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Game of Thrones

Everything Wrong with Season 8

By Alexandrea CallaghanPublished about a month ago 4 min read

It has been 5 years since we were subjected to the shit show that was season 8 of Game of Thrones and still fans are bitter. What could have gone down as one of the greatest shows of all time instead concluded as one of the worst. It is impossible to watch season 8 and think that anyone’s ending was acceptable. The writers did a great job of assassinating every single character…even the ones I hated. So we are going to go ahead and list every single thing wrong with season 8.


We went from 10 episode seasons to 6. We went from taking a whole season or 2 to travel literally anywhere in Westeros to just getting to places with absolutely lightning pace. The rushing of the travel immediately takes away from the character development and the stakes of the show. But because dumb and dumber didn’t want to do the show anymore the audience and the characters got shortchanged.

The entire series built up the Night King. We literally spent 7 seasons getting clues, seeing his effects, building up his strength all for him to be killed in a single episode battle that no one could actually see because apparently we chose that the new cinematography style is darkness. Rushing the battle also leads to a lack of stakes. I love him but there is 0 way Sam survived that battle. Neither does Jamie, not with one arm. Quite frankly neither does Sansa, even hidden in the CRYPTS (good leadership decision John).


Let’s start with the obvious, the treatment of Dany. Making her go mad queen is the worst decision that tv writers have ever made. Because here’s the thing, for 7 seasons D&D said in their commentary and in their interviews that there is no way that Dany would go mad queen. She is literally the antithesis of her father and the entire point of her character was to show that her father was mad, it is not in the Targaryean blood, it's about individual choice. In the actual writing of the show, she traveled the world freeing slaves. Giving them their lives back, offering them a choice. She took the advice of her advisors, she saved women, she stood up to the Khals. Her kindness, and compassion was what made people want to follow her. Not a single part of her character has EVER pointed to her going mad. People like to claim that her killing literal slavers is evidence, but that statement is completely devoid of common sense. ALSO Dany was never the tactical superpower of the show but she was never stupid. If she was on dragon back and she flew down and saw the one weapon that could kill one of her babies (a weapon that doesn’t fucking rotate) there is exactly 0 chance of her flying right over it at the same height. My girl should have let the north and Jon die.

Then we have Arya. The girl spends so much time training, and learning how to change her face. And we only see this amazing and rare skill all of one time. Then we watch her kill the night king, a great moment. Then she makes eye contact with a white horse after Dany burns Kings Landing. It's a quiet moment, it's foreshadowing except the problem is that it foreshadows nothing. She is useless for the rest of the season.

Moving on to Jamie Lannister. Jamie who spent 6 seasons redeeming himself. He left Cersei, he started helping people, he fell in love with Brienne AND THEN he goes back to Cersei like nothing happened.

Cersei oh Cersei. One of the best things about this show was how the best villains met the most horrific ends. They got what they deserved. But Cersei was a horrendous bitch for 7 seasons only to get killed by 3 bricks.

And then of course there is Tyrion. The most tactically brilliant mind on the show became the dumbest human being on the planet the last two seasons. He is the reason Cersei killed Missandei, he is the reason for Dany losing one of her dragons, he just became completely useless to Dany and anyone else at the end of the series.

Jon isn’t even worth mentioning. He has 3 lines all season, they are all “she’s my queen” and he is a waste of screentime.

Then we have the final episode where we have this committee to decide the fate of the realms. Bran is declared king…Bran who wasn’t on screen for literally a whole season…Bran who said that he couldn’t hold a title because he was now the three eyed raven. Sansa secedes the north and we as the audience are expected to believe that Yara wouldn’t have done the exact same thing for her people.


Let’s put aside everything we’ve already talked about and pretend that it didn’t happen. The dialogue of the final season would be enough on its own to set this remarkable tv show on fire. They flat out said IN DIALOGUE that the only reason Jon was the “rightful” heir (he wasn’t) is because he has a penis. That is some truly horrible writing.

Truly every decision made for season 8 was a wrong one. Doesn’t matter who your favorite character is, they got screwed over. D&D proved that when left to their own devices they are horrendous storytellers and terrible at their jobs. I once again say that if your career only consists of adaptations you should not have a career. They are not artists, they are mooches who thought they could coast off the success of someone else’s story. It makes me so so happy that they in fact did not get to write a Star Wars project; they deserve nothing after that conclusion.

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About the Creator

Alexandrea Callaghan

Certified nerd, super geek and very proud fangirl.

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