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The Genasi

Planetouched Characters of the Inner Planes for the Shadowdark RPG

By Samuel WrightPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

Travelling through the planes humanoid races often get tainted by the touch of creatures from other planes or filled with energy from the elemental realms beyond our material plane of existence. Some wizards summon spirits from other planes with the intent to mate with them and beget children. Sometimes no mating is needed to create a strange child with elemental traits, it is just caused by the presence of elemental magic. Whether it is by one of your ancestors mating with a djinn or being penetrated by the black rays of energy from the Plane of Negative Energy while you are yet unborn, these strange interactions sometimes lead to the birth of children who are not like the normal members of their races. These traits sometimes arise spontaneously generations after an event, and cannot be predicted or bred true.

The planetouched are not a single race but rather a heritage that members of any species can possess, often without knowing it. The abilities passed onto a Genasi character may vary widely, but what follows are commonly seen abilities that PCs may possess in addition to the normal abilities of their ancestry.

Genasi are the children of the Inner Planes, born of elemental processes and possess the signs of inhuman origin. Genasi may replace a native racial language with Primordial, or gain it as a bonus language if the character has an INT score of 12+.

Air Genasi

You are likely paler and thinner than most people of your species, and you may have a blue tint to your eyes, hair, or skin. You tend toward insouciance and detachment.

Fleet of Foot. You gain +1 AC bonus when not wearing armour and carrying 8 or fewer slots of gear but suffer a -1 penalty on STR checks.


You are probably darker complected and more muscular than most people of your primary ancestry, with hair, eyes, and skin of dark brown or or deep grey. You may look so much like stone people mistake you for a statue. You prefer to follow tradition and enjoy having a regular routine.

Hardy. You absorb 1 hp of damage from any blunt weapon such as a mace, hammer, or fist but you suffer a -1 penalty on DEX checks.

Fire Genasi

Your features tend to be sharper and your complexion more ruddy than is typical for your race. You may be a ginger or have at least a streak of red in your hair, especially at the temples. You tend to be aggressive, passionate, and free-spirited.

Ready for Action. You gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks but suffer a -1 penalty on checks against cold effects.

Water Genasi

Curvy and soft even when you are lean, you probably have a rounder face than most of your ancestors, and may have a greenish tint to your hair, eyes, or skin. You are often moody and feel things deeply.

Water Baby. You gain +2 on checks to swim or hold your breath but suffer a -1 penalty on checks against heat and fire effects.

Negative Energy Genasi

Grim and sardonic, you are likely pastier than most people of your ancestry, and you may regularly get mistaken for dead. Your hair and eyes are more likely to be black despite your ivory skin.

Negatively Charged. You are resistant to negative energy, gaining a +1 on saves against attacks by the undead, but gain 1 less hp from magical healing than rolled (minimum 1 hp healed).

Positive Energy Genasi

Bright and lively, you can be recognised by your perpetual grin and ceaseless optimism. You may be a little hyperactive and have trouble standing still.

Positively Charged. You hang onto life a little harder than other people, and rise from dying with 1 hit point on a death timer roll of 19-20, easily distracted and inattentive, you suffer a -1 penalty on initiative rolls.

Sample Character

Name: Junnor Ancestry: Dwarf Earth Genasi Class: Fighter Level: 1 Title: Squire Background: Urchin Alignment: Lawful Deity: Saint Terragnis Languages: Common, Primordial

Racial Abilities: Stout (Start with +2 HP. Roll hit points per level with advantage), Hardy (You absorb 1 hp of damage from any blunt weapon such as a mace, hammer, or fist but you suffer a -1 penalty on DEX checks). Talents: +2 Strength Weapon Mastery: Great Sword +1 Grit: advantage on Strength checks

Str: 19 Dex: 10 Con: 17 Int: 8 Wis: 11 Cha: 10

Hit Points: 12 Armour Class: 11


Greatsword +1 (1d12+1)

Crossbow (1d6)

Dagger (1d4)

Gear Gold: 14pg

Backpack Flint & steel Greatsword

Torch Rations (3) Leather Armour

Iron spikes (10) Grappling hook Crossbow

Rope, 60’ Oil flask Daggers (4)

Bio: A massive, burly dwarf with broad shoulders and grey skin and hair like stone, he is quiet, reserved, and methodical to a fault. Junnor was orphaned and abandoned at an early age by parents frightened by his usual appearance, instead growing up on the streets, and has little knowledge of dwarven culture or language, but managed to learn the tongue of his elemental kin when he discovered his Dao forebear.

table toprpghorrorcombatadventure gamesaction adventure

About the Creator

Samuel Wright

I am a writer & tarot reader in Oregon. I'm a TTRPG fan, love all types of sci-fi & fantasy books, movies, & games, & read voraciously. I write a variety of content, mostly RPG blogs. Tell me where you found my page.

Art by Google/Unsplash

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