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Ranking the Mutants that Could Be Part of the MCU's X-Men

Ranking the candidates for who could make the roster of the initial line-up for the MCU's X-Men team.

By Craig ArnottPublished 2 years ago 24 min read
Top Story - July 2022
Some of the many mutants of Marvel Comics

Marvel have made it clear, both the Fantastic Four and the Mutants will be coming to the MCU. The mutant centred film has not officially been named yet, but many suspect it will be the MCU's version of the X-Men arriving. So, this article is written with the assumption it will be the X-Men and this then obviously brings the opportunity for the MCU to introduce both the heroic villainous mutants to go against. So here, we will look at the likely candidate to appear in the upcoming film mutant project at the MCU.

In this list we will only look at who is likely to join the heroic mutants and will only list better known candidates. As if I listed every mutant to be on a X-Men affiliated team, we would be here a while. You will see the likely candidates comprise an extensive list as it is. We will examine the candidate for the villainous group in another article.



Angel is one of the founding members of the X-Men in the comics and has a fall from grace arc which has yet to be properly portrayed. As many will be aware, Angel is transformed into Archangel by Apocalypse to serve as his Horsman of Death. So far, we witness Angel in X-Men: The Last Stand, where in all honesty he did very little outside of highlight how some mutants struggle to accept their powers. The next time we see an Angel in an X-Men film is in X-Men: Apocalypse where they skipped his heroism and went straight to villain.

Given how the MCU have proven themselves to be the masters of playing the long game in their story telling. It is highly likely they will want to do Angel's story right. This makes it likely he will remain as one of the founding X-Men in the MCU. This would firstly please fans to see his arc properly depicted on screen, as the closest fan have at present is X-Men 1997 where even then many of his story aspects were not touched on as he was not a main character in the show.

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 8 out of 10



Beast is a very well known and loved character from the mutant roster and is one of the found members of the team in the comics. Having seen much screen time in the First Class wave of Sony films and as a main character on many X-Men animated shows. Beast has a fandom for this big bulking beast with the mind of a genius but the heart of a poet. Beast brings both strength, agility and smarts to the X-Men or other teams including the Avengers.

However, his appearance in the first MCU mutant line-up is tentative. As mentioned, he was a primary character in all four of the First Class wave of films and featured in X-Men: The Last Stand. This may make Marvel pause Beast from appearing in the first film but debuting later. Purely to make some clear difference between the MCU X-Men and previous movie series. Marvel could even have it, so Hank has yet to go through his transformation allowing the more human looking Beast to pop up first in another MCU project. Perhaps aiding one of the many scientists now within the MCU before turning blue and fully joining the X-Men.

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 6 out of 10



Now Bishop is well-known as the time-travelling mutant from a future where the mutant race were hunted to near extinction. Bishops story traditionally tells the story of him coming to the past to stop an event taking place to ensure mutant race survives. He was seen in X-Men: Days of Futures Past where he was only seen in a dystopian future, much like the one he hails from in the comics. So, with this in mind, Bishop presents somewhat a wild card.

With the MCU clearly playing with the multiverse and that being the theme for the coming years of the MCU. Bishop could perhaps be the catalyst that brings the Mutants into the MCU. He could arrive in the MCU from a potential future timeline needing to stop an event in the MCU that triggers the end of all mutants. This would then be what prompts the team to go public, revealing mutants to the masses.

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 5 out of 10



Much like the above candidate, Cable is also another time-travelling mutant. Now tell me if you have heard this before, he travels back in time to stop an event that spell doom in the future. Yeah thought it rang a bell. Well unlike the above candidate, Cable has stronger links to the X-Men team. As Cable is the son of Cyclops and the clone of Jean Grey, Madelyne Pryor. So, this link does give an easy path for him to appear alongside the X-Men of the past at any given time, as both Cyclops and Jean Grey are two of the most commonly featured mutants outside of the comics in X-Men media.

However, this also does present a problem. With Cable you need to show how Madelyn Pryor came into existence, and that is something needing to be explored before Cable arrives. Now there is a small chance we could see some sort of tease to the creation of Madelyn Pryor, but the chances of her existing before the X-Men debut in the MCU, highly unlikely. Yes, he did appear in Deadpool 2 without this being explained, but can they get away with that twice? This massively reduces the chances of Cable appearing in the first X-Men instalment of the MCU.

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 3 out of 10



Colossus in a mass of metal muscle that could bring some strength to the team if added to the roster. He did appear in X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men: Days of Futures Past. But on both occasions, he was more relegated to a supporting X-Man and never took a central role in the films. With the MCU employing patience in their storytelling, Colossus does have a good reason to debut in the first X-Men outing of the MCU.

One thing that is played with in the comics is Colossus's relationship with his sister Magik, who at times can be hard to find. Magik has strong ties to some of the mystic characters and the MCU has been diving into this side more and more recently. Colossus could be in the starting line-up and audiences made aware he is searching for his sister. This could then lead later down the MCU road with the X-Men encountering Doctor Strange, Wong and other mystic based MCU character.

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 7 out of 10



What Superman is to the Justice League is what Cyclops is the X-Men, the poster boy. Cyclops is a founding member in the comics and the original leader of the team. This naturally led to him appearing in the original trilogy of X-Men films and X-Men: Apocalypse and X-Men: Dark Phoenix. He has also appeared in all X-Men animated features, so essentially, he is their poster boy. But it has taken some time for fan appreciation of the character.

In more recent years Marvel have delved into the darker parts of Cyclops. While he was not always squeaky clean prior, but in the last couple of decades Cyclops has made calls no one would think he would for the betterment of mutant kind. One example was sanctioning the black-op X-Men squad X-Force and being a leader to one side in a X-Men civil war. So, with this in mind Cyclops appearing in the initial X-Men MCU debut is extremely likely and one of the few I would near guarantee us seeing.

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 9 out of 10



Dazzler is an interesting character. With the ability to manipulate sound into light constructs, she is a mutant fans enjoy. With her natural musical talents, she can put on either a show with her power of a fight. Fans were excited to here she was set to appear in X-Men: Dark Phoenix but were quickly disappointed when this essentially turned out to be a cameo appearance.

One issue with Dazzler is her ambitions are more towards singing than heroics typically. Another issue is her powers are a tricky one to write for, as it would take a creative writer to find a way to portray her powers effectively without a radio on in the room pumping out tune. So, with these factors, it is more likely Dazzler would only appear in a cameo basis and not as a full character.

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 3 out of 10



Yes, Deadpool is confirmed to be coming to the MCU. Is her going to be on the starting line-up of the MCU X-Men team? No. The pure reasoning being is Deadpool is more of a rogue, and as seen in Deadpool 2, being a full-blown X-Man just is not for him. Being far more rebellious than your average member of the X-Men, his time on any team roster has been short.

However, this does not mean Deadpool may not join the X-Men at some point in the MCU. As mentioned earlier, Deadpool has been a prominent member of X-Force. So, further down the line, if MCU Cyclops thinks it is time for a black-ops team, it could see him calling on Deadpool to join their ranks.

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 1 out of 10



Domino over the last decade or two has started getting more appreciation for her misunderstood powers. With the mutant ability to alter the luck factors around her, she essentially warps reality to ensure she makes it through any situation needed. While some would say that is not a cool power to show on screen, it is safe to say her appearance in Deadpool 2 did prove the powers of luck are cinematic.

But, like Deadpool, she again is a bit of a wildcard to add on a team. While she is more compliant than Deadpool in following orders, she is not afraid to take a kill shot if needed. This means like Deadpool, her being added to the initial line-up is slim and she is more likely to appear in an X-Force film if one appears in the MCU. But her odds are slightly better than the "Merc with a Mouth".

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 2 out of 10

Emma Frost

Emma Frost

Versions of Emma Frost have been seen on various X-Men related media. Typically, she is portrayed as a villain and member of the Hellfire Club, as see in X-Men: First Class. Another variant also appeared in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but this version only displayed her diamond form and not her psychic abilities. Another version of Emma Frost appeared in X-Men: First Class but this version was highly criticised by fans for not being portrayed correctly. The best appearance for Emma to date is in the animated show, Wolverine and the X-Men where they showed her as part of the X-Men, but with her own motives lurking in the background.

However, one aspect of Emma rarely seen is the fact she also tried to run a school much like the Xavier Institute. The Massachusetts Academy was the name of her school, with her young mutants forming the Hellions. Now, if Marvel seek a different path for the MCU mutants to use to debut. A film focusing on the two schools and their approach to teaching the young mutants could be an avenue to go down. But it is actually more likely she will be a villain in her first MCU appearance, rather than an X-Woman, ally or rival.

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 3 out of 10



Firestar is a fire powered heroine with ties to Spider-Man, the Avengers and the X-Men. A mutant with heat-based powers using microwaves, Firestar brings a character not used much outside of the comics and the opportunity for easy MCU title crossovers. Her first official appearance was alongside ice powered mutant Iceman and Spider-Man forming the Super Friends.

But outside the comics she is rarely seen, this opens up a widow to allow for a lesser known mutant to get a chance in the spotlight. Her powers also have a devastating side-effect of making her infertile. This allows to show some personal consequences to being a superhero, which the MCU has touched on with many characters already. She was also the fan vote to join the X-Men team in the comics in 2022. So, Marvel know she is popular, so this goes boost her chances of being brought into the MCU.

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 4 out of 10



Forge is a X-Man you may have never heard of, and no one could blame you. Outside of the comics he has only had a couple of one-off appearance in some animated shows. But with the passing of Ironman in the MCU, Forge could be a brilliant candidate to bring some new and interesting inventions to the MCU. His mutant ability is basically the ability to conceive and build any machine he can come up with. This at one point even saw him create a weapon that could make a mutant lose their powers, to which Storm fell victim to.

Forge is a good option for the MCU to introduce a lesser known mutant with a power that has yet to really be seen in the franchise. In essence, Avengers: Endgame saw Tony have to work and figure out how to make time travel work. For Forge this task would have been easy as he would simply have known how to build a working time machine as that is what his powers do. He also is a good character to bring to the MCU the questions on if a decision is good or bad, as Forge has made many machines he came to regret.

Likelihood of being a MCU founding member: 5 out of 10



Gambit is a fan favourite X-Man who did appear in X-Men Origins: Wolverine with the character being one of the highlights of the film. But this is where his live-action appearances end. A Gambit film has been discussed many times and his inclusion of other films has been discussed but never materialised. Fans want this character brought onto the big screens, as his character in X-Men 1997 is one that fans still love today.

But one thing many may be unaware of is Gambit being one of the mutants Apocalypse has turned into one of his Horseman. So, if the MCU ever plan to lead the X-Men to face Apocalypse he would present an option for one to join the side of the villain. He also has strong links with another mutant, Rogue. Fans anticipate Rogue appearing in the MCU to see her and Captain Marvel trade blows. This naturally makes fans want Gambit to also join the MCU so they can see some of that southern belle/Cajun love the pair can display for each other.

Likelihood of appearing: 7 out of 10



Havok has become better known outside the comics thanks to his appearance in X-Men: First Class and brief appearance in X-Men: Apocalypse. While these appearances did eventually confirm he and Cyclops are brother, the did swap Havok for the older brother. Their relationship was so hardly shown and how their powers cancel each other out was never displayed on screen. So, it does feel like the character needs a redo.

However, it also does not feel organic to have Havok join the X-Men before his older brother. There is a small chance they may feature both brother with the aim to lead the pair in the MCU to their forgotten third brother. But this is a plotline that could be reach still by introducing Cyclops first and then Havok in a later film. This means Havok is one of the least likely candidates to make the starting roster of X-Men in the MCU.

Likelihood of appearing: 3 out of 10



Iceman is one of the five founding X-Men in the comics and was featured prominently in the original X-Men film trilogy. But in the days since those films the character has undergone some changes. Through some events in the comics, the original team of X-Men were brought from the past to the present and co-existed next to their older counterparts. During this time, it was revealed that Iceman is actually gay and always had been. He had simply been hiding his sexuality. Through support the younger Iceman embraced his sexuality and changed the character forever.

So, with the major change to the character, it would enable the MCU to portray an Iceman different from the one previously seen. This would allow fans to truly identify that the MCU X-Men is not the same as the Sony X-Men. It adds more LGBTQ+ representation to the MCU and opens ups avenues for the X-Men to explore that the Avengers have yet to. While some may say they are tired of the representation of such things in films, for the X-Men representation is important as the entire purpose of the comics was to highlight racial discrimination and is now seen as a representation for all discrimination.

Likelihood of appearing: 8 out of 10

Jean Grey

Jean Grey

Now, let us all be honest, this is the character we all want to see the MCU do properly. Jean Grey is a founding member of the X-Men and has perhaps the honour of being the primary character for one of the best-known Marvel Comics storyline, The Phoenix Saga. Sony has tried twice and failed twice to truly capture what made The Phoenix Saga truly iconic. The MCU is the place for this to happen is it is a saga that needs time to truly be effective.

Jean Grey herself is essentially designed to be a character no one can truly hate, only like. This is what the MCU need to do first, get fans to fall in love with their Jean Grey. Then allow the Phoenix to play out, with Jean firstly being in control and using the powers for good, before succumbing to the power and being merely a puppet to the desires and will of the Phoenix Force. If done properly, Jean could actually be what brings all the heroes of the MCU together for a final battle at some later stage in the MCU.

Likelihood of appearing: 9 out of 10



Jubilee is well known for her starring role in X-Men 1997, where she was effectively the student to all the X-Men around her. She was briefly seen in the live-action films but her power were never on display for fans to see. She is a character that has been done an injustice with the live-action films and the MCU could finally bring her back with a sparkling bang! One reason being to truly explain her powers and what they are.

Many think she simply shoots fireworks, but really, she has the ability to excite particles causing them to explode. Her power-levels have potentially unlimited bounds. She is also one of the younger mutants who fell under the mentorship of Wolverine, who would often take young (often female) wards under his wing. But outside of this, Jubilee has over the years had an impressive story with many ups and downs over the years in the comics, so she is a good candidate to take audiences on an emotional roller-coster.

Likelihood of appearing: 6 out of 10

Kitty Pryde

Kitty Pryde

Much like Jubilee, Kitty is another younger mutant who was mentored by Wolverine. This was touched on when Elliot Page portrayed the character in X-Men: The Last Stand. But fans would love to see her be taken under Wolverines claws and shown how to fight using her powers. Another part fans would jump for joy to see is her galactic pal, Lockheed. The pair are an iconic duo in the comics, and it seems time for them to be brought truly together on the big screen as both have appeared in films by Sony separately.

Another thing that has been lacking is her relationship with fellow X-Man Colossus. They are a couple within the X-Men that is only really outshone by the relationship of Cyclops and Jean Grey. If the pair were brought into the MCU's X-Men team together, they could offer a relationship that fans can see develop over time. Let us just hope the MCU lead the pair down a happier route than in the comics with less trials and troubles brought to their relationship.

Likelihood of appearing: 7 out of 10



Mentioned earlier, Magik is the younger sister of Colossus. She was eagerly anticipated by fans with her debut in New Mutants. But let's just say her soul sword in the film didn't exactly pierce fans hearts with love over the portrayal. Marvel could bring the character justice in an MCU revival. Her primary power is a teleportation power, going through a realm called limbo. This was the start of her path of magic being able to manipulate magic and wearing a mystic armour.

But her appearing in is unlikely on the first outing. She could potentially be seen in the post-credit scene, perhaps leading to her being what Clea summoned Doctor Strange to assist her with at the end of Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. Okay, that is unlikely, but this is Marvel, you never can be 100% on what a post-credit scene could be spelling out for the future of the MCU.

Likelihood of appearing: 3 out of 10



Morph is a beloved mutant amongst the comic book fans. But some who come to the comics following enjoying a show or movie on the character do not connect this character with the Morph from X-Men 1997. Morph is a bit of an oddball, but his core values are to stick with his team. You could kind of consider him as a water downed Deadpool who will give a joke answer over a serious any day.

His powers though differ from traditional shapeshifters. For a majority of shapeshifters, they can alter the mass, but their physical strength remains the same as in the normal form. But for morph his shapechanging does the opposite. If he morphs massive muscles his strength will match those guns he is sporting. Also, his shapechanging abilities have regerative properties also. So, if Marvel want to break from Mystique as the mutant shapechanger, Morph is their best option as he is drastically different to Mystique in both personality and how his shapechaging powers work.

Likelihood of appearing: 4 out of 10



Nightcrawler is perhaps one of the most recognisable mutants due to his blue demonic appearance. But his appearance is deceiving as he is a strong believer in God and faith. This has always been touched on in the appearance the teleporting mutant has had. This is part of the appeal of why fans love Nightcrawler. He is a contrast to his appearance and his belief system.

But one thing rarely touched on is how when he teleports, he passes through another dimension. With the multiverse expanding, Nightcrawler's teleportation realm may come into play. The only time this was explored outside the comics was in X-Men: Evolution, where the demons from that realm escaped and attacked the teens of Bayville High forcing the teen mutants to stop them. So, with this, Nightcrawler falls into a 50/50 slot of appearing. As he is a fan favourite and has a power that could open a window in the MCU Multiverse, but he was also featured recently in the final two episodes of the Sony X-Men: First Class quadrilogy.

Likelihood of appearing: 5 out of 10



Pixie is a mutant that has only had cameo appearances out of the comics, so presents an avenue for the MCU to bring an interesting but new mutant to fans of the MCU. She is also not fully mutant. She is actually a human mutant - Faerie hybrid. Some may also think she is the same character that appeared with insect wings in X-Men: First Class, but they are in two different character with First Class using Angel Salvadore also known as Tempest.

Pixie presents some interesting options for the MCU as she has links to magic, her real father is the villain Mastermind and she is one of the young mutants like Jubilee & Kitty Pryde to be mentored by Wolverine. Like some others on this list, she is popular enough in the comics to warrant Marvel taking the risk and adding this relatively unknown mutant to the MCU. Did I also mention she has a Soul Sword like Magik.

Likelihood of appearing: 4 out of 10



Polaris, the daughter of the one and only Magneto. Much like her father is a mistress in control of the magnetic forces of the planet. She has appeared in a few properties outside of the comics, most notably Wolverine and the X-Men where she was the protected princess of Magneto's safe haven for mutants. But more recently she was a main character of the live-action series, The Gifted. Here she was one of the leaders of the mutant underground left by the X-Men before seeking refuge with the Hellfire Club.

She has yet to be used in a live-action X-Men film and with Magneto being very prominent in the Sony range of X-Men films, it might be time for Polaris instead. Marvel may intend to hold back on Magneto due to how much the character appeared in the Sony films. With Polaris this gives them the ability to play with their shared powers. But also give that opening for Magneto to appear at any time in the MCU.

Likelihood of appearing: 5 out of 10

Professor X

Professor X

Professor X is essential for any X-Men film. The team is literally named after the man. So, his inclusion in an X-Men film is pretty much signed, sealed and delivered. I would list all the various media of X-Men he has appeared in, but that is pointless as the answer is practically all of them. He is the world's most powerful telepath and is a key figure in pretty much all mutant character's stories.

A version of Professor X has already appeared in the MCU, seeing Patrick Stewart return to reprise the role. But this version was from a different world within the MCU, and it feels this was Marvel's way to allow fans one last chance to see Stewart bring the character to the screen. With what they did with Professor X in the film, it was pretty symbolic of Marvel saying the old X-Men of Sony are gone and their new versions will be coming to the MCU.

Likelihood of appearing: 10 out of 10



Psylocke is pretty well known outside of the comics, even if her appearances have primarily been as a guest character. But she did take the seat of one of Apocalypse's Horseman in X-Men: Apocalypse. This portrayal did show how diverse is psychokinetic blades can be in combat, but it lacked the essence of the character's rich history within the comics. As for one, Psylocke is actually not in her original body. This part of her story has never been depicted in any X-Men media outside the comics.

In the comics Psylocke is actually the sister of Captain Britain and a mutant with psychic abilities. But her mind to transferred to an Asian assassin called Kwannon. As a result, Psylocke's original body is killed in the conflict leaving her trapped in Kwannon's body. The MCU could finally do the character some justice and show her tragic backstory before becoming the deadly psychic ninja Psylocke.

Likelihood of appearing: 6 out of 10



To say that Rogue is wanted by fans to appear in the MCU would be an understatement. One being, she and Captain Marvel have a history in the comics. For those unaware, Rogue essentially sapped Captain Marvel's powers when she was Ms Marvel, granting Rogue to the power of flight and superhuman strength. This is the portrayal many fans come to think of due to that be the Rogue seen in X-Men 1997. The live-action version of Rogue seen in the Sony X-Men films also did not live up to the expectations of fans.

So, fans now hope she may be redeemed in the MCU. But there is one issue with Rogue. Her powers are actually difficult to write for. This has been seen again and again in the comics, with very few writers knowing what to actually do with her in the plot of their story. There is also the question if Rogue would first appear in the MCU in an X-Men film or in Captain Marvel. Will she also be on the side of the heroes or the villains, as she was originally a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants. These factors make it so Rogue falls into the it may or may not happen in the film X-Men MCU film.

Likelihood of appearing: 5 out of 10

Steford Cuckoos

Stepford Cuckoos

The Stepford Cuckoos are an interesting group. Originally five identical sisters each linked psychically. Through some events the five were reduced to three and over the course of time have slowly learnt to adopt their own identities as individuals. The has appears in a few mutant related shows and a group of three identical blonde students were seen in the background of the X-Men films. But they have yet to take a central point in an X-Men films.

It is eventually revealed the girls are actually genetically modified daughters of Emma Frost, who had her eggs unknowingly harvested and used to experimentation. So, if Emma Frost were to appear, these sisters could shortly follow. However, while they do present a fun option to creep out some characters due to their psychic link to each other. It feels highly unlikely they will appear in the first mutant outing in the MCU.

Likelihood of appearing: 1 out of 10



I have previous written an extensive explanation as to why Storm should be the MCU's flagship mutant and not Wolverine. But in a nutshell, she is strong, she is powerful, she is a leader and she has a complex history much like Wolverine. She has appeared in nearly all media featuring the X-Men outside of the comics. She is also iconic for being one of the first prominent African American female superheroes in comics.

With this said, she offers the MCU for a mutant with a strong power that can easily rubbing shoulders with Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange or the Hulk. But she also has many connections to other major Marvel characters and teams. One of the most notable was her being married to T'Challa, the Black Panther. With Boseman's sad passing. Storm is a character that could in the MCU carry on the inspiration Black Panther brought to many young viewers.

Likelihood of appearing: 9 out of 10



Wolverine is perhaps the most famous mutant of all, even more so than Professor X. He appears in pretty much every mutant based comic, film and show. But he also appears in other comic lines and shows also. Wolverine has perhaps had the most spotlight on him out of all mutants. The performance of Hugh Jackman as the character for Sony is also considered by fans one of the best portrayals of an actor bringing a superhero to life.

While his appearance is extremely likely, I am not going to say it is guaranteed. The pure reason being Hugh Jackman. Marvel are aware how loved his version of the character is by fans. This may make them hold off until the next mutant film to bring him in. This would allow MCU fans to accept the new mutants presented and some time to start distancing the MCU mutants from the Sony mutants. What we could see is Wolverine teased in a post-credit scene instead, to hype fans for the return of the mutants in their second MCU outing.

Likelihood of appearing: 8 out of 10



X23 is loved by fans and one of the few that was first created outside of the comics. Since her debut she has pierced fans hearts as the female clone of Wolverine. Debuting in X-Men: Evolution, the character has always had the fact she is the X chromosomes of Wolverine used to create a clone as male clones failed to mature. But she was propelled into the films through a spectacular performance in Logan, which broadened fan awareness of the character.

While a few years ago it would seem impossible for her to appear before Wolverine, it could actually happen. Marvel are aware of how popular the character is, and with the MCU playing around with origin stories, they could introduce a X23 unaware she is clone. This would give them a route to lead to Wolverine and allow them to play with the struggle to identity that she has always gone through in the comics. She would also allow some distance for fans between Jackman's Wolverine while still feeding fans those adamantium claws they love so much.

Likelihood of appearing: 7 out of 10

Even dwindling the list down and cutting worthy candidates including Banshee, Multiple Man, Mercury & Dust, you can see the list is still pretty extensive. Marvel could pull anyone into the MCU X-Men starting roster. But who do you think they will pick from their long list of candidates?


About the Creator

Craig Arnott

A guy who was raised on comic books, sci-fi and the love of superheroes, thanks for that dad. I am also studying Film Production and Cinematography giving new insight into the craft.

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  • Kendall Defoe 2 years ago

    Not a bad list, but I am not getting my hopes up. I think that Forge would be a fantastic addition to the MCU, but they might blow it.

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