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What Could An Adult Goosebumps TV Series Look Like?

What Would It Be Like To Revisit The Characters We Loved As Children?

By Jade M.Published 3 years ago 3 min read
A logo for the popular children's show

I can still remember the excitement I felt coming home from the library with an armload of Goosebumps books. The books were short and only took me a day or two to complete. My love for Goosebumps only intensified with the release of the tv series. Now that I’m older, I can’t help imagining how an adult version of Goosebumps would pan out. I would love to see some of the original actors back in their original roles. The new series could open with the characters (now adults) talking about the trauma they went through as children and how everything was much worse than we’d thought.

The series could start by revisiting Say Cheese and Die! We could see Greg spending his days working in a lab, helping to study the camera that now makes his life miserable. We are told through voiceover that he’s been forced to take hundreds of photos, and the camera pans to a pile of photos featuring rats. We soon find that isn’t the worst of it, prolonged exposure to the camera is causing Greg’s body to break down. How would Greg defeat the camera as an adult, especially now that the camera has become his life?

The next person I’d love to see the series visit would be Carly Beth. What if she couldn’t get the mask off that Halloween? Not only would she be disfigured, but she’d be sporting a new personality. We’d flash to a close-up of the face she would have if she’d never worn the mask. A single tear would be streaming down her cheek as the camera zoomed out to show that she was sitting in a jail cell. She’d recount what had happened that Halloween night, ending with the event that landed her in jail: the murder of her best friend Sabrina.

We can’t mention Carly Beth without also mentioning Steve, the second person to wear a haunted mask. Steve’s story would differ greatly from his previous appearance, it would have been a fantasy made up by Carly Beth as she struggled to come to terms with what her life had become. Steve and Carly Beth would have been in a secret relationship as preteens. Steve would have been devastated by what she’d done. Despite this, he moves on with his life. He marries and has children, but his profession as a true-crime podcaster brings him face to face with an array of masks once owned by the now deceased shopkeeper. His show is struggling so he decides to set up a live stream where he plans to wear one of the masks for twenty-four hours.

Another character who’d be more fleshed out in an adult Goosebumps series would be Michael Webster from the Cuckoo Clock of Doom. Michael would be shown to be taking a medley of prescription medicines to deal with the mental health issues caused by losing his sister. During his struggle to get a job, until the day he walks into an old antique shop where he sees the cuckoo clock for the first time since he was a child. Upon getting the job, he decides that he could fix his problems if he just uses the clock to bring back his sister. While he succeeds in bringing her back, he’s horrified to find out that she’s a serial killer.

The final book adaption I’m going to mention is one that I hold dear to my heart. I developed a love for the library when I was younger, so I could relate to Lucy. I think it would be interesting to see how an adult Lucy deals with being with a single 30 something monster. She’d stalk her prey using dating apps until she finally finds that special someone.

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About the Creator

Jade M.

Jade is an indie author from Louisiana. While her first book failed, she has plans to edit and republish it and try again. She has a senior min pin that she calls her little editor, and a passion for video games and makeup.

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