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The Mystery Book of Enoch

Bible Mystery Resolved

By Adekola DamilarePublished 14 days ago 5 min read

The Book of Enoch is an intriguing ancient text believed to have been written by Enoch, a prominent figure in biblical genealogy. It covers a range of captivating topics, including the origin of demons, the fall of the Nephilim angels, and prophetic visions of the Messiah's reign.

However, despite its intriguing content, the book was removed from the Bible in 325 AD by Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nikia. There are several reasons behind this decision.

Firstly, Jesus and the apostles did not recognize the Book of Enoch as scripture, diminishing its authority. While some early church fathers esteemed the book highly, they never explicitly referenced it. Additionally, the Book of Enoch contains stories and theological concepts that differ from accepted scripture, making it inconsistent with the Bible. For example, it describes angel-human relationships leading to the birth of unusual creatures known as Nephilim. These reasons, among others, contributed to the book's exclusion from the Bible.

The Nephilim are powerful and often violent beings, causing many disasters and bloodshed on Earth due to their disobedience and the subsequent chaos caused by their descendants. God decided to punish the Watchers or Fallen Angels, and they were bound and imprisoned deep underground as punishment for their transgressions. The book also asserts that Enoch, a righteous man, acted as an intermediary between the Watchers and God. Essentially, the fallen angels asked Enoch to intercede with God on their behalf, seeking forgiveness for their sins.

As you can see, these stories, interesting as they may seem, offer different perspectives on our understanding of angels, as presented in the Bible. This contradiction is another reason why the Book of Enoch was not included in the Bible.

Secondly; The Book of Enoch, also known as the Secret Book of Enoch, is best known for its descriptions of some of the heavens and its stories of battles between angels and demons. The idea of many heavens is not dominant in Christian theology. According to the book,

The First Heaven was located directly above the sky, where Angels controlled atmospheric phenomena such as falling snow, rain, and water above.

In the second Heaven, Enoch found darkness, a prison where rebellious angels were tortured.

In the third Heaven, he found the whole paradise represented as the Garden of Eden also guarded by angels of God's, and then hell where bad people are tortured.

In the fourth heaven is where the movement of the Sun and Moon takes place. He sees angelic beings called Phoenixes and in this level there is also a Celestial Choir of War Angels soldier has a wonderful and wonderful song for God.

In the fifth heaven, Enoch found the gregori, soldiers of Satan, who looked human but were giant. They were in a state of unrest because they had not been condemned and Enoch persuaded them to repent.

In the Sixth Heaven, he sees the angels responsible for governing the universe and humanity, these are the archangels above the Angels; they measure all life in heaven and on earth and are named after the seasons and years in this Paradise. They are also angels over the rivers and seas, over the fruits of the earth, and over every plant, giving food to every living thing. In this kingdom also reside angels, who write all human souls, all their actions and lives before God.

In the seventh heaven, Enoch, now guided by Gabriel, is allowed to directly enter and interact with God on His throne, but only at a distance, this is where God's legions of angels live in beautiful light.

The eighth heaven is located just below the upper sky, where the constellations are trapped; Here resides the changer of the seasons and the controller of the constellations.

The ninth heaven is the upper sky with the fixed constellations and where the seasons change.

The 10th and final heaven is where the throne of God resides and where God's face can be seen at close range, where God resides.

Again, as you can see, these are very insightful and interesting descriptions. Unfortunately, most of them are not attested by the canonical Bible. Does that mean they are wrong? we can't say for sure, but they are not consistent, at least not in a broad sense based on what we know about the divinely inspired Scriptures. This is another reason why the book was removed from the Bible.

Thirdly; There are doubts about the true authorship and authenticity of the Book of Enoch because it was written much later than the time of Enoch, it could not have been written by him, raising questions about its authenticity, so one of the reasons the Book of Enoch was not published in the Bible due to the belief that Enoch himself was not the author of most of book.

Fourthly; The Book of Enoch was also not accepted into the Torah. The book was excluded from the Torah. Jewish religious texts form the basis of the Old Testament and predict the New Testament, the decision by scholars and rabbis to exclude the book from the Torah has influenced Christian perception teach about its value.

The main reason why the Jews rejected the book was that it was not in accordance with the teachings of the Torah according to Rabinian Judaism, the book was considered heretical, for example in 1 Enoch 40: 1 -10, angel fuel is not mentioned. Elsewhere in the Bible it presides over those who repent of their sins will receive eternal life, which is clearly not what the Bible says. Teach, although some scholars suggest that the fuel translated to face of God refers to Jesus Christ, but this is not made clear in the book's conclusion.

Ultimately, the main reason why the Book of Enoch was not included in the Bible is the belief that Enoch himself was not the author of the book and that he was not inspired by God. There was no grand conspiracy of the fathers Early Christians discouraged this book because it contained secrets they wanted to keep hidden. So should you read the book of Enoch, I think perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the Book of Enoch, if no it will bring you a really enjoyable experience. Interesting insight into how Old Testament was interpreted in the years before Jesus came, but be careful.

To compare it with the Bible, there are certainly good reasons why it was excluded from the canon by the early Church fathers. It is hardly consistent with the teachings of the Bible, it does not belong there, so you can read the book, but do so with wisdom and discernment. This seems more like a non-fiction story by an anonymous author and less like a bible, let me know what you think of the book, do you think it should have been included in the Bible.

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Adekola Damilare

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  • Adekola Damilare (Author)13 days ago

    When are you posting the next episode? Love this

  • Fagbenro Adesola13 days ago


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