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Top 10 Worst Things Lois Griffin Has Done

We're all used to Peter's antics, but we can't turn away from some of the awful things that Lois has done.

By WatchMojoPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

This family gal has some serious issues. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be counting down or picks for the "Top 10 Worst Things Lois Griffin Has Ever Done."

For this list, we’ll be looking at all the bizarre, sketchy, and downright criminal stunts that Lois Griffin has pulled over the years.

Poor Meg has it rough. She’s constantly mocked about her weight, is the butt of many a joke, and serves in general as the family punching bag. So it does her confidence some good to bring home a cute new boyfriend. But when Lois is jealous of the attention her daughter is getting, she sends Meg off on an errand and moves quickly to take what she wants. Meg comes back to see her mother and Anthony making out on the couch. Not only is this incredibly sleazy, but Lois then goes on to blame her underage makeout session on Peter’s inattention. Keep it classy, Mrs. Griffin.

Turns out that, just like another animated sitcom mom, Lois has something of a gambling problem. While at a Native American casino, Lois quickly becomes addicted. Although addiction is a serious disorder, and doesn’t make her a bad person, she first manages to lose the family car, then doesn’t really deal with the fallout. Instead of helping to figure something out, she watches her husband lie to the Native elders and then wander off into the woods alone with her teenage son in tow. She might be addicted to poker machines, but when it comes to responsibility, she’s clearly not working with a full deck.

Lois is never short on bad behavior, so when she’s a little short on cash at the supermarket, she decides to just steal what she can’t pay for. In no time, she’s hooked. Trying to recapture that high, she continues to steal until she’s finally caught. At court, she’s sentenced to three years in prison, but instead of paying the price, she lets her family break her out—although honestly, her escape is so obvious that maybe that one is on the prison guard. This forces them to assume new identities and start new lives. Although she eventually sees the light, the price she makes her family pay for her actions is criminally high.

Like many a politician, Lois sets out to become mayor of Quahog with her heart in the right place. But it doesn’t take long for her selfish impulses to kick in. Once elected, she vows to clean up the local lake and be a better mayor than the unstable Adam West. But before long, she’s skimming off the top of the leftover taxpayer money from the lake clean-up project to buy herself expensive gifts. Soon, she’s being bought out by oil companies so that they can return to dumping waste into the lake. When you’re this easily corruptible, maybe public office isn’t for you.

As it turns out, Lois’ bad behavior is nothing new. Back in high school, Lois was one of the pretty and popular girls. For no reason other than to torment her, she told a young Joyce Kinney that she’d made the cheer squad, and then humiliated her in front of the entire school. Bullying is no joke, and a prank of this scale would seriously mess someone up. Poor Joyce probably isn’t the only one who might need professional help—Lois also apparently has some issues that could do with some tending to.

Peter and Bill Clinton start to hang out after the former president’s car breaks down in front of their house. They become good friends, but also get up to trouble, and Lois does not approve. She goes to confront Clinton, and within minutes, she’s slept with him. Unlike some of her other actions, Lois actually feels guilty about this one and is worried that she’s ruined her marriage by cheating. She tells Peter that he can sleep with someone else if he wants to fix things. Although he ultimately decides he doesn’t need to sleep with anyone else, he ends up having sex with Clinton, too. Turns out Bill is just that persuasive.

This one is an ongoing problem. As mentioned earlier, Meg is the black sheep of the family, always the one to take the brunt of criticism and bullying. From making out with her boyfriend, to reading her private diary for laughs, to implying that Meg should kill herself, Lois is the worst mother imaginable. And it seems to have had a lasting effect, as over the years, Meg has gotten harder and more unhinged. Meg stands up for herself once, but Lois is so emotionally fragile that Meg has to take it back to keep the family together. Mother of the Year Lois is not.

For the most part, Peter is a pretty lousy father and husband. So, when he goes out of his way to run a quick errand for Lois, he thinks he’s doing a good thing. But when he and Chris come home with the groceries, she freaks out and physically attacks first Peter, then Chris. This isn’t the first time she’s lost her cool in a big way. It’s clear that she bottles up her frustrations with Peter and then resorts to violence to solve her problems and vent. It’s an unhealthy way to live, and an unforgivable thing to do to your spouse.

After traumatizing their son by “killing off” the fictional Arthur Valentine—made up to make him feel better on Valentine’s Day—Chris becomes catatonic. While Lois is minding him, she confides a dark secret to him: She once killed a pedestrian. She whispers that, at the time, the jaywalker seemed old to her—implying that her death somehow mattered less. Maybe that’s why Lois was the one behind the wheel when she and Peter dispatched “Arthur;” she’d already done something like this before. Lois has done a lot of things, but now we can add killing someone to the list.

Before we unveil our number on pick, here are some dishonorable mentions:

  • Attempting to Seduce Barely-Legal Justin Bieber
  • Spanked Stewie
  • Used "Substances"
  • Ran a "Lab"
  • Showed Her "Film" in Church

After taking the advice preached by the radical new sex ed teacher at the high school, Peter swears himself to abstinence. The move is drastic—and extra unnecessary, as he and Lois are already married with three kids—and it frustrates Lois to no end. Fed up with his chastity, Lois takes things way too far and forces herself onto Peter. And it’s not even the first time she’s been possessive of him, or sexually aggressive. It’s a shocking scene, even in a show filled with shocking moments.


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