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Echoes of the Past

Memories like lightning, the past blink of an eye, that disappeared yesterday will not repeat.

By AlexPublished about a month ago 3 min read

The campus of Crestwood University was shrouded in an eerie silence as the midnight hour approached. Sarah, a diligent student with a passion for history, found herself alone in the university library, engrossed in her research on the campus's dark past.

Legend had it that the university was built on the grounds of an old asylum, where unspeakable horrors were said to have occurred. Sarah, always drawn to the macabre, couldn't resist the temptation to delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding the asylum's history.

As she pored over ancient documents and faded photographs, Sarah couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The air seemed to grow colder, and shadows danced ominously in the corners of the library. Ignoring her growing unease, Sarah pressed on, determined to uncover the truth.

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed through the library, causing Sarah to jump in her seat. Heart pounding, she cautiously made her way to the source of the sound, her footsteps echoing in the empty halls. To her surprise, she found an old, dusty book lying on the floor, its pages yellowed with age.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Sarah opened the book and began to read. The pages were filled with accounts of the asylum's dark past – tales of madness, torture, and death. But it was the final entry that sent shivers down her spine.

In trembling handwriting, the author described a series of unexplained disappearances that had plagued the asylum in its final days. According to the account, the spirits of the asylum's former patients were said to still roam the halls, seeking revenge on anyone who dared to disturb their rest.

Sarah scoffed at the idea of vengeful spirits, dismissing it as nothing more than a superstition. But as she closed the book and turned to leave, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. And when she glanced up, she saw them – shadowy figures lurking in the darkness, their eyes burning with hatred.

Terrified, Sarah fled from the library, her footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. But no matter how fast she ran, the shadows seemed to follow, whispering words of madness and despair.

Desperate for answers, Sarah sought out Professor Reynolds, a renowned expert on the history of the asylum. But when she arrived at his office, she found it deserted, the door hanging open ominously.

As she stepped inside, Sarah felt a chill run down her spine. The room was shrouded in darkness, the air thick with the scent of decay. And in the corner, she saw him – Professor Reynolds, his eyes vacant, his body contorted in a grotesque parody of life.

With a scream of terror, Sarah turned to flee, but it was too late. The shadows had surrounded her, their icy grip dragging her down into the depths of madness.

Weeks later, when the authorities finally searched the university library, they found no trace of Sarah or Professor Reynolds. Some say they were consumed by the darkness that lurked within the old asylum, their souls condemned to wander the halls for all eternity.

But others whisper of a different fate – of a portal to another realm, where the echoes of the past still linger, waiting to ensnare the unwary.

As for the students of Crestwood University, they know better than to venture into the library after dark, for the spirits that dwell within its walls are always hungry for fresh souls to claim. And as long as the old asylum stands, their nightmare will never truly end.


About the Creator


The fundamental purpose of reading is to make yourself understand the world, see yourself clearly, so that you have a serious power to push you forward when you have nothing to rely on or do nothing.

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