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The Great Stink of London: A Smelly Summer that Changed a City

How a Terrible Odor Led to a Transformation in Public Health

By People! Just say Something!Published 12 months ago 3 min read

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During the hot summer of 1858, the city of London was engulfed in an unbearable stench that has been infamously referred to as the 'Great Stink'. This was not a case of a few poorly managed rubbish dumps or sewage drains; the smell was so pervasive and nauseating that it brought the city to its knees and even disrupted the Parliament. This blog post delves into this smelly chapter of history, exploring its causes, immediate responses, and the significant changes it triggered in the city's infrastructure.

The Big Stink Begins

The River Thames, the lifeblood of London, had become heavily polluted by the mid-19th century due to the city's rapid population growth and industrialization. Raw sewage, industrial waste, and even animal carcasses were routinely dumped into the river, turning it into a toxic stew. The summer of 1858, known as the 'Year of the Great Stink', was particularly hot, causing the foul contents of the river to ferment and release an overwhelming stench. The smell was so overpowering that it disrupted daily life and sparked widespread public outcry. People avoided going outdoors, businesses suffered, and even the Houses of Parliament, located by the Thames, had to hang drenched curtains in an attempt to keep the smell out.

Efforts to Combat the Stink

London's authorities, initially caught off guard, sprung into action to combat the stink. Lime was scattered along the riverbanks and in the sewers in an attempt to neutralize the smell, but this provided only temporary relief. Some suggested radical solutions like moving the Parliament out of London, while others proposed more creative ideas such as building gigantic fans to blow the stink away. However, it was clear that piecemeal efforts were not enough to address the root of the problem.

The Turning Point

The Great Stink served as a wake-up call for the city's authorities, who realized that London's outdated sanitation system was inadequate for its growing population and changing needs. It led to the implementation of one of the most significant public health interventions in London's history: the creation of a new sewer system. The visionary behind this endeavour was Sir Joseph Bazalgette, a civil engineer who designed an extensive network of sewers to divert waste away from the Thames and into the sea. The project, which took over a decade to complete, dramatically improved the city's sanitation and helped prevent future outbreaks of diseases like cholera, which had been linked to the polluted water of the Thames.

The Legacy of the Great Stink

The Great Stink remains a notable event in London's history, not for the odorous ordeal it presented, but for the sweeping sanitary reforms it spurred. The new sewer system not only improved the city's public health but also shaped its modern urban landscape. The event has also left its mark on literature, inspiring descriptions in Charles Dickens' novels of the Thames' dreadful condition. More broadly, the Great Stink serves as a potent reminder of the importance of sanitation infrastructure, a facet of city planning often taken for granted.


The story of the Great Stink is a fascinating journey into a time when London was literally brought to its knees by a terrible smell. It's a testament to how a city can turn a crisis into an opportunity for improvement. The event serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining and investing in critical public infrastructure. While the Great Stink was undoubtedly a low point in London's history, the city's response has led to a greater focus on the city's hygiene and bettered London as a whole.

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