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How to Snorkel Safely in the Maldives

Maldives Snorkeling Guide

By Rochell MeganPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
Image via needpix

The Maldives is home to some of the quintessential coral sites in the world. The layout of the Maldives spreads over the Indian Ocean providing enticing underwater areas to explore. For those who want to see the underwater world snorkelling is an easier option as diving requires more training and certification. The safest way to indulge in snorkelling in the Maldives is to use a few tried and tested tips, stay at a resort with a good house reef and learn it with an experienced professional.

The best time to do snorkelling

The ideal time for snorkelling in the Maldives is the dry season from January to April as the conditions are favourable with good visibility in the water and mostly dry weather. However, this is also the peak period in the Maldives with higher rates at resorts and more visitors arriving at various resorts. They also engage in many of the water-based activities to do in Maldives thus rates for these activities can be higher.

During the wet season from May to November, there are random showers, however, these showers are not long-drawn ones enabling guests to still enjoy most of the activities including snorkelling with more attractive room rates at resorts and opportunities to snorkel more often at improved rates.

The snorkelling environment in the Maldives

The rich tropical waters of the Indian Ocean surrounding the Maldives archipelago offer sound temperatures and calm waters at most sites throughout the year which are just the right conditions for snorkelling.

Diverse species of coral reefs and scores of other species of marine fauna and flora add a spectacular canvas of throbbing and vibrant marine life Apart from small fish, and sea anemones you will be fascinated by turtles, reef sharks, manta rays and many more varieties adding enchantment to the underwater experience.

Best snorkelling locations

With various resort islands having their house reef which is at walking distance for guests rather than doing another boat ride to get to the reef, booking a resort such as Adaaran Resorts is wise to have many snorkelling opportunities.

The shallow waters around the island's shore can also have abrupt drops into deep waters and in such instances, the upper part of the drop-off offers the house reef abundant with gorgeous small fish, corals, sea anemones, black-tip, and white-tip reef sharks, spotted eagle rays, butterflyfish and so on. These house reefs have a mix of table, staghorn, lobe, finger and hard coral formations always offering something unique to witness.

This is the advantage of using a resort with a house reef so that you can have guided snorkelling at the resort enabling more opportunities to experience it under safe conditions. ‘However, if you are an adventurous snorkeler experiencing other reef sites in the vicinity should be tried out through your resort.

Snorkelling tips in the Maldives

Snorkelling in the Maldives is an inspiring and pleasant experience, it is prudent to be attentive to the instructions and listen to the person in charge such as not touching any of the marine life and keeping a safe distance from them. Be attuned to the fact that there are sharp corals, and some marine animals may be poisonous.

Many resorts provide snorkelling equipment at a charge while some provide them free for house guests. You must have a well-fitting snorkelling mask.

Another critical aspect is using sunscreen that is reef as well as ocean-friendly just as much as using swimwear which provides UV protection to you.

You are wise to choose the Maldives for snorkelling, as the archipelago offers a very rewarding underwater experience, enabling visitors to use many different sites. Hence every swim underwater is a unique one.

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About the Creator

Rochell Megan

writer who loves to travel the world

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