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The Unexplained Disappearance of Paula Jean Welden: A Tragic Mystery

On December 1st, 1946, Paula Jean Welden went for a hike in the woods of Vermont, and she was never seen again. What happened to Paula remains a mystery, and her disappearance has left her family and the community in shock and confusion for over 70 years. In this article, we will examine the details of the case, explore the theories and speculation surrounding her disappearance, and discuss the lasting impact of her vanishing on her family, community, and the world at large.

By Gopinath.RPublished 12 months ago 7 min read

The Disappearance of Paula Jean Welden:

On December 1st, 1946, Paula Jean Welden went for a hike in the woods of Vermont, and she was never seen again.

What happened to Paula remains a mystery, and her disappearance has left her family and the community in shock and confusion for over 70 years. Despite extensive search efforts and investigations, the fate of Paula Jean Welden remains unknown.

In this article, we will examine the details of the case, explore the theories and speculation surrounding her disappearance, and discuss the lasting impact of her vanishing on her family, community, and the world at large.

The Vanishing of Paula Jean Welden: A Mysterious Case:


Paula Jean Welden

In 1946, Paula Jean Welden, a 19-year-old college student, vanished without a trace during a hike in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Her disappearance sparked one of the longest and most extensive search-and-rescue operations in state history. Despite these efforts, Paula has never been found, and her case remains shrouded in mystery to this day.

Background Information on Paula Jean Welden:

Paula Jean Welden was born on November 17, 1928, in Stamford, Connecticut. She was a bright and ambitious young woman who had just completed her first semester at Bennington College in Vermont.

On December 1, 1946, she told her roommate that she wanted to go for a hike in the nearby Green Mountains. Her roommate suggested she wait until the next day, as it was getting late, but Paula was eager to get some fresh air and exercise.

She left her dorm in the early afternoon wearing a red coat, blue jeans, and sneakers, and was last seen walking along the Long Trail towards Glastenbury Mountain.

The Last Known Sighting: The Day Paula Went Missing:

Paula's Disappearance:

Paula was reported missing by her roommate the following day when she failed to return from her hike. The college and local authorities began a search for her, but the rough terrain and wintry weather made the search difficult. Despite the efforts of hundreds of searchers, no trace of Paula was found.

Witness Accounts:

Several witnesses came forward claiming to have seen Paula on the day of her disappearance. One man reported seeing her walking along the Long Trail, while two women claimed they saw her hitchhiking near the trailhead. However, these accounts have never been substantiated, and their credibility has been called into question.

Investigative Efforts:

The search for Paula continued for weeks, with the FBI and the Army Air Corps joining the investigation. They conducted extensive ground searches and aerial surveillance, but no evidence of her whereabouts was found. The case attracted national attention and even inspired a young writer named J.D. Salinger to pen a short story loosely based on Paula's disappearance.

The Investigation: Search Parties and False Leads

Initial Search and Rescue Efforts:

In the early days of the investigation, search parties combed the area surrounding the Long Trail and Glastenbury Mountain. They found no sign of Paula, but they did uncover a shelter she had built out of twigs and branches.

It appeared she had been planning to spend the night in the woods, suggesting she may have lost her way or been unable to return to campus before dark.

False Leads and Unsubstantiated Sightings:

As the search continued, several false leads emerged, including sightings of Paula in New York City and Canada. These reports were investigated but dismissed as unfounded. Despite numerous tips and leads, none of them led to Paula's whereabouts.

Search Party Efforts:

Paula's disappearance inspired one of the largest search-and-rescue operations in Vermont's history. The search involved thousands of volunteers, including Bennington College students, local residents, and members of the National Guard. The search continued for weeks, but it was eventually scaled back due to the lack of new leads.

Theories and Speculation: What Happened to Paula?

Runaway Theory:

One theory is that Paula ran away from Bennington College and started a new life elsewhere. However, there is no evidence to support this theory, and her family and friends have always maintained that she was happy and had no reason to leave.

Foul Play Theory:

Another theory is that Paula was the victim of foul play. Some believe she was abducted and murdered by a stranger or someone she knew.

Others speculate that she was the victim of a serial killer operating in the area at the time. However, no evidence of foul play has ever been found.

Wilderness Accidents Theory:

It is also possible that Paula got lost or injured in the woods and died of exposure, starvation, or dehydration.

However, this theory seems unlikely given Paula's experience as a camper and hiker, as well as the extensive search-and-rescue efforts that were conducted.

Alien Abduction Theory:

Finally, some have suggested that Paula was abducted by aliens. However, this theory has no credibility and is dismissed by most investigators.

Despite decades of investigation and speculation, the case of Paula Jean Welden remains unsolved.

Her disappearance is a haunting mystery that has captivated and perplexed generations of investigators and amateur sleuths alike.

The Aftermath: The Impact of Paula's Disappearance on Her Family and Community

Effects on Paula's Family:

The disappearance of Paula Jean Welden left a permanent scar on her family. The family was devastated by the sudden disappearance of their daughter and sister. They had lost all hope of finding her alive, but they held on to the hope that someday they would find her remains.

The family searched for Paula for years, but all their efforts were in vain. Her parents died without ever knowing what happened to their daughter. Her siblings also struggled to cope with the loss and the uncertainty surrounding her disappearance.

Effects on the Community:

The disappearance of Paula Jean Welden had a profound effect on the community. The local authorities conducted an extensive search for the missing hiker, but they were unable to find any trace of her.

The incident sparked fear and panic among the residents of the nearby towns. People started to avoid hiking in the mountains, and the tourism industry in the area suffered a severe blow.

The disappearance of Paula Jean Welden also brought about a change in the way missing persons cases were handled. It drew attention to the need for more effective and efficient search and rescue operations, and policies were implemented to improve the handling of missing persons cases.

Legal Actions and Policy Changes Resulting from Paula's Disappearance:

The disappearance of Paula Jean Welden resulted in significant legal changes and policy reforms. It led to the implementation of new policies for handling missing person cases, particularly in national park areas.

The case also led to the establishment of the Vermont Missing Persons Clearinghouse, a program that assists with missing person cases in Vermont.

The case also prompted the implementation of stricter regulations for hiking and camping in the mountains. Hiking trails were made safer, with more signposts and markers. New safety regulations were introduced to prevent hikers from getting lost or injured.

Cold Case: The Continuing Search for Answers

Progress Made in Recent Years:

In recent years, there have been new developments in the search for Paula Jean Welden.

The case has been reopened and extensive efforts have been made to find new evidence and leads. The authorities have also turned to modern techniques such as DNA testing and forensic analysis to reexamine old evidence.

Despite this, there has been no substantial breakthrough in the case. Paula Jean Welden remains a missing person, and the search for her continues.

Current Status of the Investigation:

The investigation into the disappearance of Paula Jean Welden is still ongoing. New leads and tips continue to come in, and the authorities are actively pursuing them. The case remains one of the most high-profile and enduring mysteries in the history of Vermont.

The Legacy of Paula Jean Welden: Remembering the Missing Hiker

Paula's Place in History:

Paula Jean Welden's disappearance has become a part of Vermont's history. Her tragedy has sparked a lot of discussions about missing persons' cases and the need for improved search and rescue efforts. Her story has been featured in numerous books, movies, and documentaries.

Memorials and Tributes:

In memory of Paula Jean Welden, a memorial plaque was installed at the Long Trail Footbridge in the southern part of the Green Mountains, close to where she was last seen. The plaque serves as a reminder of the enduring mystery of her disappearance and a tribute to her memory.

The Renewed Interest: Recent Developments in Paula's Case

Media Attention in Recent Years:

In recent years, Paula Jean Welden's case has garnered renewed media attention. The story has been featured in several documentaries, podcasts, and news articles. The renewed interest has sparked new discussions about the case and has led to an influx of new tips and leads.

New Discoveries or Revelations in the Case:

Despite the renewed interest, there have been no significant discoveries or revelations in the case. The investigation remains ongoing, and the authorities continue to explore every lead and piece of evidence in their search for answers. However, due to the recent developments in technology and forensic science, there is still hope that the case may someday be solved.


Despite decades of investigations and search efforts, Paula Jean Welden's case remains unsolved. Her disappearance has had a profound impact on her family, friends, and the community as a whole.

The mystery surrounding her vanishing has led to numerous theories and speculation, but the truth remains unknown. The story of Paula Jean Welden serves as a reminder of the importance of valuing and protecting human life, and the need for answers and closure in cases of unsolved disappearances.


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