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5 Best Boss Fights in Games

We've seen the Worst, let's see the Best!

By Greg SeebregtsPublished 2 months ago 4 min read

A while ago I wrote an article that listed the 5 Worst Boss Fights in Games. It seems only logical, then, to do a list of the 5 of the best fights as well. I don't think there's anything else to say so let's get to the good stuff.

5: Darth Malak - Knights of the Old Republic

Darth Malak (Polygon)

Released in 2003, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is set in the early years of the Republic. You team up with a motley crew of misfits to defeat the evil Sith Lord, Darth Malak. Of course, this means that the final boss is Malak himself - obviously. Now, this fight is at the bottom of the list because your own decisions will decide how good the fight is. That probably doesn't make a lot of sense, let me explain.

Knights of the Old Republic is an RPG. For the uninitiated, RPG stands for Role Playing Game and it's exactly what it sounds like; you play a role. The game starts out by having you create your character. You select a class, and put points into certain skills and powers to level up your character throughout the game. In theory, this should mean you're super powerful and more than capable at the end of the game to end the Sith Lord's reign of terror.

Well...that's where you MIGHT be wrong. If you've sunk all your points into non-combative skills - persuasion, charisma, computer use, etc. - you're going to have a very rough time. That extends to your force power choices too.

4: Price vs. Makarov - CoD: Modern Warfare 3

The death of Makarov (Steam)

Now, now, don't start throwing things at me! I've got a good reason for putting this one at number 4. Makarov is an intimidating antagonist, he's cold, calculating, and you lose many comrades because of him. As you get to the final mission of Modern Warfare 3, you're playing as Capt. Price as you push towards killing the man who caused the death of your many friends.

You chase him onto the roof of a building where a fight is played out through a QTE which results in Price driving him straight through a plate-glass surface and using a steel cable to hang him from the rafters. It's a satisfying end to the series, but the fight itself - while cool to play - is very short.

3: Corvo Attano vs. Daud - Dishonored

The death of the Empress of Dunwall (Steam)

Dishonored is one of those games that you can play over and over again because there are so many ways to play. I've played this one a handful of times and I have particular way that I like to play and recently I tried going for as little combat as possible. I was...mostly successful.

So, as far as stealth goes, the game actively discourages combat by having it affect the final ending of the game based on how much trouble you cause. Now, Daud is the assassin who framed you for murder at the start of the game. You do apparently have the option of NOT fighting him at the end, but I think there's just something so satisfying about taking your revenge.

This one is a challenge because not only is Daud seemingly immune to the sleeping darts that you're carrying, and your various powers aren't much good either. Why? Well, Daud has powers of his own so if you're trying to avoid a fight and he spots you...well, there goes your stealth advantage. That said, the combat is so satisfying in every aspect.

2: Lara vs. Torso - Tomb Raider I

The trickiest fight (Ocean Property)

Last time Lara Croft was on one of my lists it was in first place for the worst boss fights in gaming. I was probably a very unpopular dude for that, but I think I redeemed myself here. Now, there are many great fights in the Tomb Raider series, but when it comes the classic series; this is my personal favorite.

The fight starts out with Lara on a platform at the top of the great pyramid, there's a large birthing pod on the wall, from which a large Atlantean mutant emerges. It isn't fully developed though so it only has an upper body. If he gets his massive hands on Lara, he smashes her around like a baby rattle. As if that's not bad enough, there's a bottomless pit beneath the ledge and it's very easy to fall to your death.

1: Starkiller vs. Darth Maul (Proxy) - The Force Unleashed

Best. Cameo. Ever. (YouTube)

Another Star Wars title makes the list, this time it's the Force Unleashed. The story follows Starkiller, the apprentice of Darth Vader, as he completes various missions to cause chaos for the Galactic Empire and form the rebellion.

There were many great boss fights in the game, but my favorite is this penultimate battle with Starkiller's training droid, Proxy. He goes through a variety of previous boss fights that you've done throughout the game and then announces that he has a program that you've never seen. With that declaration he becomes DARTH MAUL and John Williams' Duel of the Fates starts to play.

Truthfully, this was a hard choice and Lara's fight with the torso creature from Tomb Raider I almost got the No. 1 spot. Ultimately, it came down to the shock factor of seeing such an epic cameo. Darth Maul was not someone I expected to see and that's why this fight has the top spot.


About the Creator

Greg Seebregts

I'm a South African writer, blogger and English tutor; I've published 1 novel and am working on publishing a 2nd. I also write reviews on whatever interests me. I have a YouTube Channel as well where I review books, and manga and so on.

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