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Masterful Gameplay Meets Muddled Story: The Dual Faces of 'Dungeons of Sundaria'

A First Glimpse into Fantasy and Flaws: Unpacking the Initial Layers of 'Dungeons of Sundaria'

By The Nerd HabitPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

Introduction to Sundaria's World

Dungeons of Sundaria, a fresh entrant in the dungeon crawler RPG genre, prompts the question: will it become a memorable name in the gaming world? This review delves into the heart of Sundaria, evaluating its potential to captivate the RPG audience.

Graphics and Visuals: The Aesthetics

The game's visuals offer a nostalgic nod to classics like Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, boasting a good graphical interface without overwhelming players with excessive on-screen elements. A minimalistic UI featuring a standard circle map, a central action bar, and a discreet chat box for loot notifications adds to the game's charm. While it may not compete with contemporary AAA titles in 4K resolution, the graphics hold their own, earning a solid 3.4 out of 5 for their simplistic yet effective presentation.

Gameplay Mechanics: Immersive and Challenging

Dungeons of Sundaria shines in its gameplay mechanics. The game recommends the classic keyboard/mouse combination, offering an array of attacks and abilities reminiscent of World of Warcraft. The first dungeon, "The Crypt of Horrors," sets a tone of intense challenges and substantial loot, complemented by a generous 210-slot bag for item collection. Character customization is another highlight, with a range of classes, races, and physical traits available. The game's difficulty peaks in the final boss fight, demanding strategic gameplay and possibly cooperative play. These elements come together to score a 3.5 out of 5 in gameplay mechanics.

Story and Narrative: Potential for Development

The narrative aspect of Dungeons of Sundaria presents a mixed bag for players, particularly in the initial stages. In the quaint town of Sundaria, the game introduces players to a series of quests and interactions that, at first glance, seem lacking in depth. This observation particularly applies to the background story of the main character, which appears underdeveloped, leaving players craving more substance and context.

However, this perceived weakness in narrative depth isn’t without its silver linings. The game shows potential for narrative expansion and depth in future updates. Given this prospect, the narrative of Dungeons of Sundaria scores a modest 2.5 out of 5. This rating reflects the current state of the game’s storytelling, yet it also leaves room for improvement, acknowledging the game developers' potential to enhance the narrative in subsequent updates.

Sound and Music: Setting the Ambiance

The game's soundtrack, while initially setting an appropriate ominous tone for the dungeon crawler RPG genre, swiftly devolves into a repetitive ordeal. This repetitiveness is akin to the movie Groundhog Day, where the charm of familiarity soon turns into a source of frustration.

In my gaming session, I found that the longer I played, the more the soundtrack's monotonous loop began to echo Bill Murray's infamous alarm clock scene – a sound that I yearned to smash. While the dungeon's sound effects were not fundamentally flawed, the constant, droning background noise became an unwelcome intrusion in my thoughts, detracting from the game's overall immersive experience.

In the end, although Dungeons of Sundaria is good in some parts, its music really needs more variety and energy to match the game's exciting adventures. My score of 2.2 out of 5 reflects the need for a more varied and engaging auditory experience in future updates or sequels.

First Impression Score: A Promising Start

Overall, Dungeons of Sundaria makes a decent first impression, scoring an overall 3 out of 5. The game offers fun gameplay and challenging dungeons, although it falls short in character development, narrative depth, and sound design. Its potential for growth and improvement, particularly in storytelling, makes it a title worth watching in the dungeon crawler RPG genre. The game's future updates will be crucial in determining its long-term appeal and standing among RPG enthusiasts.

Video Content And Disclaimer

Thank you for reading my first impression review! You can watch my video review of Dungeons Of Sundaria down below.

Disclaimer: I received a free review copy of this product from

Written by: Christopher D. Horton | Youtube Channel Link | TikTok Channel Link

rpgproduct reviewpcadventure gamesaction adventure

About the Creator

The Nerd Habit

Welcome to the world through my nerdy lens! I'm Christopher D. Horton, the passionate mind behind The Nerd Habit. With a controller in one hand and a pen in the other, I navigate the fascinating universe of video games, movies, and music.

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