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The knock is terrible

By Kamran AlamPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

How deep is the sound of knocking? How many secrets are hidden in this voice? I don't know who will be at the door-someone who wants to be a guest, someone who has lost his way, someone who is a neighbor. How many joys are hidden in the sound of knocking. The child returned from school, tired husband. . Sometimes this sound is very annoying. Again and children came to the roof asking for a kite or a ball, or some impudent poor man who harassed them for no time.

but . This is a completely different story. It is not just a knock. The angel of death cries. How can the cry of the angel of death be? scary,Awful and deadly. And the greatest irony is that the cry of death is heard, but it is not known for whom this voice is meant. Who will be drawn to this bloody call? Even if you don't want to.

The people of this lush, beautiful village have always been very committed to their routine. As soon as it gets dark at night, they fall into a deep sleep. And in the morning they wake up with the first rays of the sun.

Due to working hard in the fields and gardens all day, the sleep is very deep and sweet. Even if the clouds thunder, the dogs bark in the streets, the ear-splitting whistle of the train passing by is heard. . No one's eyes open.

Yes, but . One night a year. . A dark, cold, terrible night must come when. . one by one . The eyes of the people of the villages are opened. And they start shaking with fear. Fear running through the veins. .

For the last 25 years, has this night must come once every year. When it is very cold. The fog spreads. It rains at night. . When two or two blankets are covered, the hands and feet are frozen. . then . suddenly . After midnight in village streets. On unpaved roads. A voice emerges. Knock, knock, knock The sound of wood. Like someone walking on a wooden stick.

For a long time, the sound of wood echoes in different streets slowly Gradually, the sound of the wood becomes so loud that it starts tearing the ears. From his terrible threat. The people of the villages, who started deeply, start waking up. . Orthar begins to tremble. . Not from cold, but from fear and then. There is a knock on the door of a house over and over again Knock knock . Maybe from the same wood.

Then a voice echoes. . An old, disgusting, trembling voice. Feeling hungry Give me food.

What will be the voice of the angel of death? Maybe no one can tell. But whoever heard he bloody voice, he was sure that the voice of the angel of death would be exactly like that. .

And indeed, the door of any house would have been knocked on, within a short time, a member of that house would have died. suddenly . Either by falling from the roof. Or snake bite or just like that. Don't know why .

In twenty-five years, twenty-five people had become victims of this bloody knock. And I don't know how long this series was going to last? Those who were born in those twenty-five years or twenty-five years ago were not aware of it. curse

Because of ignorance. . but . But those who were sensible at that time knew very well that this was a long punishment. Perhaps never ending.

A witch, a jinn, a ghost, a demon is such a terrible creature. How much life-killing fear is felt from these names. . But one thing is most frightening. . Do you know what? "Hunger".

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About the Creator

Kamran Alam

"Kamran Alam: Karachi-based Digital Marketing & Content Writer. Crafting captivating narratives and driving online success. Let's elevate your brand's online presence together!"

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