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Alien Base Beneath Mount Hayes

Legend or Truth?

By sara burdickPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Alien Base Beneath Mount Hayes
Photo by Rohit Tandon on Unsplash

Alaska has always been a state of curiosity, the remote vastness of the state. Even though the state has a very sparse population, there is an average of 2250 people who are reported missing each year. Since 1988, more than 16,000 people have disappeared in the Alaska Triangle. These people missing are never to be seen again, and there is no trace that anyone was ever there.

This only feeds the legend of aliens, UFOs, and abductions in the Alaskan Triangle and around Mount Hayes. Reports from those abducted claim to have been poked and prodded, and then a tracking device inserted into their body.

Mount Hayes is located in the eastern Alaskan range and is one of the largest peaks in the U.S. The mountain was named after Charles Willard Hayes, a geologist. The mountain is in the subarctic climate zone, and temperatures can drop below -20°C.

The Alaskan Triangle borders Anchorage, Juneau, and Barrow. Within this triangle are some of North America's most rugged and untamed lands. It is not surprising that people go missing in this area; however, the number of people who go missing and are never seen is astonishing.

However, interest in the mountain and the Alaskan Triangle did not begin until 1972. At this point, a small private craft carrying U.S. House Majority Leader Hale Boggs vanished between Juneau and Anchorage.

After the disappearance, the area was searched for over a month with 50 civilian planes, 40 military craft, and an area of 32,000 square miles. Nothing of the crew, Boggs, or the aircraft was ever found. The rumor of a vortex within the triangle began to grow.

"A vortex is a mass of energy that moves in a rotary or whirling motion, causing a depression or vacuum at the center… These powerful eddies of pure Earth power manifest as spiral-like coagulations of energy that are either electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic qualities of life force."

— Page Bryant, Terravision: A Traveler's Guide to the Living Planet Earth

The Mysterious Connection Between Mount Hayes/The Alaska Triangle and Alleged Alien Encounters

Many of those who go missing often say that the elements took them, as the area is uninhabitable, and finding anyone there is nearly impossible. Yet why is there never a trace of them to be found, which leads to speculation of what else is going on?

Many have speculated the Alaska Triangle is similar to what happens in the Bermuda Triangle. There are also reports of alien activity in this area; some even believe an alien base is inside Mount Hayes.

According to one of the first to disappear, a nine-year-old boy. He was taken from his home and then returned to the edge of town by what he describes as little men, and he did not have any memory of where he was. However, this was not the only story about alien abductions and disappearances.

There is also an account of a photo taken in the 1930s of what appears to be an alien-looking creature in the woods. The man who took the picture thought it was a lost person in the woods and approached. Yet when he came, he noticed it was a humanoid figure and was able to take the photo before the humanoid disappeared.

However, since the 1930s and possibly sooner, there have been reports of UFOs directly over Mount Hayes. This led to further speculation that there is an alien base under Mount Hayes.

The FBI and CIA reportedly have reports of encountering a UFO near Anchorage. The report was made by two military men working in the area and reported to the officers at Fort Richardson. There have been stories about a giant pyramid with a magnetic force in the area. The U.S. military reportedly studied this area and thought it was a power station.

However, it was said that the CIA was already studying Mount Hayes via Project Star Gate and their remote viewing project. During this project, one of the remote viewers made contact with a being between Earth and Mars. He also had images of an underground facility populated by beings; when he described this area, it was a cold hollow mountain.

He also saw metallic ships flying in and out through secret doors at incredible speeds. It was a research and monitoring field, with cold, thin, unemotional, and robotic beings like, unearthly, a different civilization. He also noticed there was a foul odor among the beings.


Whether or not you believe there is an alien base underneath Mount Hayes, the one sure thing is the missing people. There has not been a reasonable explanation besides ¨the elements¨ and the tricky geography. However, others believe in abductions for alien experimentation.

urban legend

About the Creator

sara burdick

I quit the rat race after working as a nurse for 16 years. I now write online and live abroad, currently Nomading, as I search for my forever home. Personal Stories, Travel and History

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  • Kale Bova 2 months ago

    I'm a believer

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