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The 10 Sexiest Marvel Heroines of All Time

It's gotta be something about the spandex, right? Because it sure made ranking the sexiest Marvel heroines of all time easy.

By Ossiana TepfenhartPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

You gotta hand it to Marvel movies, right? With all the buzz about the different Marvel superhero movies coming out this year, the craze for comic books hasn't been this hot since they were first off the press.

The superheroes that we love so much also have fans that find them to be incredibly attractive—especially female characters who have gotten a rep for being stone cold foxes. Marvel, as a company, knows how to create heroines who got it goin' on.

To be one of the sexiest Marvel heroines of all time, you really have to have some pizzaz to your name. As an avid comic book reader, I decided to take a look at the hottest ladies to ever grace a comic book cover.

Emma Frost

Oh, come on. You knew she would end up on just about every list of the hottest Marvel heroines ever made. She's a blonde bombshell with an amazing body an incredibly sexy outfit, and brains that put her up there with the smartest female comic characters.

Her storylines are equally sexual. Prior to being an X-Men member, she was an exotic dancer. When she became a heroine, she ended up having an affair with Cyclops by tempting him away from Jean Grey.

She's a telepath with the "best body money can buy."

Scott Summers is a lucky man. He was with not one, but two of the sexiest female heroines in Marvel history. Jean Grey was the redheaded mutant that made X-Men the powerful franchise it is.

Along with being one of the most powerful female Marvel superheroes, she's known for being beautiful and passionate. Unfortunately, she can get a little crazy as the Phoenix.

Seeing her in her terrifying form in the upcoming Dark Phoenix movie will be chilling. Even so, you can't deny she's crazy hot.


Mystique is the ultimate femme fatale, if only because she can turn into any person you are fantasizing about. One minute, she can be Heidi Klum. The next, she can be any X-Men member you want.

This heroine is well-aware of how well her shapeshifting abilities can work, and also knows how to work her charms. She's saved the day by seducing others before, and is downright irresistible when she wants to flirt.

She's already been featured in several Marvel movies, and frankly, I don't know anyone who can get enough of her. Natasha Romanoff's insane wit, charm, and awesome fighting skills are amazing—but so are her looks.

She's one of the Marvel superheroes that could theoretically exist. Her physique is sleek, and meant to be at the top of its game at all times. The red hair and gorgeous lips are really just bonuses at this point. Saying she's one of the sexiest Marvel heroines of all time isn't an understatement; it's the truth.

Thank God she's getting her own movie soon.

Monet St. Croix

How Monet St. Croix hasn't gotten into a movie is beyond me. Monet St. Croix, also known as M, is one of the first Muslim super heroines in the Marvel Comics Universe—not to mention an incredibly attractive lady.

If you haven't seen her in action, check out her work with X-Force, or the time Jean Grey asked for her help while trying to defeat Nathan Gray. She's got telepathy, healing abilities, excellent fighting skills, and telekinesis... not to mention a ton more.

They didn't call her the "perfect mutant" for nothing.

Ororo Munroe is the kind of lady that created a storm of hormones in many teenage comic book readers—and she's been doing it for decades. She's got beautiful white hair that contrasts with her tanned skin, pouty lips, and a slender figure worthy of a supermodel.

In the X-Men franchise, she's played by Halle Berry. She might just be the only actress who can convey the fiery strength of Storm when angered without sacrificing the quiet, gentle personality outside battles.


Psylocke has already made a little headway into the X-Men franchise, and frankly, I can't wait to see more of her. Her flowing purple hair, bright violet eyes, high cheekbones, and fanservice-friendly outfit is going to be a welcome sight in upcoming X-Men movies.

Though her popularity truly took off when her mind went into a Japanese assassin's body, both Psylocke forms are worth falling in love with. Both bodies rock a leotard like no one else's business.

Real talk, Black Cat is the heroine who helped bring catsuits to the cosplaying masses. She's incredibly easy to cosplay, and yet, also still remains an amazingly impressive female superhero to see in teasers.

Now that Sony is helping Black Cat get her own movie, it's safe to say she'll quickly become one of the most popular female superheroes in recent years.

Though this commercial is a hoax, they did fantastic work showcasing what makes Black Cat so sexy. She epitomizes everything that is attractive about this Marvel super heroine, and puts many other Marvel Comics ladies to shame.

Scarlet Witch

We all fell in love with the tortured soul that was Scarlett Witch when she was a follower of Magneto. Now that Wanda Maximoff is with the Avengers, we can all feel a little bit better knowing that she's also one of the good guys.

She's unstable. She's beautiful. She's an absolutely real person who went through unspeakable suffering. And yet, she's still a decent individual. That strength alone makes her one of the sexiest Marvel heroines in the X-Men franchise.

I'll admit it; part of the reason I find Peggy Carter to be so attractive isn't just her retro outfits. She epitomizes what a woman in the 40s was supposed to be—and goodness, did she ever do it perfectly.

Captain America's first girlfriend was intelligent, patriotic, capable, and incredibly proper. Moreover, she was breathtakingly beautiful and exquisitely, emotionally strong as she said goodbye to Cap all those years ago. Not only is she a model citizen, she is easily one of the sexiest Marvel heroines to grace the silver screen, so to speak.

You gotta hand it to him, Cap has great taste.


About the Creator

Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer based out of New Jersey. This is her work account. She loves gifts and tips, so if you like something, tip her!

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  • Annaabout a year ago

    oh yeah Mystique and Scarlet Witch are my favorites

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