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Top Moments That Had Us Loving Luke Thompson

*Heart eyes*

By Elisabeth Published 3 months ago 3 min read

When Bridgerton first premiered on Netflix back in December 2020, there was no denying that we would inevitably fall for the handsome faces starring in the series. And while everyone was [rightfully] swooning over Simon Basset, played by Regé-Jean Page, Anthony Bridgerton, played Jonathan Bailey, etc... there was one character that went a bit under the radar. The dashing, artistic, poetic and all-around charming Benedict Bridgerton, played by Luke Thompson.

Having first started his acting career on the London stage, starring as Lysander in A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Globe Theatre in 2013, Luke Thompson has built quite an impressive resume for himself, over in the UK. In addition to his work on stage, Luke has also starred in a number of shows including the BBC drama, In The Club, Christopher Nolan's war drama, Dunkirk, and The Suspicions of Mr Whicher. But it is his role as Benedict Bridgerton that made Luke Thompson a household name, by introducing the British talent to a whole new audience.

Now, if you're anything like me, finding a new actor to obsess over basically means, stalking their IMDb page, noting all the movies and shows they were in (no matter how small the role), and then eagerly searching where to watch them all. Well, that's what happened with Luke and naturally, with each role, interview and photo shoot, the love only grew deeper with each one.

So, as we wait eagerly and patiently but also seethingly because the creators decided to re-order the series by skipping what should have been Benedict and Sophie's story for season three but as we all know that's not what we will be getting, here are just a few of the top moments that had us completely falling for Luke Thompson.

Luke is actually really funny, you guys

There's just something about a hot guy with a dry, and very British sense of humour, for me.

Remember that role in A Midsummer Night's Dream, at the Globe Theater I told you about earlier? Well, here ya go...

Yeah. Just throw a bucket of water my way cause this is sexy as hell.

Did someone say adorable, happy puppy?

Look how proud he is of his, pall mall playing. He really is just an excited and proud pup.

Pall Mall Bonus:

It's just how strong he is, you guys. He can't help it. Here's the full video for context and giggles:

To really get into the role of Benedict Bridgerton, Luke actually attended art classes and well...

When I tell you the man is talented beyond words... He even went on to gift the cast members portraits he drew, when season one wrapped.

Everybody loves Luke

During an on-set interview with Thompson, his cast mates couldn't help bombing the shot to express their love and admiration for him. Finding any opportunity to sing Luke's praises and give him a small peck: Very relatable, to be honest.


That's it. That's the post.

It's all about the bread and butter

I mean... if this isn't relatable, I don't know what is.

Rehearsing with swords

There's just something about a focused, hot man while sword fighting, know what I mean?

The Fact He Speaks Fluent French

One word: Oui.

He's A WhatsOnStage Award Winner

No Copies, Please

It's the original or nothing and honestly, we get it.

THIS photo shoot

I mean- HELLO!

And then there's this photo shoot

Something about the artistic feel behind each photo, the lighting, poses...this is definitely one of my favourite Luke Thompson photo shoots.

His New On Stage Lead

This poster is straight out of a rom-com and we are so here for it.

Along with his Style

It's all very *chef's kiss*.

Luke is a Disney Kid

Okay but, Luke Thompson a Disney prince when?

Always tired

Same, Luke. Same

Tea time with Indonesian goodies

Watch for the funny. Stay for the wrapper challenges.

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