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Geeky Weddings That You Won't Believe

Saying "I do" doesn’t mean that you can’t nerd out on the big day.

By Sarah QuinnPublished 8 years ago 4 min read

I planned my wedding in two months, in a city I had never lived in, before Pinterest. So what I’m saying is that it was all generic fake floral centerpieces in a church gymnasium and everyone drank 15 cents a gallon red punch. What flavor was it? Red. I already said that. (There was no other flavor, sadly.) For those of you who have the good fortune to have a reasonable period of time to make wedding plans and a future spouse who’s just as nerdy as you are, here’s your inspiration. Whether you love video games like Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda, book series like The Hunger Games, or pretty much everything geeky under the sun, here are some couples who really went the distance when it came to making their special day just THAT much more special. For the most part, the bride and groom made the detailed costume pieces, centerpieces, bouquets, shoes, favors, and much more, showing a whole lot of dedication as fans as well as to each other. And if you just can’t get enough of this nerdy magic, check out the incredible website When Geeks Wed, where you’ll find pages upon pages of every geeky wedding detail you could possibly dream of.

Star Wars Inspired Beach Elopement 

To start with, a simple one: this Star Wars Inspired Beach Elopement is absolutely lovely, and the few nods to the greatest films of all time are extremely well-chosen. The couple met at a con and are part of the same Star Wars costuming group, and the groom proposed by taping the ring to one of the bride’s costume pieces so she would find it before a big event. At their beach elopement, a stormtrooper officiated; the bride and groom ate their little cake with forks that read “I love you” and “I know.” Tiny stormtrooper helmet pins adorned the ribbon-wrapped stem of the bride’s bouquet and the couple posed for charming pictures holding their helmets. Even if you’re just having a small event and don’t want to spend a lot of money, there’s no reason that you can’t show your love for your favorite geeky Empire.

Avengers Wedding 

This classy, elegant Avengers wedding is proof that you don’t have to go crazy to go with a theme - subtle nods will do, accommodating the desires of your hearts as well as the needs of your guests. All of the photos from this wedding are stunning, and the choice of venue was flawless - dramatic, theatrical, and exactly what you need when you’re imagining fearless fighters swooping in at the first sign of trouble. The bride’s and bridesmaids’ bouquets and shoes were made from and covered with comic book pages, and every other detail matched the theme as well, from the groomsmen’s cufflinks and boutonnieres to the invitations and the centerpieces. Still, these touches were delicate, not overwhelming, and had an absolutely delightful overall effect on Erica and James’ super awesome day. (Also, why are they holding flasks in this picture?)

Hunger Games Wedding 

If you’re Team Peeta, this is totally the wedding for you. This bride nailed the Katniss look with her fierce dress (and stare!) and her awesome archery poses. The couple gave their guests bread (of course) and jam as a wedding favor and the simple yet elegant cake included a Mockingjay symbol. I really appreciate that everything in this highly stylized shoot is placed in an outdoors setting, just like most of the books (and films, for that matter). The compass and Hunger Games quote are a nice touch as well. While The Hunger Games series is known for being tragic and full of sorrow, they’re also deeply romantic, so this is a pretty great theme if your relationship has made it through challenges and hard times.

Mario and Princess Peach Wedding 

When you first think about a geeky wedding, you might assume that it’s going to be a self-indulgent affair that’s fun for the happy couple but a little bit tacky for everyone else. I mean, a video game themed wedding couldn’t possibly be described as gorgeous, right? That’s what I thought too until I saw the amazingly beautiful photos of this Super Mario and Princess Peach wedding. I love how the mushroom theme was woven throughout little details of the wedding; they’re stuck on the super cute cake, stick out of the bouquet, and feature in unbelievable floral arrangements. Of course, the bride and groom also pulled off costumes/formal wear that strike a perfect balance between imitating the characters and looking absolutely fabulous for the best day of their lives.

Legend of Zelda Wedding 

This couple totally embraced their love of classic video games - and each other - at the same time. Their wedding is gorgeous and it's clear that they put in the time to make it absolutely flawless. They also went the extra mile when it came to doing it themselves. From the astonishing costumes to the menu to these absolutely spot-on photos, you can just tell how much fun they had playing Link and Zelda along with their bridesmaids and groomsmen. If you’ve got the time, the money, and the inclination, you too could put together a cake and jewelry and boutonnieres to match this amazing theme and show your love in true geek style.

The Ultimate Geek Wedding 

When Kristen and Zachary got married, they didn’t limit themselves to just one movie or TV series - they pretty much just did everything they could possibly think of. As you can see in the picture above, they had a ninja come to entertain the guests (and their cake topper featured a ninja groom as well). They had a Star Wars themed guest book, a Lego groom’s cake, and a Time Lord seal on the wine ceremony box. A sign on the door, nodding to The Princess Bride, read “Mawage is what bwings us togever tooday.” They served butterbeer next to a life-size statue of Dobby. Their getaway car was decorated with the Star Wars Rebel Alliance insignia. Cards went into a box decorated to look like the Tardis. Obviously, the sky is the limit when it comes to the imaginations of geeks tying the knot.

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About the Creator

Sarah Quinn

I'm a writer in love with India, Stars Wars, fantasy, travel, and Thai curries. My childhood heroes were Luke Skywalker and Joan of Arc. I muse on superheroes, sci-fi, feminism, and more.

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