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Netflix: Maid

Let's talk about it

By Lyvia JackPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Shot from Netlfix Original 'Maid'

If you haven't heard or been in the world of Netflix recently there is a new Netflix Original called 'MAID'. This is a limited series and let me tell you, I haven't binged a new show in who knows how long. This series kept me on the edge of my seat. A fair warning that there will be slight spoilers ahead just so you know.

The show follows a woman named Alex who has a two year old daughter Maddy. They flee an abusive relationship seeking a new life but the mother has no job, no money, and no reliable family member for help. It's very frustrating as a viewer to see some things that do happen in this show because you can't help and you have no idea what's coming next. I did find I had to keep reminding myself that this is just a show.

She finds herself at a Domestic Violence Shelter and working as a maid for Value Maids all the while struggling to find new housing, buy food for herself and her child, and most of all keep custody of her little girl. This job pays very poorly and I have no clue how anyone is able to survive on it. I couldn't put together why she wasn't going out to find any other job either. A few parts were extremely frustrating and almost hard to watch while she's figuring out her own trauma since everyone around her seems to treat her as someone just trying to abuse the system when she is honestly trying her best to do anything that she can.

Something I couldn't stand for the entire first few episodes, and let's be real here for the rest of the series as well, was how no one seemed to acknowledge that her boyfriend was an alcoholic and abusive. At one point he gets semi-physical with her and screaming in front of their daughter and her father. I was in utter shock when I saw that her father did nothing about it and then defends it later on in the show. I believe he said he saw 'a couple going through a rough patch' when Alex asks him to defend her in court as a witness.

I will say as well this is a trigger warning if you're going to watch because it does deal with a lot of domestic violence and emotional abuse. At one point in the show you as a viewer, or at least how I felt as a viewer, felt completely helpless and anxious. She falls back into where she tried so hard to crawl out of and it's so hard to watch but it's okay I promise it gets better and there is a very happy ending.


In the end of the series Alex pushes very hard to get accepted again into this college a few states away and ends up they actually accept her. She becomes friends with a rich woman she cleaned for and she gets her a nice lawyer to fight for full custody of Maddy, sets up a family plan with family housing through her college, and even gets early admittance to said college. Alex's life is changing for the better and she is so excited to finally be free of this man and town that she felt was holding her hostage. Yet when she makes her plans her ex decides to fight for custody as well while struggling hard with his sobriety. This ultimately ends with him basically giving full custody to Alex so he can work to stay sober. I really respect that from him just because that's a step of growth from him that you don't see the entire show until then.

After reaching the end of the ten episodes in just two days I can tell you that this is one of the best shows I have ever watched and it gives a real look into the lives of those who are struggling in these cases. We need to do all we can for the men and women battling abuse in any form. When you find the time I encourage you to sit back and really focus on this series. It might even bring tears to your eyes.


About the Creator

Lyvia Jack

In the writing style of your bestie. We are among friends here.

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