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By Vicki Lawana Trusselli Published 7 months ago Updated 7 months ago 5 min read

"The Day of the Dead (el Dia de los Muertos) is a Mexican holiday where families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion that includes food, drink and celebration.

A blend of Mesoamerican ritual, European religion and Spanish culture, the holiday is celebrated each year from October 31- November 2. While October 31 is Halloween, November 1-2 is All Souls Day or Day of the Dead.

According to tradition, the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31 and the spirits of children can rejoin their families for 24 hours. The spirits of adults can do the same on November 2.

The roots of the Day of the Dead, celebrated in contemporary Mexico and among those of Mexican heritage in the United States and around the world, go back 3,000 years, to the rituals honoring the dead in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. The Aztecs and other Nahua people living in what is now central Mexico held a cyclical view of the universe, and saw death as an integral, ever-present part of life.

Upon dying, a person was believed to travel to Chicunamitian, the land of the Dead. Only after getting through nine challenging levels, a journey of several years, could the person's soul finally reach Mictian, the final resting place. In Nahua rituals honoring the dead, traditionally held in August, family members provided food, water, and tools to aid the deceased in this difficult journey.

In ancient Europe, especially in the Celtic pagan celebrations of the dead also took place in the fall, and consisted of bonfires, dancing, and feasting. In medieval Spain, people would bring wine and pan de animas (spirit bread) to the graves of their loved ones on All Souls Day; they would also cover graves with flowers and light candles to illuminate the dead souls' way back to their homes on Earth." As per the History Channel, https://www.history.com/to pics/halloween/day-of-the-dead

I celebrate Halloween and Dia de los Muertes. I am sharing a few of my experiences with spirits here on October 31, 2023

I am an empath. My grandma, my best friend, visited me for ten years after she passed away in the 70's. She was always there for me to dry my tears, hang out with me, laugh with me. I missed her very much after she passed away.

One night I had a dream that grandma sat on my bed. She asked me to set up with her, to talk. I must have astro projected as I found myself talking with her sitting by her side on the side of the bed. She told me she was not ready to pass on and she would be with me, watching me.

That very week in the 70's I had an automobile accident. All I remember is that I was driving through an intersection, and another car almost ran into me. I remember putting my right foot on the brakes. I sat back in my car seat not realizing what had just happened. I opened my car door, stepped out of my car, walked over to 7/11 to call 911. The cashire told me he saw the accident. He asked me, "Who was that lady that pulled me away from the steering wheel 'cause you were going to fly right out the window?" I replied, "I am alone. There was no one with me. Can you describe the lady you saw in my car?" He described my grandma to a tea. So, my grandma was watching over me. That was really her in my dreams. She continued to visit me night after night for ten years.

One day in the 80s I had another dream. I was in a department store shopping at a jewelry counter. I looked across the way to see my grandma waving at me as I remembered her before her passing. I waved at her, she waved back again, telling me she had to go. I watched her walk into the light. It was beautiful.

My poppa passed away in the late 90's. I was with him the night he passed away from leukemia. The next morning, I heard a knock on my door at 6am. I got up, opened the door to my room, looked around my dad's house. Everyone was asleep, not a soul making a noise. My poppa was knocking on my door at 6am to let me know he was okay and would be watching over me.

There are many alternate realities. I have seen spirits in places where I have lived since, I was a child.

I spoke with a few spirits here in my apartment in southern California through the VOX app. I am not scared of spirits. My buds are super fun. They are no threat to me. They roam about the complex. This is a link on my YouTube channel to a voice recording from my VOX app, https://youtu.be/vigNPbOUjas?si=Bi0LqigT10hm6dZF

One time I was wearing a bracelet in the kitchen. I moved my left arm to see the beaded bracelet flip of my wrist and into the oblivion of another universe. I searched high and low for the bracelet. It was not in the apartment. Another time I removed the lid and straw from my plastic glass. I laid the straw and lid down atop the stove. the straw was still attached to the lid. I put ice in my glass, poured coffee and coffee creamer into my glass. I picked up the lid to screw back onto my glass. The straw was gone. I searched high and low but there was no straw. I told my buds, "Okay guys, WTF?"

This is my real Halloween story. Living life as an empath, dreamer, psychic is an experience of dreaming of characters I have never met, people, places, things like full living color movies. I have seen spirits and dreamed since I was a child.

I moved back to LA in June 2016. Two months before my breakup with my ex, I dreamed my parents picked me up from the beach bungalow. My parents said they were taking me on a road trip. We drove over deserts and mountains to get back to LA. My poppa and mom were happy as they dropped me off at a friend's house in LA.

Two months later, June 2016, I moved back to LA. My ex moved his 38-year- old girlfriend into the beach house. I rode the train back to LA.

So happy, my folks are looking out for me. Guess I have to say there are angels and spirits to help us along our journey here on earth.


OCTOBER 31, 2023


LessonsWorld History

About the Creator

Vicki Lawana Trusselli

I worked for the music and film industry in Los Angeles, California and Austin, Texas. I studied nursing, journalism, art, film, and computers in college. I was in the first computer class in 1981 at The LA Times. PEACE OUT!

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  • Test4 months ago

    Enjoyed learning about your traditions Vikki and love learning about your encounters and experiences 🤍

  • Test7 months ago

    your story is wonderful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  • Mother Combs7 months ago


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