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‘Spider-Man’ Fans Came Through

The upcoming movie smashed records for pre-sale tickets

By Mark Wesley PritchardPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The Spider-Man hype is real! On November 29 at midnight, pre-sale tickets for Spider-Man: No Way Home, which comes out on December 17, were available for purchase. However, with that hype, came huge problems. Most people were experiencing crashes while purchasing their tickets online through either AMC Theaters or Fandango. Others had to wait several hours. Also, scalpers were on the prowl. They are selling their own tickets and the asking price of them were for as much as $25,000. I loathe scalpers in general, because they take advantage of people’s deseperation. Yours truly, on the other hand, had no issues with purchasing my ticket through AMC Theaters’ app. I didn’t have to wait long to do just that. I’ll be seeing No Way Home on December 16, one day before the official release of it. I’ve never seen a movie a day before it’s release before, so I’m looking forward to this day. It’s been well over 600 days since I’ve last seen a movie in person. That movie was Sonic The Hedgehog on Valentine’s Day 2020.

Recently, Cineplex posted this tweet, seen above, on their official Twitter page. This shows how loyal and excited Spider-Man fans are for this movie. I believe that it’ll beat Endgame’s record, when it comes to opening weekend. No Way Home has been predicted to make between $135-$185 million opening weekend.

I’ll be dressing up as the Iron Spider, seen above, on the day I plan on seeing the movie. It’ll arrive to me way before the 16th. I’ve never been this hyped up about a movie since Endgame back in 2019. As far as the suit, the Iron Spider was one the suits I’ve wanted for about two years. The design of it has always caught my attention. Whenever I purchase a Spider-Man suit, I always think of two things: the design of it and whether or not it’ll look good on me. It’s good that I’m finally going to see a movie for the first time in almost two years. We’ve all been through so much and the excitement about No Way Home was the best distraction we needed from the negative doom and gloom news stories.

As you can tell by this picture, I won’t be posting any spoilers on my social media pages until one week after the movie’s release, just to be fair to everyone. Just like Endgame, I’m going to be tight lipped until then. The only thing that I’ll post is whether I liked or didn’t like No Way Home and nothing more.

If you’re not busy on Christmas Eve, then plan on joining me live on TikTok, where I’ll be discussing No Way Home, plus other stuff. Me and everyone else will be spoiling the movie and discussing our favorite parts that we liked. Whether you’re following me on my social media pages or not, I’m just letting you know in advance that if you happen to stumble upon my upcoming live stream and you haven’t seen No Way Home after a while, I take no responsibility for your actions. It’s best for you to not view the live stream. If you’re new to watching Marvel movies, whether you’re viewing them at a movie theater or streaming it at home, always watch the end credits from start to finish. It’s a must and a requirement: one of my biggest pieces of advice to you. There’s some interesting things that might surprise you and probably never knew about. Also, be on the lookout for Easter Eggs while you’re watching your favorite Marvel movie. Easter Eggs are basically small tidbits that catches your eye.

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About the Creator

Mark Wesley Pritchard

Award-winning cosplayer, cosplay model, influencer, retro gaming fanatic, die-hard Texas Rangers fan, and nostalgic freak. Need I say more?

Threads: @thecosplayerfromtexas

Instagram: @thecosplayerfromtexas

TikTok: @thecosplayerfromtexas

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