather backpack bag behind him, the memory of the whispers, the unseen terror, and the monstrous silhouette outside the window, clung to him like a chilling shroud.

This "uneventful" landing felt more like a temporary reprieve, a pause in a story yet to be finished. The true cost of this flight, the weight of the unseen horrors, would stay with him long after the plane doors shut.

At the arrival hall, he was met by his sister dressed in a flowery white dress with a summer hut. To John, the white dress symbolizes victory over the intended showdown in the skies. They embraced each other with a warm smile as she held his hand leading him out to the open air with a lot on his mind that would take the whole night to recount.

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About the Creator

Nathal Nortan

About Me:

Embark on a journey through the sultry landscape of love, science, and technology. I'm an unapologetic wordsmith and fervent explorer of the heart's deepest desires. My tales are woven with threads of deep care for humanity.

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