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Stranger Things Fans Really Want Eddie Munson To Return For Season 5

"Chapter One: The Crawl" has people bringing out all the theories.

By Elisabeth Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

*Warning: There are mahoossive spoilers in this post, so if you haven't seen the season four finale yet and don't want it spoiled, best not continue reading. Instead: Bookmark this page, go watch the episode, no seriously go now! And then come back to the article for the laughs.*

Season four of Stranger Things gifted us with so many good things this past summer. Let's see... there's our renewed appreciation for Kate Bush, Metallica, Lucas Sinclair beating the crap out of Jason (no hate to Mason Dye of course. Love him and think he's great!), and of course Joe Keery's chest hair. But probably, what might have been their greatest gift, was our new favourite metal head himbo, Eddie Munson.

Ever since he, quite literally burst on to the show in that now famous cafeteria scene, we all fell for Eddie and all his loud and theatrical glory. And as if that scene wasn't enough, it didn't take long for us to see soft, funny Eddie who was willing to make a fool of himself just to make Chrissy Cunningham laugh because he just wanted her to feel comfortable and happy !! *Clears throat* but I digress. Ever since then, the frizzy-haired rocker found a warm spot in our hearts. I did Joseph Quinn, equally, but that's a whole other article.

*Sigh* Eddie became our comfort character. But then (THEN) like taking a puppy away from us, the Duffer brothers decided it would be fun to make us watch him [apparently, maybe, supposedly] die in Dustin's arms and then have Dustin break the news to Wayne aka, uncle Munson. Why? Why would you do that? I cried real tears, Duffers!

via Giphy

Now here we are, six months since the season four finale and while many would tell us to get over it and just accept that that was Eddie's fate and he's not coming back and blah, blah, blah... Fans have instead been working out every possible scenario that could result in his return in season five. Honestly though, what happened after that scene? Did they just leave him in the upside down? And why didn't any of them acknowledge that he was dead? We can't just let it go.

And now with the Stranger Things Netflix Instagram account recently posting a shot of the season 5 script titled, "Chapter One: The Crawl", more than ever, our clown makeup is caked on and we're pulling out all the theories and memes, and man are there some good ones out there.

So, here is my compilation of just some of the best theories, memes, reactions and meltdowns that the Stranger Things/Eddie Munson fandom have made.

Six months later, and that guitar solo still lives rent free and on a loop in my head.


Why did he even go back though?! It literally made no sense and Noah Schnapp was right for saying it.

Look, they may not be flawlessly connecting but that's not the point here.

If there's anything we learned about Joseph it's that the man has impeccable improve skills, so he could totally pull this off. Just saying.

We all are, it's okay. But seriously, we we're all thinking this now, right?...Right?

Shamelessly just gonna add my own here so we can all collectively manifest this together.

You can't hear it but I'm actually squealing.

Regardless of what you might think, this post is so well thought out and explained, even I understood why this would make sense for next season and I don't know a thing about Dungeons and Dragons or Star Wars.

So, will Eddie return for the final season?...

Who knows, but hey, at least the posts were fun!

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