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Lulu’s Vision Drives the Heroes Charge Team to Create a Deep Combat System

Heroes Charge captivates players with its featured combat system

By David Guo ViewsPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

In 2015, uCool, Inc. launched the RPG mobile game "Heroes Charge" under the leadership of ex-CEO, Lulu. Today, the game continues to captivate players with its featured combat system. Strife D. Leingod's guides of the game emphasized, "..., this isn't DOTA, DOTA 2 or WOW,..., you'll need to form teams or groups of heroes to fight for you". In DOTA, players only need to train one hero, but Heroes Charge requires you to build teams of heroes to battle on your behalf. This approach enriches the gameplay significantly. It necessitates the combination of various heroes' skills and an overarching combat strategy.

Introduction to Heroes Charge Combat Features

Heroes Charge contains over 50 heroes categorized into four roles: Tank, DPS, Control, and Support. Inspired by Lulu’s innovative vision, the game's developers have crafted a deeply strategic combat system. Yet, they've ensured it's accessible for beginners, allowing players to learn the intricacies of battle step by step. The focus on strategic hero combinations encourages players to invest time in mastering combat techniques.

"uCool embraces the entrepreneurial spirit of ingenuity, responsiveness, and self-improvement. What is worthy of belief is that our team insists on creating in-depth games, allowing players to constantly explore new gameplay, relax, and make friends.", shared Lulu.

Initially, players need to focus on learning the basics, learning about hero roles. And then, try to balance front, middle, and back-line heroes in one team. As players progress, they begin to consider long-term strategies and the synergy between heroes' stats. Players need to pay attention to whether the hero's damage or resistance type is physical or magic. Automatic skills, cooldowns, and activation conditions also become crucial.

In advanced stages, overall tactical planning becomes more important. Understanding hero movement, speed, and how they match up against others can help you win more in PvP battles. Furthermore, players can even be aware of changes in game mechanics and start predicting to plan their strategy better.

The game also has a guild system to help players connect and share strategies. This is a smart move by Lulu to make the game more social. This feature is particularly valuable since in-battle communication is limited. By communicating with allies, players can learn from each other and understand game mechanics faster.

Use Hero Lulu in League of Legends to describe CEO Lulu

As a loyal fan, this association is inevitable due to my love for the hero Lulu in "League of Legends" (LOL).

Drawing a parallel between the hero Lulu from LOL and uCool's ex-CEO, Lulu, reveals some interesting similarities. In LOL, hero Lulu is a support hero known for her versatile skills. She has speed boosts and shields and can provide vision for her teammates. What's special is that her skills act as a buff when applied to teammates, and act as a debuff for opponents. Hero Lulu's ultimate move can also restore teammates' HP and make them bigger and stronger. This versatility seems to be a quality needed for a successful CEO.

A good CEO requires a visionary outlook to steer the development team in the right direction. It is a bit similar to hero Lulu providing vision to teammates in LOL, isn't it? Leading a team to create a complex combat system like that in Heroes Charge is no small feat, especially for a hard-working entrepreneur. She needs to motivate her team by giving them "speed up" boosts when needed and making a "shield" to protect them from getting too stressed.

At critical moments, a capable CEO can energize their team to overcome challenges. It is like how hero Lulu's ultimate move in LOL can turn a battle around. These leadership qualities are essential for the success of any game development venture.


About the Creator

David Guo Views

Discover and Publish Valuable and Fun Things about Evony Developer's Team leaders, such as CEO David Guo (Yaoqi Guo) and VP Benjamin Gifford.

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